如何使用angular-fullstack生成器语法使用$ scope和$ watch?

时间:2020-12-24 01:09:49

I am using the angular-fullstack generator to generate new routes for my application. The syntax is really unfamiliar and uses a class-like structure. How do I work with this to inject things like $scope and $watch? The main thing I want to do is watch for a change for a particular variable. The syntax is below. Anybody know how to work with this?

我正在使用angular-fullstack生成器为我的应用程序生成新路由。语法真的很陌生,并且使用类似于类的结构。我如何使用它来注入$ scope和$ watch之类的东西?我想做的主要是观察特定变量的变化。语法如下。有谁知道如何使用它?

'use strict';

(function() {

class MainController {

  constructor($http) {
    this.$http = $http;
    this.awesomeThings = [];

    $http.get('/api/things').then(response => {
      this.awesomeThings = response.data;

  addThing() {
    if (this.newThing) {
      this.$http.post('/api/things', { name: this.newThing });
      this.newThing = '';

  deleteThing(thing) {
    this.$http.delete('/api/things/' + thing._id);

  .controller('MainController', MainController);


How do I inject $watch so that I can do something like:

如何注入$ watch以便我可以执行以下操作:

this.$watch('awasomeThings', function () { ... });

1 个解决方案



They are intending (my assumption) for you to use Angular's controllerAs syntax. When you do that, you end up using $scope a lot less (if at all).

他们打算(我的假设)让你使用Angular的controllerAs语法。当你这样做时,你最终使用$ scope(如果有的话)。

The reason is that your views no longer bind directly to the scope, they bind to properties of the controller. So in your MyController example above, the views can access the array of awesomeThings using a name for the controller that you supply:


<body ng-controller="MyController as myCtl">
  <p ng-repeat="thing in myCtl.awesomeThings">{{thing}}</p>

One case where you still need to use the $scope is when you want to use $scope.$watch(). In this case, inject the $scope into your controller, the same way it's being done with $http above:

你仍然需要使用$ scope的一种情况是你想使用$ scope。$ watch()。在这种情况下,将$ scope注入您的控制器,就像上面的$ http一样:

class MyController {

  constructor($scope) {
    // use the $scope.$watch here or keep a reference to it so you can
    // call $scope.$watch from a method
    this.$scope = $scope; 


PS: This syntax is most likely ES6 but I could be wrong ... I use Typescript which looks very similar.




They are intending (my assumption) for you to use Angular's controllerAs syntax. When you do that, you end up using $scope a lot less (if at all).

他们打算(我的假设)让你使用Angular的controllerAs语法。当你这样做时,你最终使用$ scope(如果有的话)。

The reason is that your views no longer bind directly to the scope, they bind to properties of the controller. So in your MyController example above, the views can access the array of awesomeThings using a name for the controller that you supply:


<body ng-controller="MyController as myCtl">
  <p ng-repeat="thing in myCtl.awesomeThings">{{thing}}</p>

One case where you still need to use the $scope is when you want to use $scope.$watch(). In this case, inject the $scope into your controller, the same way it's being done with $http above:

你仍然需要使用$ scope的一种情况是你想使用$ scope。$ watch()。在这种情况下,将$ scope注入您的控制器,就像上面的$ http一样:

class MyController {

  constructor($scope) {
    // use the $scope.$watch here or keep a reference to it so you can
    // call $scope.$watch from a method
    this.$scope = $scope; 


PS: This syntax is most likely ES6 but I could be wrong ... I use Typescript which looks very similar.
