
时间:2020-12-18 00:01:31

I'm trying to find a nice library for user friendly exception handling for unhandled exceptions.


I found the following one: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/exception/ExceptionHandling.aspx


Is there any other similar projects out there LGPL/Free (or cheap).

还有其他类似的项目LGPL / Free(或便宜)。

I'm looking for features like:


  • User friendly crash screen
  • 用户友好的崩溃屏幕

  • Remote Logging with a confirmation button (where use can send error messages over the web)
  • 使用确认按钮进行远程记录(使用时可以通过Web发送错误消息)

1 个解决方案


You could take a look at the Exception Handling Application Block provided by the Microsoft patterns and practices group. I think it is able to do everything you need and more.



You could take a look at the Exception Handling Application Block provided by the Microsoft patterns and practices group. I think it is able to do everything you need and more.
