I have written a few Perl scripts that allow me to do my job faster. Each of these scripts is run with a command like this:
perl PerlScript.pl InFile > OutFile
Both InFile and OutFile are generally tab-delimited files that the rest of my workplace only sees as Excel file. My coworkers would benefit from using these scripts but they are intimidated by the idea of running programs from a command line. Is there some way to run a Perl script from a more user-friendly interface like a GUI? My ideal solution would allow them to drag an Excel file into a folder and click a button with the mouse which would produce a new Excel file they could drag back to wherever they need it.
I know nothing about Visual Basic other than that it exists but I have an inkling it might be useful to this problem. Is it possible to run Perl scripts within a Visual Basic script? Is it reasonable to think that someone who is afraid of the command line and computer science in general will be able to comfortably run Visual Basic scripts?
我对Visual Basic一无所知,只知道它的存在,但我觉得它可能对这个问题有用。是否可以在Visual Basic脚本中运行Perl脚本?认为害怕命令行和计算机科学的人能够轻松地运行Visual Basic脚本是合理的吗?
NOTE: I use a Mac OS as do most of my coworkers. A Windows-specific solution would be good because we have a few Windows computers dedicated to tasks that, for whatever reason, are easier done on a Windows OS.
注意:我和我的大多数同事都使用Mac OS。一个特定于Windows的解决方案会很好,因为我们有一些专门用于任务的Windows电脑,不管出于什么原因,在Windows操作系统上更容易完成。
2 个解决方案
This sounds like a perfect application for an OSX Folder Action
. Basically, you start the Automator
and tell it you want to create a Folder Action
and it gives you a split screen where the things you can do are on the left and you develop your script on the right.
Drag the action Run shell script
from the left side to the right and select which folder it is to apply to at the top. Then change it from running bash
to using the Perl interpreter in /usr/bin/perl
and paste your script in.
将操作Run shell脚本从左边拖到右边,并在顶部选择要应用的文件夹。然后将其从运行bash更改为在/usr/bin/perl中使用Perl解释器,并将脚本粘贴进来。
Then all you need to do is drop a file on the folder and it will run the Perl script on it.
You could share that folder with your Windows users using Samba in System Preferences-> Sharing
so they benefit from the power of OS X.
您可以在系统首选项中使用Samba与Windows用户共享该文件夹——>共享,以便他们受益于OS X的强大功能。
You can do this in VBA with the Shell
command. This is an example in a Windows environment. I'm not sure how well the commands work in a OSX environment.
Thanks to Onorio Catenacci for some code stolen outright.
感谢Onorio Catenacci发来的一些直接窃取的代码。
Public Const CmdPath = "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
Public Const PerlExecPath = "C:\path\to\perl\bin\perl.exe"
Public Const ScriptPath = "C:\Temp\script.pl"
Public Const OutputDir = "C:\Temp"
Function FileExists(ByVal FileToTest As String) As Boolean
FileExists = (Dir(FileToTest) <> "")
End Function
Function GetWorkbookIfLoaded(ByVal FileName As String) As Workbook
Dim lWbName As String
lWbName = Dir(FileName)
If lWbName = "" Then
lWbName = FileName
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set GetWorkbookIfLoaded = Workbooks(lWbName)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function DeleteFile(ByVal FileToDelete As String)
Dim lUserOK As Boolean
Dim lReturn As Boolean
Dim lWbName As String
Dim oBk As Workbook
lUserOK = True
lWbName = Dir(FileToDelete)
lReturn = (lWbName = "")
If Not lReturn Then
Set oBk = GetWorkbookIfLoaded(lWbName)
If Not oBk Is Nothing Then
Set oBk = GetWorkbookIfLoaded(lWbName)
lUserOK = (oBk Is Nothing)
End If
If lUserOK Then
SetAttr FileToDelete, vbNormal
Kill FileToDelete
lReturn = True
End If
End If
DeleteFile = lReturn
End Function
Sub CreateNewExcel()
Dim lProceed As Boolean
Dim lRetVal As Double
Dim lMsgResult As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim lOutputPath As String
Dim lCommand As String
lOutputPath = OutputDir & "\output.tab"
lCommand _
= CmdPath & " /C " & PerlExecPath & " -e " _
& Chr(34) & "print qq[${\(scalar localtime)}\t1\t2\t3\t4\n]" _
& Chr$(34) & " > " & lOutputPath
lProceed = DeleteFile(lOutputPath)
If Not lProceed Then Exit Sub
lRetVal = Shell(lCommand, vbHide)
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
If lRetVal = 0 Or Not FileExists(lOutputPath) Then
MsgBox ("Failed to run script")
Workbooks.Open (lOutputPath)
End If
End Sub
I had to throw in an Application.Wait
call because the the test for the file existence would sometimes catch the not-yet-deleted file, or not catch the not-fully-created file.
I did find some stuff on executing stuff in an Apple environment elsewhere on *.
This sounds like a perfect application for an OSX Folder Action
. Basically, you start the Automator
and tell it you want to create a Folder Action
and it gives you a split screen where the things you can do are on the left and you develop your script on the right.
Drag the action Run shell script
from the left side to the right and select which folder it is to apply to at the top. Then change it from running bash
to using the Perl interpreter in /usr/bin/perl
and paste your script in.
将操作Run shell脚本从左边拖到右边,并在顶部选择要应用的文件夹。然后将其从运行bash更改为在/usr/bin/perl中使用Perl解释器,并将脚本粘贴进来。
Then all you need to do is drop a file on the folder and it will run the Perl script on it.
You could share that folder with your Windows users using Samba in System Preferences-> Sharing
so they benefit from the power of OS X.
您可以在系统首选项中使用Samba与Windows用户共享该文件夹——>共享,以便他们受益于OS X的强大功能。
You can do this in VBA with the Shell
command. This is an example in a Windows environment. I'm not sure how well the commands work in a OSX environment.
Thanks to Onorio Catenacci for some code stolen outright.
感谢Onorio Catenacci发来的一些直接窃取的代码。
Public Const CmdPath = "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
Public Const PerlExecPath = "C:\path\to\perl\bin\perl.exe"
Public Const ScriptPath = "C:\Temp\script.pl"
Public Const OutputDir = "C:\Temp"
Function FileExists(ByVal FileToTest As String) As Boolean
FileExists = (Dir(FileToTest) <> "")
End Function
Function GetWorkbookIfLoaded(ByVal FileName As String) As Workbook
Dim lWbName As String
lWbName = Dir(FileName)
If lWbName = "" Then
lWbName = FileName
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set GetWorkbookIfLoaded = Workbooks(lWbName)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function DeleteFile(ByVal FileToDelete As String)
Dim lUserOK As Boolean
Dim lReturn As Boolean
Dim lWbName As String
Dim oBk As Workbook
lUserOK = True
lWbName = Dir(FileToDelete)
lReturn = (lWbName = "")
If Not lReturn Then
Set oBk = GetWorkbookIfLoaded(lWbName)
If Not oBk Is Nothing Then
Set oBk = GetWorkbookIfLoaded(lWbName)
lUserOK = (oBk Is Nothing)
End If
If lUserOK Then
SetAttr FileToDelete, vbNormal
Kill FileToDelete
lReturn = True
End If
End If
DeleteFile = lReturn
End Function
Sub CreateNewExcel()
Dim lProceed As Boolean
Dim lRetVal As Double
Dim lMsgResult As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim lOutputPath As String
Dim lCommand As String
lOutputPath = OutputDir & "\output.tab"
lCommand _
= CmdPath & " /C " & PerlExecPath & " -e " _
& Chr(34) & "print qq[${\(scalar localtime)}\t1\t2\t3\t4\n]" _
& Chr$(34) & " > " & lOutputPath
lProceed = DeleteFile(lOutputPath)
If Not lProceed Then Exit Sub
lRetVal = Shell(lCommand, vbHide)
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
If lRetVal = 0 Or Not FileExists(lOutputPath) Then
MsgBox ("Failed to run script")
Workbooks.Open (lOutputPath)
End If
End Sub
I had to throw in an Application.Wait
call because the the test for the file existence would sometimes catch the not-yet-deleted file, or not catch the not-fully-created file.
I did find some stuff on executing stuff in an Apple environment elsewhere on *.