jdbc知识问答 分类: 面试 2015-07-10 22:05 5人阅读 评论(0) 收藏

时间:2025-01-16 08:35:20

1 JDBC连接数据库6步

Load the JDBC Driver

Establish the Database Connection

Create a Statement Object

Execute a Query

Process the Results

Close the Connection

2 事务的4大特性


3.select count(*) from student 和select count(id) from student 之间的区别。


select count(*) 统计所有学生的记录个数,包括空记录。

Select count(Id) 统计所有学生的记录个数,不包括null记录。



Select * from system.table1 where age>20 and name like ‘王%’ order by age DESC;

5 .创建CUSTOMERS表,字段为:ID:(非空,主键)bigint,NAME:(非空)varchar,AGE:int类型;创建ORDERS表,字段为:ID:(非空,主键,)bigint,ORDER_NUMBER:(非空)varchar,PRICE:double,CUSTOMER_ID :(外键)bigint,设置级连删除;

答案:create table CUSTOMBERS(

ID bigint not null,

NAME varchar(15),

AGE int,

primary key (ID)


create table ORDERS(

ID bigint not null,

ORDER_NUMBER varchar(15) not nulll,

PRICE double precision,


primary key(ID),


alter table ORDERS add constraint FK_CUSTOMER foreign key (CUSTOMER_ID) references CUSTOMERS(ID) on delete cascade;

6.使用左外连接查询,ORDERS 和 CUSTOMERS 表,

答案:select c.ID, o.CUSTOMER_ID,c.NAME, o.ID ORDER_ID,ORDER_NUMBER from CUSTOMERS c left outer join ORDERS o no c.ID=o.CUSTOMER_ID;

29 .简述数据库事务的生命周期?(可画流程图)


7.delete from tablea & truncate table tablea的区别

   truncate 语句执行速度快,占资源少,并且只记录页删除的日志;

   delete 对每条记录的删除均需要记录日志