I want to add the new 3D/Force Touch feature (UIApplicationShortcutItem) to my app but I was wondering whether there is or isn't a limit to how many you can have on a single app?
我想将新的3D / Force Touch功能(UIApplicationShortcutItem)添加到我的应用程序中,但我想知道对于单个应用程序可以拥有的数量是否有限制?
I've had a look on the documentation but don't see a mention of a limit: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIApplicationShortcutItem_class/
1 个解决方案
iOS 9 displays up to four Home screen quick actions for your app. Within this limit, the system shows your static quick actions first, starting at the topmost position in the menu. If your static items do not exhaust the limit and you have also defined dynamic quick actions, then one or more of your dynamic quick actions is displayed.
iOS 9最多可为您的应用显示四个主屏幕快速操作。在此限制范围内,系统首先显示静态快速操作,从菜单中的最顶部位置开始。如果静态项目没有耗尽限制并且您还定义了动态快速操作,则会显示一个或多个动态快速操作。
You can refer to the Apple’s sample project .
iOS 9 displays up to four Home screen quick actions for your app. Within this limit, the system shows your static quick actions first, starting at the topmost position in the menu. If your static items do not exhaust the limit and you have also defined dynamic quick actions, then one or more of your dynamic quick actions is displayed.
iOS 9最多可为您的应用显示四个主屏幕快速操作。在此限制范围内,系统首先显示静态快速操作,从菜单中的最顶部位置开始。如果静态项目没有耗尽限制并且您还定义了动态快速操作,则会显示一个或多个动态快速操作。
You can refer to the Apple’s sample project .