
时间:2021-10-12 00:35:21

I have the following situation. My table is:


Table: CompanyEmployees


  • EmployeeID
  • EmployeeID
  • Date of Birth
  • 出生日期
  • Date Joined
  • 加入日期

I also want to store the sales information for each employee. I have this:


Table: DealsCompleted


  • ID
  • ID
  • EmployeeID
  • EmployeeID
  • Deal Name
  • 交易名称
  • Deal Amount
  • 交易金额

My question is this- should there be a column in CompanyEmployees called "DealsCompletedID" which directly refers to the ID column in DealsCompleted, or is it acceptabe to just create a foreign key between the two Employee ID columns? Does this disadvantage the design or potentially distort the normalization?


I am unclear what the rule is as to whether I should include an extra column in CompanyEmployees or not.


EDIT Please assume there will only be one row in the deal table, per employee.


2 个解决方案



A FOREIGN KEY should point from one table to its referenced row in a parent table, the two tables should generally not reference each other (with foreign keys defined in both).


The FOREIGN KEY is most appropriately defined in the DealsCompleted table, which points back to CompanyEmployees.EmployeeID. Think about it this way - The CompanyEmployees table stores information about employees. Deals they completed do not really count as information about employees. However, the employee who completed a deal is a part of the information about a deal, so the key belongs there.

在DealsCompleted表中,最恰当地定义了FOREIGN KEY,该表指向公司员工。以这种方式思考——公司员工表存储有关员工的信息。他们完成的交易并不能算作雇员的信息。然而,完成交易的员工是交易信息的一部分,所以关键就在那里。

Having DealsCompleted.EmployeeID will allow for a proper one to many relationship between employees and deals. That is, one employee can have as many related rows in DealsCompleted as needed. Including a DealsCompleted column in the CompanyEmployees table on the other hand, would require you to either duplicate rows about employees, which breaks normalization, or include multiple DealCompletedID values in one column which is also incorrect.


Update after edit above Even if you plan for only a one-to-one relationship (one deal per employee), it is still more appropriate to reference the EmployeeID in DealsCompleted rather than the other way around (or both ways). ...And it allows you to expand to one-to-many, when the need arises.




Assuming that the relationship will always be one-to-one, as you state, then the answer depends on what is the primary entity within the Domain Model. If this database is at its core a database about Deals, and employee data is ancillary, then I would add an EmployeeId FK column in the Deal table. If otoh, this is a database about Employees, and Deals are ancillary, then eliminate the EmployeeId column in the Deal table, and add a DealId FK column to the Employeee table.

假设在声明时关系总是一对一的,那么答案取决于域模型中的主要实体是什么。如果这个数据库的核心是一个关于交易的数据库,而员工数据是辅助的,那么我将在交易表中添加EmployeeId FK列。如果otoh是一个关于雇员的数据库,并且交易是辅助的,那么删除交易表中的EmployeeId列,并向Employeee表添加DealId FK列。



A FOREIGN KEY should point from one table to its referenced row in a parent table, the two tables should generally not reference each other (with foreign keys defined in both).


The FOREIGN KEY is most appropriately defined in the DealsCompleted table, which points back to CompanyEmployees.EmployeeID. Think about it this way - The CompanyEmployees table stores information about employees. Deals they completed do not really count as information about employees. However, the employee who completed a deal is a part of the information about a deal, so the key belongs there.

在DealsCompleted表中,最恰当地定义了FOREIGN KEY,该表指向公司员工。以这种方式思考——公司员工表存储有关员工的信息。他们完成的交易并不能算作雇员的信息。然而,完成交易的员工是交易信息的一部分,所以关键就在那里。

Having DealsCompleted.EmployeeID will allow for a proper one to many relationship between employees and deals. That is, one employee can have as many related rows in DealsCompleted as needed. Including a DealsCompleted column in the CompanyEmployees table on the other hand, would require you to either duplicate rows about employees, which breaks normalization, or include multiple DealCompletedID values in one column which is also incorrect.


Update after edit above Even if you plan for only a one-to-one relationship (one deal per employee), it is still more appropriate to reference the EmployeeID in DealsCompleted rather than the other way around (or both ways). ...And it allows you to expand to one-to-many, when the need arises.




Assuming that the relationship will always be one-to-one, as you state, then the answer depends on what is the primary entity within the Domain Model. If this database is at its core a database about Deals, and employee data is ancillary, then I would add an EmployeeId FK column in the Deal table. If otoh, this is a database about Employees, and Deals are ancillary, then eliminate the EmployeeId column in the Deal table, and add a DealId FK column to the Employeee table.

假设在声明时关系总是一对一的,那么答案取决于域模型中的主要实体是什么。如果这个数据库的核心是一个关于交易的数据库,而员工数据是辅助的,那么我将在交易表中添加EmployeeId FK列。如果otoh是一个关于雇员的数据库,并且交易是辅助的,那么删除交易表中的EmployeeId列,并向Employeee表添加DealId FK列。