
时间:2021-12-25 01:15:27

So far my search has shown the potential security holes that will be made while trying to perform a sudo'd command from within PHP.


My current problem is that I need to run a bash script as sudo on my work web server via PHP's exec() function. We currently host a little less than 200 websites. The website that will be doing this is restricted to only be accessible from my office's IP address. Will this remove any potential security issues that come with any of the available solutions?


One of the ways is to add the apache user to the sudoers file, I assume this will apply to the entire server so will still pose an issue on all other websites.


Is there any solution that will not pose a security threat when used on a website that has access restricted to our office?


Thanks in advance.


Edit: A brief background


Here's a brief description of exactly what I'm trying to achieve. The company I work for develops websites for tourism related businesses, amongst other things. At the moment when creating a new website I would need to setup a hosting package which includes: creating the directory structure for the new site, creating an apache config file which is included into httpd.conf, adding a new FTP user, creating a new database for use with the website CMS to name a few.


At the moment I have a bash script on the server which creates the directory structure, adds user, creates apache config file and gracefully restarts apache. That's just one part, what I'm looking to do is use this shell script in a PHP script to automate the entire website generation process in an easy to use way, for other colleagues and just general efficiency.


1 个解决方案



You have at least 4 options:


  1. Add the apache user to the sudoers file (and restrict it to run the one command!)
    • In this case some security hole in your php-apps may run the script too (if they can include the calling php for example - or even bypass the restriction to your ip by using another url that also calls the script, mod_rewrite)
    • 在这种情况下,你的php-apps中的一些安全漏洞也可以运行脚本(例如,如果它们可以包括调用php - 或者甚至通过使用另一个也调用脚本的url绕过对你的ip的限制,mod_rewrite)

  2. 将apache用户添加到sudoers文件中(并限制它运行一个命令!)在这种情况下,php-apps中的一些安全漏洞也可以运行脚本(例如,如果它们可以包含调用php,或者甚至绕过通过使用另一个也调用脚本的url来限制你的ip,mod_rewrite)

  3. Flag the script with the s bit
    • Dangerous, don't do it.
    • 危险,不要这样做。

  4. 用s bit Dangerous标记脚本,不要这样做。

  5. Run another web server that only binds to a local interface and is not accessible from outside
    • This is my prefered solution, since the link calling the php is accessible by links from your main webserver and the security can be handled seperately. You can even create a new user for this server. Some simple server does the job, there are server modules for python and perl for example. It is not even necessary, that you enable exec in your php installation at all!
    • 这是我首选的解决方案,因为调用php的链接可以通过主Web服务器的链接访问,安全性可以单独处理。您甚至可以为此服务器创建新用户。一些简单的服务器完成这项工作,例如有python和perl的服务器模块。甚至没有必要在php安装中启用exec!

  6. 运行另一个仅绑定到本地接口且无法从外部访问的Web服务器这是我首选的解决方案,因为调用php的链接可以通过主Web服务器的链接访问,并且可以单独处理安全性。您甚至可以为此服务器创建新用户。一些简单的服务器完成这项工作,例如有python和perl的服务器模块。甚至没有必要在php安装中启用exec!

  7. Run a daemon (inotify for example, to watch file events) or cronjob that reads some file or db-entry and then runs the command
    • This may be too complex and has the disadvantage, that the daemon can not check which script has generated the entry.
    • 这可能过于复杂并且具有缺点,即守护程序无法检查哪个脚本生成了该条目。

  8. 运行一个守护进程(例如,inotify,以监视文件事件)或cronjob读取某些文件或db-entry然后运行命令这可能太复杂并且有缺点,守护进程无法检查哪个脚本生成了该条目。



You have at least 4 options:


  1. Add the apache user to the sudoers file (and restrict it to run the one command!)
    • In this case some security hole in your php-apps may run the script too (if they can include the calling php for example - or even bypass the restriction to your ip by using another url that also calls the script, mod_rewrite)
    • 在这种情况下,你的php-apps中的一些安全漏洞也可以运行脚本(例如,如果它们可以包括调用php - 或者甚至通过使用另一个也调用脚本的url绕过对你的ip的限制,mod_rewrite)

  2. 将apache用户添加到sudoers文件中(并限制它运行一个命令!)在这种情况下,php-apps中的一些安全漏洞也可以运行脚本(例如,如果它们可以包含调用php,或者甚至绕过通过使用另一个也调用脚本的url来限制你的ip,mod_rewrite)

  3. Flag the script with the s bit
    • Dangerous, don't do it.
    • 危险,不要这样做。

  4. 用s bit Dangerous标记脚本,不要这样做。

  5. Run another web server that only binds to a local interface and is not accessible from outside
    • This is my prefered solution, since the link calling the php is accessible by links from your main webserver and the security can be handled seperately. You can even create a new user for this server. Some simple server does the job, there are server modules for python and perl for example. It is not even necessary, that you enable exec in your php installation at all!
    • 这是我首选的解决方案,因为调用php的链接可以通过主Web服务器的链接访问,安全性可以单独处理。您甚至可以为此服务器创建新用户。一些简单的服务器完成这项工作,例如有python和perl的服务器模块。甚至没有必要在php安装中启用exec!

  6. 运行另一个仅绑定到本地接口且无法从外部访问的Web服务器这是我首选的解决方案,因为调用php的链接可以通过主Web服务器的链接访问,并且可以单独处理安全性。您甚至可以为此服务器创建新用户。一些简单的服务器完成这项工作,例如有python和perl的服务器模块。甚至没有必要在php安装中启用exec!

  7. Run a daemon (inotify for example, to watch file events) or cronjob that reads some file or db-entry and then runs the command
    • This may be too complex and has the disadvantage, that the daemon can not check which script has generated the entry.
    • 这可能过于复杂并且具有缺点,即守护程序无法检查哪个脚本生成了该条目。

  8. 运行一个守护进程(例如,inotify,以监视文件事件)或cronjob读取某些文件或db-entry然后运行命令这可能太复杂并且有缺点,守护进程无法检查哪个脚本生成了该条目。