解决方法:在Eclipse中点击 Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Hovers, 勾选Variable Values,(如果Combined Hover已经选择了,就取消它), 然后点击Apply,最后点OK。
有时不需要勾选Variable Values,只勾选Combined Hover也能查看变量值,所以勾不勾选多试几下,Debug可能就好了。
Combined Hover - Tries the hovers in the sequence listed in above table, excluding this hover, and uses the one which fits best for the selected element and the current context.
Combined Hover:根据当前上下文以及选择的元素 进行自适应匹配展示。
Variable Values - Shows the value of the selected variable when debugging.
Variable Values :Debug模式下展示当前选择变量的内容
Problem Description - Shows the description of the selected problem.
Problem Description:显示当前问题(错误)的描述信息
Externalized String - Shows the externalized string of the selected key.
Externalized String: 显示所选键的形象化字符串。
Javadoc - Shows the Javadoc of the selected element..
Annotation Description - Shows the description of the selected annotation.
Annotation Description :显示当前选择声明的描述信息。
Source - Shows the source of the selected element.