
时间:2022-04-12 01:15:21

NOTICE: Feedback on how the question can be improved would be great as I am still learning, I understand there is no code because I am confident it does not need fixing. I have researched online a great deal and cannot seem to find the answer to my question. My script works as it should when I change the parameters to produce less outputs so I know it works just fine. I have debugged the script and got no errors. When my parameters are changed to produce more outputs and the script runs for hours then it stops. My goal for the question below is to determine if linux will timeout a process running over time (or something related) and, if, how it can be resolved.


I am running a shell script that has several for loops which does the following:


- Goes through existing files and copies data into a newly saved/named file
- Makes changes to the data in each file
- Submits these files (which number in the thousands) to another system

The script is very basic (beginner here) but so long as I don't give it too much to generate, it works as it should. However if I want it to loop through all possible cases which means I will generates 10's of thousands of files, then after a certain amount of time the shell script just stops running.


I have more than enough hard drive storage to support all the files being created. One thing to note however is that during the part where files are being submitted, if the machine they are submitted to is full at that moment in time, the shell script I'm running will have to pause where it is and wait for the other machine to clear. This process works for a certain amount of time but eventually the shell script stops running and won't continue.


Is there a way to make it continue or prevent it from stopping? I typed control + Z to suspend the script and then fg to resume but it still does nothing. I check the status by typing ls -la to see if the file size is increasing and it is not although top/ps says the script is still running.

有没有办法让它继续或阻止它停止?我键入control + Z来暂停脚本,然后fg继续,但它仍然没有做任何事情。我通过键入ls -la检查状态以查看文件大小是否正在增加,尽管top / ps表示脚本仍在运行。

1 个解决方案



Assuming that you are using 'Bash' for your script - most likely, you are running out of 'system resources' for your shell session. Also most likely, the manner in which your script works is causing the issue. Without seeing your script it will be difficult to provide additional guidance, however, you can check several items at the 'system level' that may assist you, i.e.

假设您正在为脚本使用“Bash” - 很可能,您的shell会话的“系统资源”已用完。最有可能的是,脚本的工作方式也会导致问题。如果没有看到您的脚本,将很难提供额外的指导,但是,您可以在“系统级别”检查可能对您有所帮助的几个项目,即

  • review system logs for errors about your process or about 'system resources'
  • 查看系统日志,查看有关您的流程或“系统资源”的错误

  • check your docs: man ulimit (or 'man bash' and search for 'ulimit')
  • 检查你的文档:man ulimit(或'man bash'并搜索'ulimit')

  • consider removing 'deep nesting' (if present); instead, create work sets where step one builds the 'data' needed for the next step, i.e. if possible, instead of:


    step 1 (all files) ## guessing this is what you are doing
    step 2 (all files)
    step 3 (all files


Try each step for each file - Something like:

尝试每个文件的每个步骤 - 如下所示:

for MY_FILE in ${FILE_LIST}   




Assuming that you are using 'Bash' for your script - most likely, you are running out of 'system resources' for your shell session. Also most likely, the manner in which your script works is causing the issue. Without seeing your script it will be difficult to provide additional guidance, however, you can check several items at the 'system level' that may assist you, i.e.

假设您正在为脚本使用“Bash” - 很可能,您的shell会话的“系统资源”已用完。最有可能的是,脚本的工作方式也会导致问题。如果没有看到您的脚本,将很难提供额外的指导,但是,您可以在“系统级别”检查可能对您有所帮助的几个项目,即

  • review system logs for errors about your process or about 'system resources'
  • 查看系统日志,查看有关您的流程或“系统资源”的错误

  • check your docs: man ulimit (or 'man bash' and search for 'ulimit')
  • 检查你的文档:man ulimit(或'man bash'并搜索'ulimit')

  • consider removing 'deep nesting' (if present); instead, create work sets where step one builds the 'data' needed for the next step, i.e. if possible, instead of:


    step 1 (all files) ## guessing this is what you are doing
    step 2 (all files)
    step 3 (all files


Try each step for each file - Something like:

尝试每个文件的每个步骤 - 如下所示:

for MY_FILE in ${FILE_LIST}   
