
时间:2021-01-13 01:19:08

I want to set delay in javascript code so that XML file generated before running of javascript . Here is my html code


<body onLoad="Func1Delay()">
<div id="map"></div>

In this Func1Delay() function i have written code to delay execution of javascript


function Func1Delay()
    setTimeout("load()", 3000);

load() is javascript function ? how can i delay execution of javascript code so that xml file successfully generated before code execution??


3 个解决方案



Seems like your downloadUrl function provides a callback. The callback function fires automatically, after the XML is loaded. You do not need a 3 second delay, just move your logic inside the callback function. Something like this:


function Func1Delay() {
    downloadUrl("location.xml", function (data) {
        var xml = data.responseXML;
        // do any thing with xml, it is loaded!
        // alert(xml);



That's how you do it, except you don't want to use a string (although it works — provided you have a function called load defined at global scope). setTimeout schedules a function to be called a given number of milliseconds later.

你就是这样做的,除了你不想使用字符串(虽然它有效 - 只要你有一个名为load在全局范围内定义的函数)。 setTimeout计划一个函数,以便稍后调用给定的毫秒数。

It's better to give it an actual function reference:


function Func1Delay() {
    setTimeout(load, 3000);

    function load() {
        // Stuff to do three seconds later

Note that the event you're using to trigger it, the onload of body, already happens really, really late in the page load cycle, and so whatever you're waiting for may already be done; conversely, if it might take more than three seconds, you might not be waiting long enough. So if there's something you can check to see whether it's done or not, you can poll, like this:


function Func1Delay() {


    function check() {
        if (theWorkIsDone) {
            // Do something with the work
        else {
            // Check back in 100ms (1/10th of a second)
            setTimeout(check, 100);



You want the function to execute as soon as possible, but in every case after your xml has been successfully generated.


In this case you should prevent using a fixed amount of time (because you don't know the value exactly), but try the following:


function load(){

    if (/*check here if the xml has *not yet* been generated*/){
          setTimeout(load,50); // try again in 50 milliseconds

    // do your stuff here

This loops as long as your xml is not ready, and kicks in as soon as it's available.


General about setTimeout:


You can pass a string, but this is highly discouraged from for several reasons. Instead pass a function reference or a function like this:


// function reference
setTimeout(load,3000) // no `()` !

// function
setTimeout( function(){load()},3000)

If you need paramters be passed to the function, you can't use the first option but need to use the second one, where you can easily pass them load(params).


If you pass a function like this: setTimeout(load(),3000) it executes the function load and passes its return value to the timeout. You however want the function invoked after 3 seconds and thus only pass the reference to the function.


Notice however, that you have a different scope if you execute the functions this way.




Seems like your downloadUrl function provides a callback. The callback function fires automatically, after the XML is loaded. You do not need a 3 second delay, just move your logic inside the callback function. Something like this:


function Func1Delay() {
    downloadUrl("location.xml", function (data) {
        var xml = data.responseXML;
        // do any thing with xml, it is loaded!
        // alert(xml);



That's how you do it, except you don't want to use a string (although it works — provided you have a function called load defined at global scope). setTimeout schedules a function to be called a given number of milliseconds later.

你就是这样做的,除了你不想使用字符串(虽然它有效 - 只要你有一个名为load在全局范围内定义的函数)。 setTimeout计划一个函数,以便稍后调用给定的毫秒数。

It's better to give it an actual function reference:


function Func1Delay() {
    setTimeout(load, 3000);

    function load() {
        // Stuff to do three seconds later

Note that the event you're using to trigger it, the onload of body, already happens really, really late in the page load cycle, and so whatever you're waiting for may already be done; conversely, if it might take more than three seconds, you might not be waiting long enough. So if there's something you can check to see whether it's done or not, you can poll, like this:


function Func1Delay() {


    function check() {
        if (theWorkIsDone) {
            // Do something with the work
        else {
            // Check back in 100ms (1/10th of a second)
            setTimeout(check, 100);



You want the function to execute as soon as possible, but in every case after your xml has been successfully generated.


In this case you should prevent using a fixed amount of time (because you don't know the value exactly), but try the following:


function load(){

    if (/*check here if the xml has *not yet* been generated*/){
          setTimeout(load,50); // try again in 50 milliseconds

    // do your stuff here

This loops as long as your xml is not ready, and kicks in as soon as it's available.


General about setTimeout:


You can pass a string, but this is highly discouraged from for several reasons. Instead pass a function reference or a function like this:


// function reference
setTimeout(load,3000) // no `()` !

// function
setTimeout( function(){load()},3000)

If you need paramters be passed to the function, you can't use the first option but need to use the second one, where you can easily pass them load(params).


If you pass a function like this: setTimeout(load(),3000) it executes the function load and passes its return value to the timeout. You however want the function invoked after 3 seconds and thus only pass the reference to the function.


Notice however, that you have a different scope if you execute the functions this way.
