ARM Cortex-M3内核上的.NET Micro Framework

时间:2022-02-22 23:53:28

I have a RDK-IDM from Luminary Micro. This board has a 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M3 core. Has anybody tried to run a .NET Micro Framework application on such a device?

我有一个来自Luminary Micro的RDK-IDM。该板具有32位ARM®Cortex™-M3内核。有没有人试图在这样的设备上运行.NET Micro Framework应用程序?

4 个解决方案



The cortex M3 is a very cut-down core, it lacks an MMU, for example, and is intended to run very simple operating systems. Specifically, not Symbian/Windows Mobile/Linux/etc. Rather OSEck, OSEK, iTRON, or similar. I think this is actually totally infeasible due to that.

例如,皮质M3是一个非常简化的核心,它没有MMU,用于运行非常简单的操作系统。具体来说,不是Symbian / Windows Mobile / Linux /等。而是OSEck,OSEK,iTRON或类似的。我认为这实际上是完全不可行的。



I don't have any hands on experience but based on The smallest footprint supported is 64kb RAM, 256kb Flash and MMU is not required. Therefore your applications needs would be the determining factor.

我没有任何实践经验,但基于支持的最小占用空间是64kb RAM,不需要256kb Flash和MMU。因此,您的应用程序需求将是决定因素。

FYI: the .NET Micro Framework was released as Open Source under the Apache 2.0 License November 16, 2009

仅供参考:.NET Micro Framework于2009年11月16日在Apache 2.0许可下发布为开源



It seems that the LM3S6918 (The chip on the RDK-IDM) has only 256KB Flash and 64Kb SRAM but .NET Micro Framework requires 256KB RAM and 512K Flash/ROM!

似乎LM3S6918(RDK-IDM上的芯片)只有256KB Flash和64Kb SRAM,但.NET Micro Framework需要256KB RAM和512K Flash / ROM!

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We have ported .NET Micro Framework to TI Stellaris MCU, ARM Cortex-M3 core, currently we have a port for EK-LM3S8962 board, and it is working.

我们已将.NET Micro Framework移植到TI Stellaris MCU,ARM Cortex-M3内核,目前我们有一个EK-LM3S8962板的端口,它正在工作。

.NET Micro Framework Minimal memory footprint:

.NET Micro Framework最小内存占用:

  • Flash: 155KB
  • RAM: 32KB



The cortex M3 is a very cut-down core, it lacks an MMU, for example, and is intended to run very simple operating systems. Specifically, not Symbian/Windows Mobile/Linux/etc. Rather OSEck, OSEK, iTRON, or similar. I think this is actually totally infeasible due to that.

例如,皮质M3是一个非常简化的核心,它没有MMU,用于运行非常简单的操作系统。具体来说,不是Symbian / Windows Mobile / Linux /等。而是OSEck,OSEK,iTRON或类似的。我认为这实际上是完全不可行的。



I don't have any hands on experience but based on The smallest footprint supported is 64kb RAM, 256kb Flash and MMU is not required. Therefore your applications needs would be the determining factor.

我没有任何实践经验,但基于支持的最小占用空间是64kb RAM,不需要256kb Flash和MMU。因此,您的应用程序需求将是决定因素。

FYI: the .NET Micro Framework was released as Open Source under the Apache 2.0 License November 16, 2009

仅供参考:.NET Micro Framework于2009年11月16日在Apache 2.0许可下发布为开源



It seems that the LM3S6918 (The chip on the RDK-IDM) has only 256KB Flash and 64Kb SRAM but .NET Micro Framework requires 256KB RAM and 512K Flash/ROM!

似乎LM3S6918(RDK-IDM上的芯片)只有256KB Flash和64Kb SRAM,但.NET Micro Framework需要256KB RAM和512K Flash / ROM!

Read more here




We have ported .NET Micro Framework to TI Stellaris MCU, ARM Cortex-M3 core, currently we have a port for EK-LM3S8962 board, and it is working.

我们已将.NET Micro Framework移植到TI Stellaris MCU,ARM Cortex-M3内核,目前我们有一个EK-LM3S8962板的端口,它正在工作。

.NET Micro Framework Minimal memory footprint:

.NET Micro Framework最小内存占用:

  • Flash: 155KB
  • RAM: 32KB