
时间:2022-02-25 23:53:30

Given a Sorted Array which can be rotated find an Element in it in minimum Time Complexity.


eg : Array contents can be [8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Assume you search 8 in it.


21 个解决方案



The solution still works out to a binary search in the sense that you'll need to partition the array into two parts to be examined.


In a sorted array, you just look at each part and determine whether the element lives in the first part (let's call this A) or the second part (B). Since, by the definition of a sorted array, partitions A and B will be sorted, this requires no more than some simple comparisons of the partition bounds and your search key.


In a rotated sorted array, only one of A and B can be guaranteed to be sorted. If the element lies within a part which is sorted, then the solution is simple: just perform the search as if you were doing a normal binary search. If, however, you must search an unsorted part, then just recursively call your search function on the non-sorted part.


This ends up giving on a time complexity of O(lg n).


(Realistically, I would think that such a data structure would have a index accompanying it to indicate how many positions the array has been rotated.)


Edit: A search on Google takes me to this somewhat dated (but correct) topic on CodeGuru discussing the same problem. To add to my answer, I will copy some pseudocode that was given there so that it appears here with my solution (the thinking follows the same lines):


    if size of set is 1 and set[0] == item 
        return info on set[0]
    divide the set into parts A and B
    if A is sorted and the item is in the A's range
        return Search(A)
    if B is sorted and the item is in the B's range
        return Search(B)
    if A is not sorted
        return Search(A)
    if B is not sorted
        return Search(B)
    return "not found"





Reduced to the problem of finding the largest number position, which can be done by checking the first and last and middle number of the area, recursively reduce the area, divide and conquer, This is O(log(N)) no larger than the binary search O(log(N)).


EDIT: For example, you have


6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5  
^       ^     ^ 

By looking at the 3 numbers you know the location of the smallest/largest numbers (will be called mark later on) is in the area of 6 7 8 1 2, so 3 4 5 is out of consideration (usually done by moving your area start/end index(int) pointing to the number 6 and 2 ).

通过观察3号你知道最小/最大数字的位置(稍后将被称为马克)是在6 7 8 1 2的面积,所以3 4 5的考虑(通常是通过移动你的区域开始/结束索引(int)指向数字6和2)。

Next step,


6 7 8 1 2  
^   ^   ^  

Once again you will get enough information to tell which side (left or right) the mark is, then the area is reduced to half again (to 6 7 8).

再一次,你将得到足够的信息来判断哪边(左或右)的标记,然后面积又减少到一半(到6 7 8)。

This is the idea: I think you can refine a better version of this, actually, for an interview, an OK algorithm with a clean piece of codes are better than the best algorithm with OK codes: you 'd better hand-on some to heat-up.


Good luck!




I was asked this question in an interview recently.The question was describe an algorithm to search a "key" in a circular sorted array.I was also asked to write the code for the same. This is what I came up with:


Use divide and conquer binary search. For each subarray check if the array is sorted. If sorted use classic binary search e.g


data[start]< data[end] implies that the data is sorted. user binary else divide the array further till we get sorted array.

数据[开始] <数据[端]意味着数据被排序。用户二进制文件进一步划分数组,直到我们得到排序的数组。< p>

    public boolean search(int start,int end){
    int mid =(start+end)/2;
        return  false;
        return this.normalBinarySearch(start, end);
        //the other part is unsorted.
        return (this.search(start,mid) ||

where normalBinarySearch is a simple binary search.




It a simple modification of normal binary search. In fact we it will work for both rotated and sorted arrays. In the case of sorted arrays it will end up doing more work than it really needs to however.


For a rotated array, when you split the array into two subarrays, it is possible one of those subarrays will not be in order. You can easily check if if each half is sorted by comparing the first and last value in the subarray.


Knowing whether each subarray is sorted or not, we can make a choice of what do do next.


1) left subarray is sorted, and the value is within the range of the left subarray (check both ends!)


Then search recursively search left subarray.


2) right subarray is sorted, and the value is within the range of the right subarray (check both ends!)


Then recursively search right subarray.


3) left is Not sorted


Then recursively search left subarray


4) Right is Not sorted


Then recursively search right subarray.


Note: the difference between this and a normal binary search is that we cannot simply choose the subarray to recurse on by simply comparing the last value left subarray (of first value of the right subarray) to make our decision. The value has to be strictly in the left or right subarray and that subarray has to sorted, otherwise we must recurse on the unsorted subarray.


Here is some Objective-C that implements this:


@implementation BinarySearcher

- (BOOL)isValue:(int)value inArray:(int[])array withArraySize:(int)size {

    return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:0 toIndex:size -1];

- (BOOL)subSearchArray:(int[])array forValue:(int)value fromIndex:(int)left toIndex:(int)right {

    if (left <= right) {

        int middle = (left + right) / 2;

        BOOL leftArraySorted = array[left] <= array[middle];
        BOOL rightArraySorted = array[middle + 1] <= array[right];

        if (array[middle] == value) {
            return YES;
        } else if (leftArraySorted && value >= array[left] && value < array[middle]) {
            return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:left toIndex:middle];
        } else if (rightArraySorted && value >= array[middle + 1] && value <= array[right]) {
            return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:middle + 1 toIndex:right];
        } else if (!leftArraySorted) {
            return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:left toIndex:middle];
        } else if (!rightArraySorted) {
            return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:middle + 1 toIndex:right];

    return NO;




At any index, one partition will be sorted and other unsorted. If key lies within sorted partition, search within sorted array, else in non sorted partition.


BS(lo, hi)
m = (lo + hi)/2
if(k = a[m])
    return m
b = 0
if(a[hi] > a[m])
    b = 1
    if(k > a[m] && k<a[hi])
        BS(m+1, hi)
    BS(lo, m-1)



Here is my approach at it:


public static int findMin(int[] a, int start, int end){
  int mid = (start + end)/2;
  if(start == mid){
    return a[mid+1];
  }else if(a[start] > a[mid]){
    return findMin(a, start, mid);
  }else if(a[mid+1] > a[start]){
    return findMin(a, mid+1, end);
    return a[mid+1];

Time complexity: O(log n)

时间复杂度:O(log n)



You can wrap an array with a class that only exposes


E get(int index);


and would behave as regular sorted array. For ex if you have 4 5 1 2 3 4, wrapper.get(0) will return 1.

它会表现为有序数组。对于ex,如果你有4 5 1 2 3 4,wrapper.get(0)将返回1。

Now you can just reuse binary search solution.


Wrapper can look like that:


class RotatedArrayWrapper<T> {
  int startIndex;
  private final List<T> rotatedArray;

  public RotatedArrayWrapper(List<T> rotatedArray) {
    this.rotatedArray = rotatedArray;
    //find index of the smalest element in array
    //keep in mind that there might be duplicates
    startIndex = ... 

  public T get(int index) {
    int size = rotatedArray.size();
    if (index > size) throw Exception...

    int actualIndex = (startIndex + index) % size;
    return rotatedArray.get(actualIndex);



Python implementation. Could use to be more pythonic:


from bisect import bisect_left

def index(a, x):
    """Binary search to locate the leftmost value exactly equal to x.
    see http://docs.python.org/2/library/bisect.html#searching-sorted-lists

    >>> index([5, 14, 27, 40, 51, 70], 27)
    >>> index([1, 2, 3, 4], 10)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    i = bisect_left(a, x)
    if i != len(a) and a[i] == x:
        return i
    raise ValueError

def _index_shifted(value, sequence, start, stop):
    """Recursive reset location and binary search"""
    # if at reset (min) and it's not the value, it's not there
    if start == stop and sequence[start] != value:
        return -1
    mid = (stop + start) // 2
    # check mid, since we are already here
    if sequence[mid] == value:
        return mid
    # right side is sorted
    elif sequence[mid] < sequence[stop]:
        # if value falls in range, search righ
        if sequence[stop] >= value > sequence[mid]:
            return index(sequence[mid:stop + 1], value) + mid
        # partition left side
        return _index_shifted(value, sequence, start, mid)
    # left side is sorted
        # if value falls in range, search left
        if sequence[mid] > value >= sequence[start]:
            return index(sequence[start:mid], value) + start
        # partition right side
        return _index_shifted(value, sequence, mid + 1, stop)

def index_shifted(sequence, value):
    """Returns index of value in a shifted sorted sequence; -1 if not present.

    >>> index_shifted([10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37], 10)
    >>> index_shifted([10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37], 37)
    >>> index_shifted([34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31], 10)
    >>> index_shifted([34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31], 37)
    >>> index_shifted([34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31], 13)
    >>> index_shifted([34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31], 25)
    >>> index_shifted([25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22], 10)
    >>> index_shifted([25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22], -10)
    >>> index_shifted([25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22], 100)
    return _index_shifted(value, sequence, 0, len(sequence) - 1)



//this solution divides the array in two equal subarrays using recurssion and apply binary search on individual sorted array and it goes on dividing unsorted array


public class SearchRotatedSortedArray
    public static void main(String... args)
        int[] array={5,6,1,2,3,4};


    public static boolean search(int[] array,int element,int start,int end)
        if (array[end]==element) return true;else return false;

    int mid=(start+end)/2;
        return binarySearch(array,element,start,end);

    return search(array,element,start,mid)||search(array,element,mid+1,end);    

    public static boolean binarySearch(int[] array,int element,int start,int end)
        int mid;


            return true;




        return false;



int findIndexInRotatedSort( vector<int> input, int s, int e, int toFind )
        if (s > e || s >= input.size() || e < 0)
            return -1;

        int m = (s + e)/2;

        int sVal = input.at(s);
        int eVal = input.at(e);
        int mVal = input.at(m);

        if (sVal == toFind)
            return s;
        if (eVal == toFind)
            return e;
        if (mVal == toFind)
            return m;

        bool isFirstOrdered = (sVal < mVal);
        bool isSecondOrdered = (mVal < eVal);
        if (toFind > mVal)
            if (!isSecondOrdered || toFind < eVal)
                return findIndexInRotatedSort( input, m+1, e, toFind );
                return findIndexInRotatedSort( input, s, m-1, toFind );
            if (!isFirstOrdered || toFind > sVal)
                return findIndexInRotatedSort( input, s, m-1, toFind );
                return findIndexInRotatedSort(  input, m+1, e, toFind );



public class RoatatedSorted {

 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    int[] rotArray = {5,6,7,8,9,10,15,16,17,1,2,3,4,};



private static void search(int[] a, int low, int high,int key) {

    //int mid =  low + (high-low)/2;
    //if(a[mid]==a[key]){System.out.println("element found at" + key+1 +" position"); return;}

    // find pos to split array
    int pos = findSplitIndex(a,low,high);
    System.out.println("split pos found at" + pos +" position");

    if(key>=a[low]&& key <=a[pos])
    if(key>=a[pos+1]&& key <=a[high])

private static void bsearch(int[] a, int low, int high,int key) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    if(low>high) return;
    int mid =  low + (high-low)/2;
    {System.out.println("element found at" + ++mid +" position"); return;}
    if(a[mid] > key)

private static int findSplitIndex(int[] a, int low, int high) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    int mid;
    if(low>high)return -1;
    while(true) {
        mid =  low + (high-low)/2;
    if( a[mid]>a[mid+1])

    return mid;





First to find the Minimum element in the array then divide array in two part. After that search the given value using Binary search tree. Complexity : O(logn) If you have to find the Minimum element in the rotated Array, use same approach,just skip Binary search. Complexity : O(logn)


//Search an element in a sorted and pivoted array
    class SearchInPivotedSortedArray
        //searchInOrtedPivotedArray : Return index of matched element with given value.
        public static int searchInSortedPivotedArray(int[] A, int value)
            int min = findMinElement(A,0,A.Length-1);
            if (min == A[0])
               return binarySearchTree(A, 0, A.Length-1, value);

            if (value <= A[A.Length-1])
               return binarySearchTree(A, min, A.Length-1, value);
               return binarySearchTree(A, 0, min-1, value);

        //return index of Pivot element
        public static int findMinElement(int[] Array, int low, int high)

            if (low >= high)
                return low;

            int mid = (low + high) / 2;
            if (mid > low && Array[mid] < Array[mid - 1])
                return mid;
            if (mid < high && Array[mid] > Array[mid + 1])
                return mid + 1;

            if (Array[mid] < Array[high])
                return findMinElement(Array, low, mid - 1);

            return findMinElement(Array, mid + 1, high);

        //Return match element index, if not found return -1
        public static int binarySearchTree(int[] array, int low, int high,int value)
            if (low > high)
                return -1;
            int mid = (low + high)/2;

            if (array[mid] == value)
                return mid;
            if (array[mid] > value)
                return binarySearchTree(array, low, mid - 1, value);
                return binarySearchTree(array, mid + 1, high, value);




this is a O(logn) solution: tested. it works on both sorted and rotated sorted arrays:


public static int rbs(int[] a, int l, int r, int t) {

    if (a[l] <= a[r]) {
        return bs(a, l, r, t);

    if (r < l) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        int m = (l+r) / 2;
        if (a[m] == t) {
            return m;
        } else if (a[m] > t) { // check left half
            if (a[l] > a[m]) { // left is unsorted
                return rbs(a, l, m-1, t);
            } else { // left is sorted
                if (a[l] < t) { // t is in range
                    return bs(a, l, m-1, t);
                } else if (a[l] > t) { // t is out of range on left
                    if (a[r] >= t) {
                        return rbs (a, m+1, r, t);
                    } else
                        return -1;
                } else
                    return l;
        } else { // other side
            if (a[r] < a[m]) { // right is unsorted
                return rbs(a, m+1, r, t);
            } else { // right is sorted
                if (a[r] > t) { // t is in range
                    return bs(a, m+1, r, t);
                } else if (a[r] < t) { // t is out of range on right side
                    if (a[l] <= t) {
                        return rbs (a, l, m-1, t);
                    } else
                        return -1;
                } else
                    return r;

public static int bs(int[] a, int l, int r, int t) {

    int m = (l+r) / 2;

    if (r < l) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        if (a[m] == t)
            return m;
        else if (a[m] < t)
            return bs(a, m+1, r, t);
            return bs (a, l, m-1, t);



Try out this solution,


     public static int findElement(int[] a, int key, int left, int right) {

           if (left > right) {
              return -1;

           int mid = (left + right) / 2;

           if (key == a[mid]) {
              return mid;
           } else if (key < a[mid]) {
              return (a[left] <= a[mid] && a[left] < key ? findElement(
                a, key, left, mid - 1) : findElement(a, key,
                mid + 1, right));
           } else {
              return (a[mid] <= a[right] && a[right] < key ? findElement(
                a, key, left, mid - 1) : findElement(a, key,
                mid + 1, right));




Here is a C++ implementation of @Andrew Song's answer

这是一个c++实现的@Andrew Song的答案。

int search(int A[], int s, int e, int k) {
    if (s <= e) {
        int m = s + (e - s)/2;
        if (A[m] == k)
            return m;
        if (A[m] < A[e] && k > A[m] && k <= A[e]) 
            return search(A, m+1, e, k);
        if (A[m] > A[s] && k < A[m] && k >= A[s]) 
            return search(A, s, m-1, k);
        if (A[m] < A[s]) 
            return search(A, s, m-1, k);
        if (A[m] > A[e])
            return search(A, m+1, e, k);
    return -1;



This is 100% working and tested solution in PYTHON


Program to find a number from a sorted but rotated array


def findNumber(a, x, start, end):
  if start > end:
    return  -1
  mid = (start + end) / 2
  if a[mid] == x:
    return mid
  ## Case : 1  if a[start] to a[mid] is sorted , then search first half of array
  if a[start] < a[mid]:
    if (x >= a[start] and x <= a[mid]):
      return findNumber(a, x, start, mid - 1)
      return findNumber(a,x, mid + 1, end)
  ## Case: 2 if a[start] to a[mid] is not sorted , then a[mid] to a[end] mist be sorted
    if (x >= a[mid] and x <= a[end]):
      return findNumber(a, x, mid + 1, end)
      return findNumber(a,x, start, mid -1)

a = [4,5,6,7,0,1,2]
print "Your array is  : " , a
x = input("Enter any number to find in array : ")
result = findNumber(a, x, 0, len(a) - 1)
print "The element is present at %d position: ", result



def search(array, left, right, target): # Stop conditions for recursion. if not array: return -1 if left == right: return left if array[left] == target else -1

def搜索(数组,左,右,目标):递归的停止条件。如果不是数组:返回-1如果左边==右:如果数组[左]== =目标-1返回左。

    # Check if middle element is same as the target.
    mid = (left + right) / 2
    if array[mid] == target:
        return mid

    # Pivot point is at the right of the middle element.
    if array[left] <= array[mid]:
        if target >= array[left] and target <= array[mid]:
            return search(array, left, mid - 1, target)
        return search(array, mid + 1, right, target)

    # Pivot point is at the left of the middle element.
    if target >= array[mid] and target <= array[right]:
        return search(array, mid + 1, right, target)
    return search(array, left, mid - 1, target)

I found the solution from this post




My solution: efficiency: O(logn)


public static int SearchRotatedSortedArray(int l, int d, int[] array, int toFind) {
    if (l >= d) {
        return -1;
    if (array[l] == toFind) {
        return l;
    if (array[d] == toFind) {
        return d;

    int mid = (l + d) / 2;
    if (array[mid] == toFind) {
        return mid;

    if ((array[mid] > toFind && toFind > array[l]) || (array[mid] < toFind && array[d] < toFind)) {
        return SearchRotatedSortedArray(l, mid - 1, array, toFind);
    } else {
        return SearchRotatedSortedArray(mid + 1, d, array, toFind);




In worst case you have to use linear search and examine whole array to find a target, because, unlike a set, an array may contain duplicates. And if an array contains duplicates you can't use binary search in the given problem.


If queries on particular array are infrequent you can use standard binary search if whole array is sorted (first element is strictly smaller than last element) and use linear search otherwise. For more information see How fast can you make linear search? discussion on * and 10 Optimizations on Linear Search article by Thomas A. Limoncelli.

如果对特定数组的查询不频繁,则可以使用标准的二进制搜索,如果整个数组是排序的(第一个元素严格小于最后一个元素),则可以使用线性搜索。要了解更多信息,请查看如何快速进行线性搜索?关于*的讨论和Thomas A. Limoncelli关于线性搜索的10个优化。

Hovewer, if queries are frequent you can sort input array in linear time (see Fastest algorithm for circle shift N sized array for M position discussion on *) in preprocessing step and use standard binary search as usual.




using namespace std;
int BinarySearch(int *a,int key, int length)
    int l=0,r=length-1,res=-1;
        int mid = (l+r)/2;
        if(a[mid] == key) {res = mid; break;}
                //Check the part of the array that maintains sort sequence and update index                   
                // accordingly.
        if((a[mid] < a[r] && ( key > a[mid] && key <=a[r]))
            || a[mid] > a[r] && !( key>=a[l] && key <a[mid]))
                     l = mid+1;
        else r = mid-1;
    return res;
void main()
    int arr[10] = {6,7,8,9,10,13,15,18,2,3};
    int key = 8;
    cout<<"Binary Search Output: "<<BinarySearch(arr,key,10);



Find element index in rotated sorted array


Example : [6,7,8,1,2,3,5]

int findElementIndex(int []a, int element, int start, int end)
    int mid = (start + end)>>1;

        return -1;

    if(a[mid] == element)
    return mid;

    if(a[mid] < a[start])
       if(element <= a[end] && element > a[mid])
       return findElementIndex(a,element,mid+1,end);
       return findElementIndex(a,element,start,mid-1);
    else  if(a[mid] > a[start]){
        if(element >= a[start] && element < a[mid])
             return findElementIndex(a,element,start,mid-1);
            return findElementIndex(a,element,mid+1,end);
    else if (a[mid] == a[start]){
        if(a[mid] != a[end]) // repeated elements
          return findElementIndex(a,element,mid+1,end);
            int left = findElementIndex(a,element,start,mid-1);
            int right = findElementIndex(a,element,mid+1,end);

            return (left != -1) ? left : right;





The solution still works out to a binary search in the sense that you'll need to partition the array into two parts to be examined.


In a sorted array, you just look at each part and determine whether the element lives in the first part (let's call this A) or the second part (B). Since, by the definition of a sorted array, partitions A and B will be sorted, this requires no more than some simple comparisons of the partition bounds and your search key.


In a rotated sorted array, only one of A and B can be guaranteed to be sorted. If the element lies within a part which is sorted, then the solution is simple: just perform the search as if you were doing a normal binary search. If, however, you must search an unsorted part, then just recursively call your search function on the non-sorted part.


This ends up giving on a time complexity of O(lg n).


(Realistically, I would think that such a data structure would have a index accompanying it to indicate how many positions the array has been rotated.)


Edit: A search on Google takes me to this somewhat dated (but correct) topic on CodeGuru discussing the same problem. To add to my answer, I will copy some pseudocode that was given there so that it appears here with my solution (the thinking follows the same lines):


    if size of set is 1 and set[0] == item 
        return info on set[0]
    divide the set into parts A and B
    if A is sorted and the item is in the A's range
        return Search(A)
    if B is sorted and the item is in the B's range
        return Search(B)
    if A is not sorted
        return Search(A)
    if B is not sorted
        return Search(B)
    return "not found"





Reduced to the problem of finding the largest number position, which can be done by checking the first and last and middle number of the area, recursively reduce the area, divide and conquer, This is O(log(N)) no larger than the binary search O(log(N)).


EDIT: For example, you have


6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5  
^       ^     ^ 

By looking at the 3 numbers you know the location of the smallest/largest numbers (will be called mark later on) is in the area of 6 7 8 1 2, so 3 4 5 is out of consideration (usually done by moving your area start/end index(int) pointing to the number 6 and 2 ).

通过观察3号你知道最小/最大数字的位置(稍后将被称为马克)是在6 7 8 1 2的面积,所以3 4 5的考虑(通常是通过移动你的区域开始/结束索引(int)指向数字6和2)。

Next step,


6 7 8 1 2  
^   ^   ^  

Once again you will get enough information to tell which side (left or right) the mark is, then the area is reduced to half again (to 6 7 8).

再一次,你将得到足够的信息来判断哪边(左或右)的标记,然后面积又减少到一半(到6 7 8)。

This is the idea: I think you can refine a better version of this, actually, for an interview, an OK algorithm with a clean piece of codes are better than the best algorithm with OK codes: you 'd better hand-on some to heat-up.


Good luck!




I was asked this question in an interview recently.The question was describe an algorithm to search a "key" in a circular sorted array.I was also asked to write the code for the same. This is what I came up with:


Use divide and conquer binary search. For each subarray check if the array is sorted. If sorted use classic binary search e.g


data[start]< data[end] implies that the data is sorted. user binary else divide the array further till we get sorted array.

数据[开始] <数据[端]意味着数据被排序。用户二进制文件进一步划分数组,直到我们得到排序的数组。< p>

    public boolean search(int start,int end){
    int mid =(start+end)/2;
        return  false;
        return this.normalBinarySearch(start, end);
        //the other part is unsorted.
        return (this.search(start,mid) ||

where normalBinarySearch is a simple binary search.




It a simple modification of normal binary search. In fact we it will work for both rotated and sorted arrays. In the case of sorted arrays it will end up doing more work than it really needs to however.


For a rotated array, when you split the array into two subarrays, it is possible one of those subarrays will not be in order. You can easily check if if each half is sorted by comparing the first and last value in the subarray.


Knowing whether each subarray is sorted or not, we can make a choice of what do do next.


1) left subarray is sorted, and the value is within the range of the left subarray (check both ends!)


Then search recursively search left subarray.


2) right subarray is sorted, and the value is within the range of the right subarray (check both ends!)


Then recursively search right subarray.


3) left is Not sorted


Then recursively search left subarray


4) Right is Not sorted


Then recursively search right subarray.


Note: the difference between this and a normal binary search is that we cannot simply choose the subarray to recurse on by simply comparing the last value left subarray (of first value of the right subarray) to make our decision. The value has to be strictly in the left or right subarray and that subarray has to sorted, otherwise we must recurse on the unsorted subarray.


Here is some Objective-C that implements this:


@implementation BinarySearcher

- (BOOL)isValue:(int)value inArray:(int[])array withArraySize:(int)size {

    return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:0 toIndex:size -1];

- (BOOL)subSearchArray:(int[])array forValue:(int)value fromIndex:(int)left toIndex:(int)right {

    if (left <= right) {

        int middle = (left + right) / 2;

        BOOL leftArraySorted = array[left] <= array[middle];
        BOOL rightArraySorted = array[middle + 1] <= array[right];

        if (array[middle] == value) {
            return YES;
        } else if (leftArraySorted && value >= array[left] && value < array[middle]) {
            return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:left toIndex:middle];
        } else if (rightArraySorted && value >= array[middle + 1] && value <= array[right]) {
            return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:middle + 1 toIndex:right];
        } else if (!leftArraySorted) {
            return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:left toIndex:middle];
        } else if (!rightArraySorted) {
            return [self subSearchArray:array forValue:value fromIndex:middle + 1 toIndex:right];

    return NO;




At any index, one partition will be sorted and other unsorted. If key lies within sorted partition, search within sorted array, else in non sorted partition.


BS(lo, hi)
m = (lo + hi)/2
if(k = a[m])
    return m
b = 0
if(a[hi] > a[m])
    b = 1
    if(k > a[m] && k<a[hi])
        BS(m+1, hi)
    BS(lo, m-1)



Here is my approach at it:


public static int findMin(int[] a, int start, int end){
  int mid = (start + end)/2;
  if(start == mid){
    return a[mid+1];
  }else if(a[start] > a[mid]){
    return findMin(a, start, mid);
  }else if(a[mid+1] > a[start]){
    return findMin(a, mid+1, end);
    return a[mid+1];

Time complexity: O(log n)

时间复杂度:O(log n)



You can wrap an array with a class that only exposes


E get(int index);


and would behave as regular sorted array. For ex if you have 4 5 1 2 3 4, wrapper.get(0) will return 1.

它会表现为有序数组。对于ex,如果你有4 5 1 2 3 4,wrapper.get(0)将返回1。

Now you can just reuse binary search solution.


Wrapper can look like that:


class RotatedArrayWrapper<T> {
  int startIndex;
  private final List<T> rotatedArray;

  public RotatedArrayWrapper(List<T> rotatedArray) {
    this.rotatedArray = rotatedArray;
    //find index of the smalest element in array
    //keep in mind that there might be duplicates
    startIndex = ... 

  public T get(int index) {
    int size = rotatedArray.size();
    if (index > size) throw Exception...

    int actualIndex = (startIndex + index) % size;
    return rotatedArray.get(actualIndex);



Python implementation. Could use to be more pythonic:


from bisect import bisect_left

def index(a, x):
    """Binary search to locate the leftmost value exactly equal to x.
    see http://docs.python.org/2/library/bisect.html#searching-sorted-lists

    >>> index([5, 14, 27, 40, 51, 70], 27)
    >>> index([1, 2, 3, 4], 10)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    i = bisect_left(a, x)
    if i != len(a) and a[i] == x:
        return i
    raise ValueError

def _index_shifted(value, sequence, start, stop):
    """Recursive reset location and binary search"""
    # if at reset (min) and it's not the value, it's not there
    if start == stop and sequence[start] != value:
        return -1
    mid = (stop + start) // 2
    # check mid, since we are already here
    if sequence[mid] == value:
        return mid
    # right side is sorted
    elif sequence[mid] < sequence[stop]:
        # if value falls in range, search righ
        if sequence[stop] >= value > sequence[mid]:
            return index(sequence[mid:stop + 1], value) + mid
        # partition left side
        return _index_shifted(value, sequence, start, mid)
    # left side is sorted
        # if value falls in range, search left
        if sequence[mid] > value >= sequence[start]:
            return index(sequence[start:mid], value) + start
        # partition right side
        return _index_shifted(value, sequence, mid + 1, stop)

def index_shifted(sequence, value):
    """Returns index of value in a shifted sorted sequence; -1 if not present.

    >>> index_shifted([10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37], 10)
    >>> index_shifted([10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37], 37)
    >>> index_shifted([34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31], 10)
    >>> index_shifted([34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31], 37)
    >>> index_shifted([34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31], 13)
    >>> index_shifted([34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31], 25)
    >>> index_shifted([25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22], 10)
    >>> index_shifted([25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22], -10)
    >>> index_shifted([25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22], 100)
    return _index_shifted(value, sequence, 0, len(sequence) - 1)



//this solution divides the array in two equal subarrays using recurssion and apply binary search on individual sorted array and it goes on dividing unsorted array


public class SearchRotatedSortedArray
    public static void main(String... args)
        int[] array={5,6,1,2,3,4};


    public static boolean search(int[] array,int element,int start,int end)
        if (array[end]==element) return true;else return false;

    int mid=(start+end)/2;
        return binarySearch(array,element,start,end);

    return search(array,element,start,mid)||search(array,element,mid+1,end);    

    public static boolean binarySearch(int[] array,int element,int start,int end)
        int mid;


            return true;




        return false;



int findIndexInRotatedSort( vector<int> input, int s, int e, int toFind )
        if (s > e || s >= input.size() || e < 0)
            return -1;

        int m = (s + e)/2;

        int sVal = input.at(s);
        int eVal = input.at(e);
        int mVal = input.at(m);

        if (sVal == toFind)
            return s;
        if (eVal == toFind)
            return e;
        if (mVal == toFind)
            return m;

        bool isFirstOrdered = (sVal < mVal);
        bool isSecondOrdered = (mVal < eVal);
        if (toFind > mVal)
            if (!isSecondOrdered || toFind < eVal)
                return findIndexInRotatedSort( input, m+1, e, toFind );
                return findIndexInRotatedSort( input, s, m-1, toFind );
            if (!isFirstOrdered || toFind > sVal)
                return findIndexInRotatedSort( input, s, m-1, toFind );
                return findIndexInRotatedSort(  input, m+1, e, toFind );



public class RoatatedSorted {

 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    int[] rotArray = {5,6,7,8,9,10,15,16,17,1,2,3,4,};



private static void search(int[] a, int low, int high,int key) {

    //int mid =  low + (high-low)/2;
    //if(a[mid]==a[key]){System.out.println("element found at" + key+1 +" position"); return;}

    // find pos to split array
    int pos = findSplitIndex(a,low,high);
    System.out.println("split pos found at" + pos +" position");

    if(key>=a[low]&& key <=a[pos])
    if(key>=a[pos+1]&& key <=a[high])

private static void bsearch(int[] a, int low, int high,int key) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    if(low>high) return;
    int mid =  low + (high-low)/2;
    {System.out.println("element found at" + ++mid +" position"); return;}
    if(a[mid] > key)

private static int findSplitIndex(int[] a, int low, int high) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    int mid;
    if(low>high)return -1;
    while(true) {
        mid =  low + (high-low)/2;
    if( a[mid]>a[mid+1])

    return mid;





First to find the Minimum element in the array then divide array in two part. After that search the given value using Binary search tree. Complexity : O(logn) If you have to find the Minimum element in the rotated Array, use same approach,just skip Binary search. Complexity : O(logn)


//Search an element in a sorted and pivoted array
    class SearchInPivotedSortedArray
        //searchInOrtedPivotedArray : Return index of matched element with given value.
        public static int searchInSortedPivotedArray(int[] A, int value)
            int min = findMinElement(A,0,A.Length-1);
            if (min == A[0])
               return binarySearchTree(A, 0, A.Length-1, value);

            if (value <= A[A.Length-1])
               return binarySearchTree(A, min, A.Length-1, value);
               return binarySearchTree(A, 0, min-1, value);

        //return index of Pivot element
        public static int findMinElement(int[] Array, int low, int high)

            if (low >= high)
                return low;

            int mid = (low + high) / 2;
            if (mid > low && Array[mid] < Array[mid - 1])
                return mid;
            if (mid < high && Array[mid] > Array[mid + 1])
                return mid + 1;

            if (Array[mid] < Array[high])
                return findMinElement(Array, low, mid - 1);

            return findMinElement(Array, mid + 1, high);

        //Return match element index, if not found return -1
        public static int binarySearchTree(int[] array, int low, int high,int value)
            if (low > high)
                return -1;
            int mid = (low + high)/2;

            if (array[mid] == value)
                return mid;
            if (array[mid] > value)
                return binarySearchTree(array, low, mid - 1, value);
                return binarySearchTree(array, mid + 1, high, value);




this is a O(logn) solution: tested. it works on both sorted and rotated sorted arrays:


public static int rbs(int[] a, int l, int r, int t) {

    if (a[l] <= a[r]) {
        return bs(a, l, r, t);

    if (r < l) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        int m = (l+r) / 2;
        if (a[m] == t) {
            return m;
        } else if (a[m] > t) { // check left half
            if (a[l] > a[m]) { // left is unsorted
                return rbs(a, l, m-1, t);
            } else { // left is sorted
                if (a[l] < t) { // t is in range
                    return bs(a, l, m-1, t);
                } else if (a[l] > t) { // t is out of range on left
                    if (a[r] >= t) {
                        return rbs (a, m+1, r, t);
                    } else
                        return -1;
                } else
                    return l;
        } else { // other side
            if (a[r] < a[m]) { // right is unsorted
                return rbs(a, m+1, r, t);
            } else { // right is sorted
                if (a[r] > t) { // t is in range
                    return bs(a, m+1, r, t);
                } else if (a[r] < t) { // t is out of range on right side
                    if (a[l] <= t) {
                        return rbs (a, l, m-1, t);
                    } else
                        return -1;
                } else
                    return r;

public static int bs(int[] a, int l, int r, int t) {

    int m = (l+r) / 2;

    if (r < l) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        if (a[m] == t)
            return m;
        else if (a[m] < t)
            return bs(a, m+1, r, t);
            return bs (a, l, m-1, t);



Try out this solution,


     public static int findElement(int[] a, int key, int left, int right) {

           if (left > right) {
              return -1;

           int mid = (left + right) / 2;

           if (key == a[mid]) {
              return mid;
           } else if (key < a[mid]) {
              return (a[left] <= a[mid] && a[left] < key ? findElement(
                a, key, left, mid - 1) : findElement(a, key,
                mid + 1, right));
           } else {
              return (a[mid] <= a[right] && a[right] < key ? findElement(
                a, key, left, mid - 1) : findElement(a, key,
                mid + 1, right));




Here is a C++ implementation of @Andrew Song's answer

这是一个c++实现的@Andrew Song的答案。

int search(int A[], int s, int e, int k) {
    if (s <= e) {
        int m = s + (e - s)/2;
        if (A[m] == k)
            return m;
        if (A[m] < A[e] && k > A[m] && k <= A[e]) 
            return search(A, m+1, e, k);
        if (A[m] > A[s] && k < A[m] && k >= A[s]) 
            return search(A, s, m-1, k);
        if (A[m] < A[s]) 
            return search(A, s, m-1, k);
        if (A[m] > A[e])
            return search(A, m+1, e, k);
    return -1;



This is 100% working and tested solution in PYTHON


Program to find a number from a sorted but rotated array


def findNumber(a, x, start, end):
  if start > end:
    return  -1
  mid = (start + end) / 2
  if a[mid] == x:
    return mid
  ## Case : 1  if a[start] to a[mid] is sorted , then search first half of array
  if a[start] < a[mid]:
    if (x >= a[start] and x <= a[mid]):
      return findNumber(a, x, start, mid - 1)
      return findNumber(a,x, mid + 1, end)
  ## Case: 2 if a[start] to a[mid] is not sorted , then a[mid] to a[end] mist be sorted
    if (x >= a[mid] and x <= a[end]):
      return findNumber(a, x, mid + 1, end)
      return findNumber(a,x, start, mid -1)

a = [4,5,6,7,0,1,2]
print "Your array is  : " , a
x = input("Enter any number to find in array : ")
result = findNumber(a, x, 0, len(a) - 1)
print "The element is present at %d position: ", result



def search(array, left, right, target): # Stop conditions for recursion. if not array: return -1 if left == right: return left if array[left] == target else -1

def搜索(数组,左,右,目标):递归的停止条件。如果不是数组:返回-1如果左边==右:如果数组[左]== =目标-1返回左。

    # Check if middle element is same as the target.
    mid = (left + right) / 2
    if array[mid] == target:
        return mid

    # Pivot point is at the right of the middle element.
    if array[left] <= array[mid]:
        if target >= array[left] and target <= array[mid]:
            return search(array, left, mid - 1, target)
        return search(array, mid + 1, right, target)

    # Pivot point is at the left of the middle element.
    if target >= array[mid] and target <= array[right]:
        return search(array, mid + 1, right, target)
    return search(array, left, mid - 1, target)

I found the solution from this post




My solution: efficiency: O(logn)


public static int SearchRotatedSortedArray(int l, int d, int[] array, int toFind) {
    if (l >= d) {
        return -1;
    if (array[l] == toFind) {
        return l;
    if (array[d] == toFind) {
        return d;

    int mid = (l + d) / 2;
    if (array[mid] == toFind) {
        return mid;

    if ((array[mid] > toFind && toFind > array[l]) || (array[mid] < toFind && array[d] < toFind)) {
        return SearchRotatedSortedArray(l, mid - 1, array, toFind);
    } else {
        return SearchRotatedSortedArray(mid + 1, d, array, toFind);




In worst case you have to use linear search and examine whole array to find a target, because, unlike a set, an array may contain duplicates. And if an array contains duplicates you can't use binary search in the given problem.


If queries on particular array are infrequent you can use standard binary search if whole array is sorted (first element is strictly smaller than last element) and use linear search otherwise. For more information see How fast can you make linear search? discussion on * and 10 Optimizations on Linear Search article by Thomas A. Limoncelli.

如果对特定数组的查询不频繁,则可以使用标准的二进制搜索,如果整个数组是排序的(第一个元素严格小于最后一个元素),则可以使用线性搜索。要了解更多信息,请查看如何快速进行线性搜索?关于*的讨论和Thomas A. Limoncelli关于线性搜索的10个优化。

Hovewer, if queries are frequent you can sort input array in linear time (see Fastest algorithm for circle shift N sized array for M position discussion on *) in preprocessing step and use standard binary search as usual.




using namespace std;
int BinarySearch(int *a,int key, int length)
    int l=0,r=length-1,res=-1;
        int mid = (l+r)/2;
        if(a[mid] == key) {res = mid; break;}
                //Check the part of the array that maintains sort sequence and update index                   
                // accordingly.
        if((a[mid] < a[r] && ( key > a[mid] && key <=a[r]))
            || a[mid] > a[r] && !( key>=a[l] && key <a[mid]))
                     l = mid+1;
        else r = mid-1;
    return res;
void main()
    int arr[10] = {6,7,8,9,10,13,15,18,2,3};
    int key = 8;
    cout<<"Binary Search Output: "<<BinarySearch(arr,key,10);



Find element index in rotated sorted array


Example : [6,7,8,1,2,3,5]

int findElementIndex(int []a, int element, int start, int end)
    int mid = (start + end)>>1;

        return -1;

    if(a[mid] == element)
    return mid;

    if(a[mid] < a[start])
       if(element <= a[end] && element > a[mid])
       return findElementIndex(a,element,mid+1,end);
       return findElementIndex(a,element,start,mid-1);
    else  if(a[mid] > a[start]){
        if(element >= a[start] && element < a[mid])
             return findElementIndex(a,element,start,mid-1);
            return findElementIndex(a,element,mid+1,end);
    else if (a[mid] == a[start]){
        if(a[mid] != a[end]) // repeated elements
          return findElementIndex(a,element,mid+1,end);
            int left = findElementIndex(a,element,start,mid-1);
            int right = findElementIndex(a,element,mid+1,end);

            return (left != -1) ? left : right;

