wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.26.tar.bz2
bzip2 -d linux-2.6.26.tar.bz2 生成一个linux-2.6.26.tar文件,然后
tar xvf linux-2.6.26.tar
在linux-2.6.26文件夹下建立一个文件夹 myinitramfs
写一个测试用的hello world,起名为hello.c,如下:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
int i = 0;
while (1) {
printf("hello world (%d)\n",i);
return 0;
编译 gcc -static -o init hello.c
cp init myinitramfs/
mkdir myinitramfs/dev
cp -a /dev/console myinitramfs/
在linux-2.6.26文件下下,执行make help。
将看到很多帮助信息,其中有一项是 i386_defconfig
执行 make i386_defconfig,将生成一个.config文件。
make config
在 General Setup --->
Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support (BLK_DEV_INITRD) [Y/n/?]
Initramfs source file(s) (INITRAMFS_SOURCE) [myinitramfs]
make 编译内核
qemu -kernel linux-2.6.26/arch/i386/boot/bzImage -initrd linux-2.6.26/usr/initramfs_data.cpio.gz /dev/zero
initramfs_data.cpio.gz 这个文件是内核自动生成的,具体名字可能不同的系统或者内核有差异,但是后缀应该是.cpio.gz
唔,我们还是把“hello world”作为第一个要放到initramfs中去的程序。事实上,rootfs和其它的root filesystem并没有什么区别,如果你喜欢,你可以放/etc和/usr和/tmp和。。。然后还可以mount /proc 和/sysfs过去。但是这里我们只需要放/init过去。程序的最后我们使用sleeping而不是exiting,这主要是考虑如果PID 1的程序退出,kernel会panic,这会干扰我们的视线。
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("Hello world\n");
gcc -static hello.c -o hello
如果在命令行执行这个小程序,它会打印hello world,让后停在那里。你可以用ctrl-x让它退出。如果是initramfs执行这个程序,我们会看到在boot messages的最后,有个“hello world”被打印。
很多人喜欢把它编译进内核里面去,如果你乐意,你也可以这么做。但是我们现在要用另一种方式。我们可以使能内核的initrd支持,然后用cpio.gz来代替ramdisk(initrd)。聪明的内核会为我们自动检测文件的类型,然后把我们的压缩包解压放进rootfs;它不是创建一个ram disk,这不会影响initramfs内存效率高这一优势。
因为external initramfs是在built-in initramfs之后执行的,所以如果两个档案内包含有同名的内容,独立档案会覆盖掉built-in填进去去的东西。这意味着,你不用修改kernel,就可以update或者是ucstomize你的rootfs而不用换掉你的内核。
那么,怎么制作cpio.gz档案呢?一种方法是你用cpio和gzip命令自己来压缩。当然,你也可以用kernel build来做这个,如果你觉得不是那么麻烦的话。原意自己做的,只需要敲下面这些代码进去...
mkdir sub
cp hello sub/init
cd sub
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../initramfs_data.cpio.gz
cd ..
rm -rf sub
按照传统的使用initrd的方法,把上面生成的initramfs_data.cpio.gz放到该放的地方去(别问我要放哪里,我也还不知道),它就会在boot结束的地方为你打印一朵漂亮的“hello world”,然后等待一段时间并重启。
如果它没有工作,照例的你该查查initial ramdisk支持是不是有被选中,然后看看你的init 程序是不是静态链接的,再看看它是不是又执行权限,或者是名字是不是对的。你可以用下面的命令来解压任何的initramfs档案到当前文件夹:
zcat initramfs_data.cpio.gz | cpio -i -d -H newc --no-absolute-filenames
使用initramfs最简单的方式,莫过于用已经做好的cpio.gz把kernel里面那个空的给换掉。这是2.6 kernel天生支持的,所以,你不用做什么特殊的设置。
kernel的config option里面有一项CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE(I.E. General setup--->Initramfs source file(s) in menuconfig)。这个选项指向放着内核打包initramfs需要的所有文件。默认情况下,这个选项是留空的,所以内核编译出来之后initramfs也就是空的,也就是前面提到的rootfs什么都不做的情形。
CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE 可以是一个绝对路径,也可以是一个从kernel’s top build dir(你敲入build或者是make的地方)开始的相对路径。而指向的目标可以有以下三种:一个已经做好的cpio.gz,或者一个已经为制作cpio.gz准备好所有内容的文件夹,或者是一个text的配置文件。第三种方式是最灵活的,我们先依次来介绍这三种方法。
If you already have your own initramfs_data.cpio.gz file (because you created it yourself, or saved the cpio.gz file produced by a previous kernel build), you can point CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE at it and the kernel build will autodetect the file type and link it into the resulting kernel image.
You can also leave CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE empty, and instead copy your cpio.gz file to usr/initramfs_data.cpio.gz in your kernel's build directory. The kernel's makefile won't generate a new archive if it doesn't need to.
Either way, if you build a kernel like this you can boot it without supplying an external initrd image, and it'll still finish its boot by running your init program out of rootfs. This is packaging method #2, if you'd like to try it now.
If CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE points to a directory, the kernel will archive it up for you. This is a very easy way to create an initramfs archive, and is method #3.
Interestingly, the kernel build doesn't use the standard cpio command to create initramfs archives. You don't even need to have any cpio tools installed on your build system. Instead the kernel build (in usr/Makefile) generates a text file describing the directory with the script "gen_initramfs_list.sh", and then feeds that descript to a program called "gen_init_cpio" (built from C source in the kernel's usr directory), which create the cpio archive. This looks something like the following:
scripts/gen_initramfs_list.sh $CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE > usr/initramfs_list
usr/gen_init_cpio usr/initramfs_list > usr/initramfs_data.cpio
gzip usr/initramfs_data.cpio
To package up our hello world program, you could simply copy it into its own directory, name it "init", point CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE at that directory, and rebuild the kernel. The resulting kernel should end its boot by printing "hello world". And if you need to tweak the contents of that directory, rebuilding the kernel will re-package the contents of that directory if anything has changed.
The downside of this method is that it if your initramfs has device nodes, or cares about file ownership and permissions, you need to be able to create those things in a directory for it to copy. This is hard to do if you haven't got root access, or are using a cross-compile environment like cygwin. That's where the fourth and final method comes in.
This is the most flexible method. The kernel's gen_initramfs_list.sh script creates a text description file listing the contents of initramfs, and gen_init_cpio uses this file to produce an archive. This file is a standard text file, easily editable, containing one line per file. Each line starts with a keyword indicating what type of entry it describes.
The config file to create our "hello world" initramfs only needs a single line:
file /init usr/hello 500 0 0
This takes the file "hello" and packages it so it shows up as /init in rootfs, with permissions 500, with uid and gid 0. It expects to find the source file "hello" in a "usr" subdirectory under the kernel's build directory. (If you're building the kernel in a different directory than the source directory, this path would be relative to the build directory, not the source directory.)
To try it yourself, copy "hello" into usr in the kernel's build directory, copy the above configuration line to its own file, use "make menuconfig" to point CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE to that file, run the kernel build, and test boot the new kernel. Alternately, you can put the "hello" file in its own directory and use "scripts/gen_initramfs_list.sh dirname" to create a configuration file (where dirname is the path to your directory, from the kernel's build directory). For large projects, you may want to generate a starting configuration with the script, and then customize it with any text editor.
This configuration file can also specify device nodes (with the "nod" keyword), directories ("dir"), symbolic links ("slink"), named FIFO pipes ("pipe"), and unix domain sockets ("sock"). Full documentation on this file's format is available by running "usr/gen_init_cpio" (with no arguments) after a kernel build.
A more complicated example containing device nodes and symlinks could look like this:
dir /dev 755 0 0
nod /dev/console 644 0 0 c 5 1
nod /dev/loop0 644 0 0 b 7 0
dir /bin 755 1000 1000
slink /bin/sh busybox 777 0 0
file /bin/busybox initramfs/busybox 755 0 0
dir /proc 755 0 0
dir /sys 755 0 0
dir /mnt 755 0 0
file /init initramfs/init.sh 755 0 0
One significant advantage of the configuration file method is that any regular user can create one, specifying ownership and permissions and the creation of device nodes in initramfs, without any special permissions on the build system. Creating a cpio archive using the cpio command line tool, or pointing the kernel build at a directory, requires a directory that contains everything initramfs will contain. The configuration file method merely requires a few source files to get data from, and a description file.
This also comes in handy cross-compiling from other environments such as cygwin, where the local filesystem may not even be capable of reproducing everything initramfs should have in it.
此外,一旦initramfs里面的init 进程运行起来,kernel就会认为启动已经完成。接下来,init将掌控整个宇宙!它拥有霹雳无敌的专门为它预留的Process ID #1,整个系统接下来的所有都将由它来创造!还有,它的地位将是不可剥夺的,嗯哼,PID 1 退出的话,系统会panic的。
root@ubuntu:/# apt-get install xinetd tftpd tftp
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following NEW packages will be installed:
tftp tftpd xinetd
0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 61 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/185kB of archives.
After this operation, 578kB of additional disk space will be used.
Selecting previously deselected package tftp.
(Reading database ... 40278 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking tftp (from .../tftp_0.17-17ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package xinetd.
Unpacking xinetd (from .../xinetd_1%3a2.3.14-7ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package tftpd.
Unpacking tftpd (from .../tftpd_0.17-17ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Setting up tftp (0.17-17ubuntu1) ...
Setting up xinetd (1:2.3.14-7ubuntu2) ...
* Stopping internet superserver xinetd [ OK ]
* Starting internet superserver xinetd [ OK ]
Setting up tftpd (0.17-17ubuntu1) ...
The following line will be added to your /etc/inetd.conf file:
tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /srv/tftp
If you are indeed using xinetd, you will have to convert the
above into /etc/xinetd.conf format, and add it manually. See
/usr/share/doc/xinetd/README.Debian for more information.
Suggested entry (automatically converted using itox):
service tftp
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = yes
user = nobody
You must use option -daemon_dir if you use tcpd
root@ubuntu:/# mkdir tftpboot
root@ubuntu:~# chmod o+w /tftpboot
root@ubuntu:~# chown -R nobody /tftpboot
root@ubuntu:/# vi /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
service tftp
socket_type = dgram
protocol = udp
wait = yes
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
server_args = -s /tftpboot
disable = no
per_source = 11
cps = 100 2
flags = IPv4
root@ubuntu:/# /etc/init.d/xinetd reload
* Reloading internet superserver configuration xinetd [ OK ]
root@ubuntu:/# /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
* Stopping internet superserver xinetd [ OK ]
* Starting internet superserver xinetd [ OK ]
root@ubuntu:/# netstat -a|grep tftp
udp 0 0 *:tftp *:*
root@ubuntu:/# cd ~
root@ubuntu:~# dir / >/tftpboot/a2.txt
root@ubuntu:~# tftp
tftp> get a2.txt
Received 161 bytes in 0.0 seconds
tftp> q
root@ubuntu:~# ls
root@ubuntu:/# apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
libevent-1.4-2 libgssglue1 libnfsidmap2 librpcsecgss3 nfs-common portmap
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libevent-1.4-2 libgssglue1 libnfsidmap2 librpcsecgss3 nfs-common
nfs-kernel-server portmap
0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 61 not upgraded.
Need to get 551kB of archives.
After this operation, 1,692kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?
Get:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main libevent-1.4-2 1.4.11-stable-1 [60.4kB]
Get:2 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main libgssglue1 0.1-3 [23.6kB]
Get:3 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main libnfsidmap2 0.21-2 [28.4kB]
Get:4 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main librpcsecgss3 0.18-1 [32.4kB]
Get:5 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main portmap 6.0-10ubuntu2 [37.4kB]
Get:6 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main nfs-common 1:1.2.0-2ubuntu8 [211kB]
Get:7 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main nfs-kernel-server 1:1.2.0-2ubuntu8 [158kB]
Fetched 551kB in 13s (39.5kB/s)
Preconfiguring packages ...
Selecting previously deselected package libevent-1.4-2.
(Reading database ... 40313 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking libevent-1.4-2 (from .../libevent-1.4-2_1.4.11-stable-1_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libgssglue1.
Unpacking libgssglue1 (from .../libgssglue1_0.1-3_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package libnfsidmap2.
Unpacking libnfsidmap2 (from .../libnfsidmap2_0.21-2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package librpcsecgss3.
Unpacking librpcsecgss3 (from .../librpcsecgss3_0.18-1_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package portmap.
Unpacking portmap (from .../portmap_6.0-10ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package nfs-common.
Unpacking nfs-common (from .../nfs-common_1%3a1.2.0-2ubuntu8_i386.deb) ...
Selecting previously deselected package nfs-kernel-server.
Unpacking nfs-kernel-server (from .../nfs-kernel-server_1%3a1.2.0-2ubuntu8_i386.deb) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Setting up libevent-1.4-2 (1.4.11-stable-1) ...
Setting up libgssglue1 (0.1-3) ...
Setting up libnfsidmap2 (0.21-2) ...
Setting up librpcsecgss3 (0.18-1) ...
Setting up portmap (6.0-10ubuntu2) ...
portmap start/running, process 2393
Setting up nfs-common (1:1.2.0-2ubuntu8) ...
Creating config file /etc/idmapd.conf with new version
Creating config file /etc/default/nfs-common with new version
Adding system user `statd' (UID 104) ...
Adding new user `statd' (UID 104) with group `nogroup' ...
Not creating home directory `/var/lib/nfs'.
statd start/running, process 2615
gssd stop/pre-start, process 2640
idmapd stop/pre-start, process 2668
Setting up nfs-kernel-server (1:1.2.0-2ubuntu8) ...
Creating config file /etc/exports with new version
Creating config file /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server with new version
* Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon... [ OK ]
* Starting NFS kernel daemon [ OK ]
Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
root@ubuntu:/# mkdir nfsroot
root@ubuntu:/# chmod 777 nfsroot
root@ubuntu:/# vi /etc/exports
/nfsroot *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
root@ubuntu:/# /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
* Stopping NFS kernel daemon [ OK ]
* Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon... [ OK ]
* Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...
exportfs: /etc/exports [1]: Neither 'subtree_check' or 'no_subtree_check' specified for export "*:/nfsroot".
Assuming default behaviour ('no_subtree_check').
NOTE: this default has changed since nfs-utils version 1.0.x
* Starting NFS kernel daemon [ OK ]
root@ubuntu:/# dir / >/nfsroot/a3.txt
root@ubuntu:/# ls /nfsroot/
root@ubuntu:/# mount /mnt/
root@ubuntu:/# ls /mnt
root@ubuntu:/# umount /mnt
root@ubuntu:~# cd /opt/linux-
root@ubuntu:/opt/linux- ls
addinitrd.c compressed ecoff.h elf2ecoff.c Makefile tools uImage vmlinux.bin.gz
root@ubuntu:/opt/linux- cp uImage /tftpboot/
root@ubuntu:/opt/linux- cd /
root@ubuntu:/# ls /tftpboot/
a2.txt uImage
root@ubuntu:/# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
root@ubuntu:/# ls /mnt
celinux-040503-jz-20080409.patch.gz mipseltools-gcc412-lnx24.tar.gz
celinux-040503.tar.bz2 mipseltools-gcc412-lnx26.tar.gz
linux2.4_developer_guide.pdf mips_toolchain_guide.pdf
linux- MPlayer-1.0rc2-20090218.tar.bz2
linux- mxu_user_guide.pdf
linux2.6_developer_guide_v1.4.1.pdf root-jz-20090216.tar.bz2
linux_resource_guide_v1.1.pdf u-boot-1.1.6-jz-20090216.patch.gz
mipsel-gcc4.1-cygwin-nopic.tar.bz2 uboot-1.1.6.tar.gz
mipseltools-gcc412-glibc261.tar.bz2 uboot_developer_guide.pdf
root@ubuntu:/# cd /nfsroot/
root@ubuntu:/nfsroot# tar -xjf /mnt/root-jz-20090216.tar.bz2
root@ubuntu:/nfsroot# ls
a3.txt root-jz-20090216
NAND Secondary Program Loader
Starting U-Boot ...
U-Boot 1.1.6 (May 21 2009 - 16:21:12)
Board: Ingenic APUS (CPU Speed 336 MHz)
Flash: 0 kB
NAND:1024 MiB
*** Warning - bad CRC or NAND, using default environment
In: serial
Out: lcd
Err: lcd
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
APUS # printenv
bootargs=mem=64M ip=off rootfstype=yaffs2 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw
bootcmd=nand read 0x80600000 0x200000 0x200000;bootm
Environment size: 267/262139 bytes
APUS # setenv ipaddr
APUS # setenv serverip
APUS # setenv bootargs console=ttyS3,57600n8 mem=128M ip= ethaddr=00:2a:c6:2c:ab:f0 nfsroot= rw
APUS # askenv bootcmd
Please enter 'bootcmd':tftpboot;bootm
APUS # saveenv
Saving Environment to NAND...
Erasing Nand...Writing to Nand... done
APUS # boot
Using JZ ETHERNET device
TFTP from server; our IP address is
Filename 'uImage'.
Load address: 0x80600000
Loading: #################################################################
Bytes transferred = 1828764 (1be79c hex)
## Booting image at 80600000 ...
Image Name: Linux-
Image Type: MIPS Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
Data Size: 1828700 Bytes = 1.7 MB
Load Address: 80010000
Entry Point: 80326730
Verifying Checksum ... OK
Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK
Starting kernel ...
Linux version (root@ubuntu) (gcc version 4.1.2) #1 PREEMPT Sun Jan 31 10:11:58 EST 2010
CPU revision is: 1ed0024f (Ingenic JZRISC)
CPU clock: 336MHz, System clock: 112MHz, Peripheral clock: 112MHz, Memory clock: 112MHz
JZ4750 APUS board setup
Determined physical RAM map:
memory: 04000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
User-defined physical RAM map:
memory: 08000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
Zone PFN ranges:
Normal 0 -> 32768
Movable zone start PFN for each node
early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges
0: 0 -> 32768
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 32512
Kernel command line: console=ttyS3,57600n8 mem=128M ip= ethaddr=00:2a:c6:2c:ab:f0 nfsroot= rw
Primary instruction cache 16kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 16kB, 4-way, VIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
Synthesized clear page handler (25 instructions).
Synthesized copy page handler (44 instructions).
Synthesized TLB refill handler (20 instructions).
Synthesized TLB load handler fastpath (32 instructions).
Synthesized TLB store handler fastpath (32 instructions).
Synthesized TLB modify handler fastpath (31 instructions).
PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 9, 2048 bytes)
Console: colour dummy device 80x25
console [ttyS3] enabled
Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Memory: 125540k/131072k available (3182k kernel code, 5428k reserved, 761k data, 172k init, 0k highmem)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
net_namespace: 64 bytes
NET: Registered protocol family 16
SCSI subsystem initialized
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
NET: Registered protocol family 2
Time: jz_clocksource clocksource has been installed.
IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
TCP reno registered
Total 4MB memory at 0x7c00000 was reserved for IPU
Power Management for JZ
yaffs Jan 31 2010 10:04:39 Installing.
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler anticipatory registered (default)
io scheduler deadline registered
io scheduler cfq registered
LCDC: PixClock:9333333 LcdClock:25846153
LCDC: PixClock:9333333 LcdClock:25846153
jz4750fb_set_par, not implemented
Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 60x34
fb0: jz-lcd frame buffer device, using 512K of video memory
JzSOC: char device family.
Jz generic touch screen driver registered
JZ4740 SAR-ADC driver registered
Virtual Driver of TCSM registered
Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.5 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
serial8250: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 6) is a 16550A
serial8250: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 5) is a 16550A
serial8250: ttyS2 at MMIO 0x0 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize
loop: module loaded
Jz CS8900A driver for Linux (V0.02)
eth%d: CS8900A rev E detected
Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
JZ NAND init<6> DMA mode, using DMA buffer in upper layer.
NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xec, Chip ID: 0xd3 (Samsung NAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bit) planenum:2
Nand using two-plane mode, and resized to writesize:4096 oobsize:128 blocksize:0x80000
Scanning device for bad blocks
Creating 4 MTD partitions on "NAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bit":
0x000000000-0x000400000 : "NAND BOOT partition"
0x000400000-0x000800000 : "NAND KERNEL partition"
0x000800000-0x020000000 : "NAND ROOTFS partition"
0x020000000-0x040000000 : "NAND VFAT partition"
usbmon: debugfs is not available
jz-ohci jz-ohci.0: JZ OHCI
jz-ohci jz-ohci.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
jz-ohci jz-ohci.0: irq 17, io mem 0x13030000
usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.
mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
JZ SD/MMC card driver registered
usbcore: registered new interface driver hiddev
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver
JzSOC On-Chip I2S controller registered (DAC: DMA(play):9/IRQ41,
ADC: DMA(record):8/IRQ40)
JZ I2S OSS audio driver initialized
TCP cubic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 1
NET: Registered protocol family 17
RPC: Registered udp transport module.
RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
IP-Config: Guessing netmask
IP-Config: Complete:
device=eth0, addr=, mask=, gw=,
host=, domain=, nis-domain=(none),
bootserver=, rootserver=, rootpath=
Looking up port of RPC 100003/2 on
Looking up port of RPC 100005/1 on
VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem).
Freeing unused kernel memory: 172k freed
Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
INIT: version 2.86 booting
Starting udevd
Starting portmap daemon: portmap.
INIT: Entering runlevel: 5
Starting telnet daemon: telnetd.
Starting Dropbear SSH server: dropbear.
Starting Xserver
Ingenic Mobile Linux Platform
Kernel on XBurst Core login: jz4750fb_check_var, not implement
jz4750fb_set_par, not implemented
Ingenic Mobile Linux Platform
Kernel on XBurst Core login:
root@ubuntu:/# cd /nfsroot/root-jz-20090216/
root@ubuntu:/nfsroot/root-jz-20090216# ls
bin dev home linuxrc media proc root sys usr
Changelog etc lib make-release.sh mnt README sbin tmp var
root@ubuntu:/nfsroot/root-jz-20090216# cd etc
root@ubuntu:/nfsroot/root-jz-20090216/etc# ls
dbus-1 gconf hostname mtab pointercal rc1.d rc6.d shadow
default group init.d network profile rc2.d rcS.d shadow-
dropbear gshadow inittab pango profile.d rc3.d resolv.conf udev
fonts gtk-2.0 issue passwd protocols rc4.d scim X11
fstab hal issue.net passwd- rc0.d rc5.d services xml
root@ubuntu:/nfsroot/root-jz-20090216/etc# vi inittab
root@ubuntu:/# cd /opt
root@ubuntu:/opt# ls
hello hello.c linux- mipseltools-gcc412-glibc261 u-boot-1.1.6
root@ubuntu:/opt# cp hello /nfsroot/root-jz-20090216/
从COM终端中以root身份登录(如果登录界面没出来,可按一下回车,默认是没有密码的),可以根目录找到我们的hello程序,运行之: login: root
login[332]: root login on 'console'
root@ cd /
root@ ls
bin home mnt sys
Changelog lib proc tmp
dev linuxrc README usr
etc make-release.sh root var
hello media sbin
root@ ./hello
hello jz-mipsel-linux