关闭浏览器选项卡页面时注销用户,ASP.NET MVC

时间:2020-12-18 00:02:19

In one of the ASP.NET MVC apps we would like to logoff the user automatically if he closes the browser tab in which the app is opened.

在其中一个ASP.NET MVC应用程序中,如果用户关闭打开应用程序的浏览器选项卡,我们会自动注销用户。

We are using the following code when he authenticates.


FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, false)


As of now, if we closes the browser window and relaunch it, users are asked to authenticate again. But we want to ask users to authenticate again if they close the tab and try to access any of the website urls.


5 个解决方案



We decided to use cookie less authentication so that the authentication token is part of the url. When the tab is closed and they open the website again, they will be asked to authenticate again :)

我们决定使用cookie less authentication,以便身份验证令牌成为url的一部分。当标签关闭并再次打开网站时,将要求他们再次进行身份验证:)



I have not tried this myself, but I think the following approach should work:


On the client side, you can use the OnUnload event of your document to launch a javascript function that would call your server-side signout method via ajax.


On the server side, you should have the action method call FormsAuthentication.SignOut() and Session.Abandon();




A browser clears all Session scoped objects only when it is completely closed, and not when an individual tab is closed.


One way could be to use a very low Session timeout and have a server-side script poll every few seconds to hit an object on the page. This will extend Session time again. So if a tab is closed, the script can't find the object thereby allowing the Session to timeout. One problem here is if your app is on a pretty high load, your app could DoS itself!




Actually there is no way we can LogOff the user when the user closes the browser tab. The only way for this is to check if the the user is authenticated when we call the LogOn method in the Controller.


This code is an example of how I do it in ASP.Net MVC 3.

这段代码是我在ASP.Net MVC 3中如何做的一个例子。

public ActionResult LogOn()
            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                return RedirectToAction("Index","ProductManager");  
           return View();          



You can simply use session variables to automatically log off anybody trying to return to the secured destination page. Create a single session variable (integer or boolean) and in the onclick event of your login button reset it to a known state after acknowledging that the user has a valid credential then set or increment that session variable in the page_load event of the page your trying to secure. Test these values and signout the user if he is trying to return to the page or do nothing if otherwise. The code may look similar to this.


protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         if (IsAuthenticated == true)
         Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] = (int)0;

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated == true)
                        if (Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] != null)
                                int IsUserLoggedIn = (int)Session["IsUserLoggedIn"];
                                if (IsUserLoggedIn <= 0)
                                        Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] = (int)IsUserLoggedIn + 1;
                                        Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] = (int)0;
                else { Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] = (int)0; } 



We decided to use cookie less authentication so that the authentication token is part of the url. When the tab is closed and they open the website again, they will be asked to authenticate again :)

我们决定使用cookie less authentication,以便身份验证令牌成为url的一部分。当标签关闭并再次打开网站时,将要求他们再次进行身份验证:)



I have not tried this myself, but I think the following approach should work:


On the client side, you can use the OnUnload event of your document to launch a javascript function that would call your server-side signout method via ajax.


On the server side, you should have the action method call FormsAuthentication.SignOut() and Session.Abandon();




A browser clears all Session scoped objects only when it is completely closed, and not when an individual tab is closed.


One way could be to use a very low Session timeout and have a server-side script poll every few seconds to hit an object on the page. This will extend Session time again. So if a tab is closed, the script can't find the object thereby allowing the Session to timeout. One problem here is if your app is on a pretty high load, your app could DoS itself!




Actually there is no way we can LogOff the user when the user closes the browser tab. The only way for this is to check if the the user is authenticated when we call the LogOn method in the Controller.


This code is an example of how I do it in ASP.Net MVC 3.

这段代码是我在ASP.Net MVC 3中如何做的一个例子。

public ActionResult LogOn()
            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                return RedirectToAction("Index","ProductManager");  
           return View();          



You can simply use session variables to automatically log off anybody trying to return to the secured destination page. Create a single session variable (integer or boolean) and in the onclick event of your login button reset it to a known state after acknowledging that the user has a valid credential then set or increment that session variable in the page_load event of the page your trying to secure. Test these values and signout the user if he is trying to return to the page or do nothing if otherwise. The code may look similar to this.


protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         if (IsAuthenticated == true)
         Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] = (int)0;

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated == true)
                        if (Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] != null)
                                int IsUserLoggedIn = (int)Session["IsUserLoggedIn"];
                                if (IsUserLoggedIn <= 0)
                                        Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] = (int)IsUserLoggedIn + 1;
                                        Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] = (int)0;
                else { Session["IsUserLoggedIn"] = (int)0; } 