
时间:2021-04-06 00:05:24

The Observer Pattern seems very much like a Notifier Pattern, since it is based on the subject notifying objects that are interested. The "notify" part seems the most important, because without it, nothing gets notified.

观察者模式看起来非常像通告模式,因为它基于主题通知感兴趣的对象。 “通知”部分似乎是最重要的,因为没有它,没有任何通知。

(was there ever some thoughts to rename this pattern to the Notifier Pattern?)


Are there any Observer Patterns out there that are more "observer based"?


For example, one that has a timer so that the observers will look into the object being observed every n milliseconds.


Or one that (like in machine code), when a routine wants to observe a memory location, it calls a certain routine and says, "if memory location TEMPERATURE_VALUE (0x32FF2C12, for example) gets modified, then call me (it knows the value is modified by the hardware interrupt mechanism). In this case, the subject doesn't notify or cannot decide whether to notify or not, but is forced to be observed.


2 个解决方案


The observer pattern is so named because the objects attached to the subject object "observe" its behavior. That the mechanism for such observance (a push of information from the subject to the observer) is initiated by the subject object does not change the inherent function of the observer objects (namely, that of observing).


The pattern might be better described as a "subscriber pattern," in that the observer objects "subscribe" to events on the subject object, and thereafter "listen" to those events. It would be accurate to say that the observer object does not observe the subject object directly, but rather indirectly through the information provided to it through the subject object's firing of the subscribed events.


It wouldn't be the first time a pattern was misnamed. Inversion of Control sounds really complicated until you realize that all that really means is providing needed objects (dependencies) to a class by assigning them to parameters in a constructor. The term "Dependency Injection" was coined in an effort to make this concept clearer.



After understanding the pattern more, I think this is the reason that it is called "The Observer Pattern":


1) any method can "notify". The data object (the subject) can notify 3 hard-coded objects, who are acting as observers. Or the data object can go through an dynamic array of "registered" observers and notify each of them. The key is not about notifying. The key is about registration.


2) We don't want to hard-code the 3 observing objects, because this is tight-coupling and therefore decrease object-reuse. If we allow the "observer registration", then 2 objects can register and then observe the subject, or 3 objects can register and observe the subject, or any number of objects can register and observe the subject.


3) So, it is the "registration of the observers" that is the key idea of this pattern. So it can be called "The Observer Registration Pattern", or for short, just "The Observer Pattern".



The observer pattern is so named because the objects attached to the subject object "observe" its behavior. That the mechanism for such observance (a push of information from the subject to the observer) is initiated by the subject object does not change the inherent function of the observer objects (namely, that of observing).


The pattern might be better described as a "subscriber pattern," in that the observer objects "subscribe" to events on the subject object, and thereafter "listen" to those events. It would be accurate to say that the observer object does not observe the subject object directly, but rather indirectly through the information provided to it through the subject object's firing of the subscribed events.


It wouldn't be the first time a pattern was misnamed. Inversion of Control sounds really complicated until you realize that all that really means is providing needed objects (dependencies) to a class by assigning them to parameters in a constructor. The term "Dependency Injection" was coined in an effort to make this concept clearer.



After understanding the pattern more, I think this is the reason that it is called "The Observer Pattern":


1) any method can "notify". The data object (the subject) can notify 3 hard-coded objects, who are acting as observers. Or the data object can go through an dynamic array of "registered" observers and notify each of them. The key is not about notifying. The key is about registration.


2) We don't want to hard-code the 3 observing objects, because this is tight-coupling and therefore decrease object-reuse. If we allow the "observer registration", then 2 objects can register and then observe the subject, or 3 objects can register and observe the subject, or any number of objects can register and observe the subject.


3) So, it is the "registration of the observers" that is the key idea of this pattern. So it can be called "The Observer Registration Pattern", or for short, just "The Observer Pattern".
