select * from tabdata_live_cycle for update
update tabdata_live_cycle set source_storage_time = CONCAT(source_storage_time,'M') WHERE source_storage_time not like ('%M%') and source_storage_time not like('%D%')
alter table 表名 add column 字段名 varchar(64) alter table TABDATA_LIVE_CYCLE add column ISFILE varchar(64);
alter table TABDATA_LIVE_CYCLE add ISFILE varchar(64) default '1';
alter table table_name drop column column_name --非oracle alter table table_name drop column_name --oracle alter table TABDATA_LIVE_CYCLE drop (ISFILE);
delete from mon_warnrule WHERE "id" <9114
alter table table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name new_data_type;
alter table db_conn alter column db_type set data type int4 using db_type :: int4, alter column db_type set default 0;
alter table db_conn alter column db_type type int8; alter table db_conn alter column db_type type varchar(64);
update tabdata_live_cycle set source_storage_time = CONCAT(source_storage_time,'M') WHERE source_storage_time not like ('%M%') and source_storage_time not like('%D%')
update system_menu set leaf = 'false' where menucode = cast('23000' as int)
6.Mybatis sql 中if的判断,是否以某字符开始,结束或者包含
<if test="username != null and username.indexOf('ji') == 0"> </if>?<!-- 是否以什么开头 --> <if test="username != null and username.indexOf('ji') >= 0"> </if>?<!-- 是否包含某字符 --> <if test="username != null and username.lastIndexOf('ji') > 0"></if> ?<!-- 是否以什么结尾 -->
Select DISTINCT device_id from table where 1=1
comment on column TABDATA_LIVE_CYCLE.ISFILE is '是否需要归档-1:是-归档;