I'm using Ruby on Rails 5.1 with ActionCable. I would like to use minitest to test a particular method, and mock the "ActionCable.server.broadcast" call to verify I'm sending out the right data I have
我正在使用带有ActionCable的Ruby on Rails 5.1。我想使用minitest测试一个特定的方法,并模拟“ActionCable.server.broadcast”调用以验证我发送的数据是否正确
module MyModule
class Scanner
def trasmit
ActionCable.server.broadcast "my_channel", data: msg_data
but I don't know how in my minitest class I can verify that the ActionCable broadcast the correct message data.
2 个解决方案
Rails ActionCable source is already well enough tested to ensure it works, so we know that broadcasting work if we just call ActionCable with the right parameters.
Rails ActionCable源已经经过充分测试以确保其正常工作,因此我们知道如果我们只使用正确的参数调用ActionCable就可以进行广播工作。
If you have a socket-heavy application I recommend trying out action-cable-testing which has lots of helper to verify that ActionCable actually broadcasts something.
You can check if your method broadcasts X times to a specific channel:
class ScannerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
include ActionCable::TestHelper
def test_my_broadcaster
channel_name = 'my_channel'
assert_broadcasts channel_name, 0
# run your method (e.g. trasmit)
assert_broadcasts channel_name, 1
Or verify that the expected data was sent to the channel:
class ScannerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
include ActionCable::TestHelper
def test_my_broadcaster
channel_name = 'my_channel'
expected_data = { :hello => "world" }
assert_broadcast_on(channel_name, data: expected_data) do
# run your trasmit method here which should call:
ActionCable.server.broadcast channel_name, data: expected_data
This Gem might be part of the Rails core soon so it's definitely worth a look especially if you are testing other parts of ActionCable which sooner or later might be too much work to mock. (E.g. sign in with a specific user).
这个Gem可能很快就会成为Rails核心的一部分,所以它绝对值得一看,特别是如果你正在测试ActionCable的其他部分,这些部分迟早可能需要太多的工作来模拟。 (例如,与特定用户一起登录)。
I suggest using mocks (I use the mocha gem for mocking) to test the broadcast. Here is a simple example:
我建议使用模拟(我使用mocha gem进行模拟)来测试广播。这是一个简单的例子:
channel_name = 'my_channel'
msg_data = 'hello'
broadcast = mock
server = mock
server.expects(:broadcast).with(channel_name, data: msg_data).returns(broadcast)
This way you are mocking all ActionCable.server
calls but are testing that they are called with the right parameters.
Rails ActionCable source is already well enough tested to ensure it works, so we know that broadcasting work if we just call ActionCable with the right parameters.
Rails ActionCable源已经经过充分测试以确保其正常工作,因此我们知道如果我们只使用正确的参数调用ActionCable就可以进行广播工作。
If you have a socket-heavy application I recommend trying out action-cable-testing which has lots of helper to verify that ActionCable actually broadcasts something.
You can check if your method broadcasts X times to a specific channel:
class ScannerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
include ActionCable::TestHelper
def test_my_broadcaster
channel_name = 'my_channel'
assert_broadcasts channel_name, 0
# run your method (e.g. trasmit)
assert_broadcasts channel_name, 1
Or verify that the expected data was sent to the channel:
class ScannerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
include ActionCable::TestHelper
def test_my_broadcaster
channel_name = 'my_channel'
expected_data = { :hello => "world" }
assert_broadcast_on(channel_name, data: expected_data) do
# run your trasmit method here which should call:
ActionCable.server.broadcast channel_name, data: expected_data
This Gem might be part of the Rails core soon so it's definitely worth a look especially if you are testing other parts of ActionCable which sooner or later might be too much work to mock. (E.g. sign in with a specific user).
这个Gem可能很快就会成为Rails核心的一部分,所以它绝对值得一看,特别是如果你正在测试ActionCable的其他部分,这些部分迟早可能需要太多的工作来模拟。 (例如,与特定用户一起登录)。
I suggest using mocks (I use the mocha gem for mocking) to test the broadcast. Here is a simple example:
我建议使用模拟(我使用mocha gem进行模拟)来测试广播。这是一个简单的例子:
channel_name = 'my_channel'
msg_data = 'hello'
broadcast = mock
server = mock
server.expects(:broadcast).with(channel_name, data: msg_data).returns(broadcast)
This way you are mocking all ActionCable.server
calls but are testing that they are called with the right parameters.