
时间:2021-09-16 01:07:47

I have a bash script that does ssh to a remote machine and executes a command there, like:


ssh -nxv user@remotehost echo "hello world"

When I execute the command from a command line it works fine, but it fails when is being executed as a part of crontab (errorcode=255 - cannot establish SSH connection). Details:

当我从命令行执行命令时它工作正常,但是当作为crontab的一部分执行时它失败(errorcode = 255 - 无法建立SSH连接)。细节:

Waiting for server public key.
Received server public key and host key.
Host 'remotehost' is known and matches the XXX host key.
Remote: Your host key cannot be verified: unknown or invalid host key.
Server refused our host key.
Trying XXX authentication with key '...'
Server refused our key.

When executing locally I'm acting as a root, crontab works as root as well. Executing 'id' from crontab and command line gives exactly the same result:


$ id
> uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),...

I do ssh from some local machine to the machine running crond. I have ssh key and credentials to ssh to crond machine and any other machine that the scripts connects to.


PS. Please do not ask/complain/comment that executing anything as root is bad/wrong/etc - it is not the purpose of this question.

PS。请不要问/抱怨/评论以root身份执行任何错误/错误/等等 - 这不是这个问题的目的。

5 个解决方案


I am guessing that normally when you ssh from your local machine to the machine running crond, your private key is loaded in ssh-agent and forwarded over the connection. So when you execute the command from the command line, it finds your private key in ssh-agent and uses it to log in to the remote machine.


When crond executes the command, it does not have access to ssh-agent, so cannot use your private key.


You will have to create a new private key for root on the machine running crond, and copy the public part of it to the appropriate authorized_keys file on the remote machine that you want crond to log in to.




solves this in a painless way. It's in the repos for Debian/Ubuntu:

以无痛的方式解决这个问题。它在Debian / Ubuntu的回购中:

sudo apt-get install keychain

and perhaps for many other distros (it looks like it originated from Gentoo).


This program will start an ssh-agent if none is running, and provide shell scripts that can be sourced and connect the current shell to this particular ssh-agent.


For bash, with a private key named id_rsa, add the following to your .profile:


keychain --nogui id_rsa

This will start an ssh-agent and add the id_rsa key on the first login after reboot. If the key is passphrase-protected, it will also ask for the passphrase. No need to use unprotected keys anymore! For subsequent logins, it will recognize the agent and not ask for a passphrase again.


Also, add the following as a last line of your .bashrc:


. ~/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh

This will let the shell know where to reach the SSH agent managed by keychain. Make sure that .bashrc is sourced from .profile.


However, it seems that cron jobs still don't see this. As a remedy, include the line above in the crontab, just before your actual command:


* * * * * . ~/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh; your-actual-command


Don't expose your SSH keys without passphrase. Use ssh-cron instead, which allows you to schedule tasks using SSH agents.



So I had a similar problem. I came here and saw various answers but with some experimentation here is how I got it work with sshkeys with passphrase, ssh-agent and cron.


First off, my ssh setup uses the following script in my bash init script.

首先,我的ssh安装程序在我的bash init脚本中使用以下脚本。

# JFD Added this for ssh

    # start the ssh-agent
    function start_agent {
        echo "Initializing new SSH agent..."
        # spawn ssh-agent
        /usr/bin/ssh-agent | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' > "${SSH_ENV}"
        echo succeeded
        chmod 600 "${SSH_ENV}"
        . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null

    if [ -f "${SSH_ENV}" ]; then
         . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null
         ps -ef | grep ${SSH_AGENT_PID} | grep ssh-agent$ > /dev/null || {

When I login, I enter my passphrase once and then from then on it will use ssh-agent to authenticate me automatically.


The ssh-agent details are kept in .ssh/environment. Here is what that script will look like:

ssh-agent详细信息保存在.ssh / environment中。以下是该脚本的外观:

SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-v3Tbd2Hjw3n9/agent.2089; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
#echo Agent pid 2091;

Regarding cron, you can setup a job as a regular user in various ways. If you run crontab -e as root user it will setup a root user cron. If you run as crontab -u davis -e it will add a cron job as userid davis. Likewise, if you run as user davis and do crontab -e it will create a cron job which runs as userid davis. This can be verified with the following entry:

关于cron,您可以通过各种方式将作业设置为普通用户。如果以root用户身份运行crontab -e,它将设置root用户cron。如果你以crontab -u davis -e运行,它将添加一个cron作为userid davis。同样,如果您以用户davis身份运行并执行crontab -e,它将创建一个以userid davis身份运行的cron作业。这可以通过以下条目进行验证:

30 *  *   *   *     /usr/bin/whoami

This will mail the result of whoami every 30 minutes to user davis. (I did a crontabe -e as user davis.)

这将每30分钟将whoami的结果邮寄给用户davis。 (我做了一个crontabe -e作为用户davis。)

If you try to see what keys are used as user davis, do this:


36 *  *   *   *     /usr/bin/ssh-add -l

It will fail, the log sent by mail will say


To: davis@xxxx.net
Subject: Cron <davis@hostyyy> /usr/bin/ssh-add -l

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.

The solution is to source the env script for ssh-agent above. Here is the resulting cron entry:


55 10  *   *   *     . /home/davis/.ssh/environment; /home/davis/bin/domythingwhichusesgit.sh

This will run the script at 10:55. Notice the leading . in the script. It says to run this script in my environment similar to what is in the .bash init script.

这将在10:55运行脚本。注意领先。在脚本中。它表示在我的环境中运行此脚本类似于.bash init脚本中的脚本。


Yesterday I had similar problem...


I have cron job on one server, which start some action on other server, using ssh... Problem was user permissions, and keys...


in crontab I had


* * * * * php /path/to/script/doSomeJob.php

And it simply didn't work ( didnt have permissions ). I tryed to run cron as specific user, which is connected to other server


* * * * * user php /path/to/script/doSomeJob.php

But with no effect.


Finally, i navicate to script and then execute php file, and it worked..


* * * * * cd /path/to/script/; php doSomeJob.php


I am guessing that normally when you ssh from your local machine to the machine running crond, your private key is loaded in ssh-agent and forwarded over the connection. So when you execute the command from the command line, it finds your private key in ssh-agent and uses it to log in to the remote machine.


When crond executes the command, it does not have access to ssh-agent, so cannot use your private key.


You will have to create a new private key for root on the machine running crond, and copy the public part of it to the appropriate authorized_keys file on the remote machine that you want crond to log in to.




solves this in a painless way. It's in the repos for Debian/Ubuntu:

以无痛的方式解决这个问题。它在Debian / Ubuntu的回购中:

sudo apt-get install keychain

and perhaps for many other distros (it looks like it originated from Gentoo).


This program will start an ssh-agent if none is running, and provide shell scripts that can be sourced and connect the current shell to this particular ssh-agent.


For bash, with a private key named id_rsa, add the following to your .profile:


keychain --nogui id_rsa

This will start an ssh-agent and add the id_rsa key on the first login after reboot. If the key is passphrase-protected, it will also ask for the passphrase. No need to use unprotected keys anymore! For subsequent logins, it will recognize the agent and not ask for a passphrase again.


Also, add the following as a last line of your .bashrc:


. ~/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh

This will let the shell know where to reach the SSH agent managed by keychain. Make sure that .bashrc is sourced from .profile.


However, it seems that cron jobs still don't see this. As a remedy, include the line above in the crontab, just before your actual command:


* * * * * . ~/.keychain/$HOSTNAME-sh; your-actual-command


Don't expose your SSH keys without passphrase. Use ssh-cron instead, which allows you to schedule tasks using SSH agents.



So I had a similar problem. I came here and saw various answers but with some experimentation here is how I got it work with sshkeys with passphrase, ssh-agent and cron.


First off, my ssh setup uses the following script in my bash init script.

首先,我的ssh安装程序在我的bash init脚本中使用以下脚本。

# JFD Added this for ssh

    # start the ssh-agent
    function start_agent {
        echo "Initializing new SSH agent..."
        # spawn ssh-agent
        /usr/bin/ssh-agent | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' > "${SSH_ENV}"
        echo succeeded
        chmod 600 "${SSH_ENV}"
        . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null

    if [ -f "${SSH_ENV}" ]; then
         . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null
         ps -ef | grep ${SSH_AGENT_PID} | grep ssh-agent$ > /dev/null || {

When I login, I enter my passphrase once and then from then on it will use ssh-agent to authenticate me automatically.


The ssh-agent details are kept in .ssh/environment. Here is what that script will look like:

ssh-agent详细信息保存在.ssh / environment中。以下是该脚本的外观:

SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-v3Tbd2Hjw3n9/agent.2089; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
#echo Agent pid 2091;

Regarding cron, you can setup a job as a regular user in various ways. If you run crontab -e as root user it will setup a root user cron. If you run as crontab -u davis -e it will add a cron job as userid davis. Likewise, if you run as user davis and do crontab -e it will create a cron job which runs as userid davis. This can be verified with the following entry:

关于cron,您可以通过各种方式将作业设置为普通用户。如果以root用户身份运行crontab -e,它将设置root用户cron。如果你以crontab -u davis -e运行,它将添加一个cron作为userid davis。同样,如果您以用户davis身份运行并执行crontab -e,它将创建一个以userid davis身份运行的cron作业。这可以通过以下条目进行验证:

30 *  *   *   *     /usr/bin/whoami

This will mail the result of whoami every 30 minutes to user davis. (I did a crontabe -e as user davis.)

这将每30分钟将whoami的结果邮寄给用户davis。 (我做了一个crontabe -e作为用户davis。)

If you try to see what keys are used as user davis, do this:


36 *  *   *   *     /usr/bin/ssh-add -l

It will fail, the log sent by mail will say


To: davis@xxxx.net
Subject: Cron <davis@hostyyy> /usr/bin/ssh-add -l

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.

The solution is to source the env script for ssh-agent above. Here is the resulting cron entry:


55 10  *   *   *     . /home/davis/.ssh/environment; /home/davis/bin/domythingwhichusesgit.sh

This will run the script at 10:55. Notice the leading . in the script. It says to run this script in my environment similar to what is in the .bash init script.

这将在10:55运行脚本。注意领先。在脚本中。它表示在我的环境中运行此脚本类似于.bash init脚本中的脚本。


Yesterday I had similar problem...


I have cron job on one server, which start some action on other server, using ssh... Problem was user permissions, and keys...


in crontab I had


* * * * * php /path/to/script/doSomeJob.php

And it simply didn't work ( didnt have permissions ). I tryed to run cron as specific user, which is connected to other server


* * * * * user php /path/to/script/doSomeJob.php

But with no effect.


Finally, i navicate to script and then execute php file, and it worked..


* * * * * cd /path/to/script/; php doSomeJob.php