window 下生成NodeJs(v8.9.3) 的 VS2015 解决方案node.sln

时间:2025-01-11 11:03:50

window 下生成NodeJs(v8.9.3) 的 VS2015 解决方案node.sln

使用步骤 也可以参照 github:

1. 从 github 同步

2.安装 python 2.7 或者 2.6

当然, 如果有Python 环境, 就跳过好了

3. 修改 common.gypi

因为如果 不修改的话, 会报好多错误的....

E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools>  -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'node_shared' is not defined while evaluating condition 'node_shared=="true"' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools> -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'node_shared' is not defined while evaluating condition 'node_shared=="true"' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools> -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'node_use_openssl' is not defined while evaluating condition 'OS=="win" and node_use_openssl=="true" and node_shared_openssl=="false"' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools> -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'node_shared_openssl' is not defined while evaluating condition 'OS=="win" and node_use_openssl=="true" and node_shared_openssl=="false"' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools> -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'openssl_fips' is not defined while evaluating condition 'openssl_fips != ""' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools> -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'v8_enable_inspector' is not defined while evaluating condition 'v8_enable_inspector==1' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools> -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'node_enable_d8' is not defined while evaluating condition 'node_enable_d8=="true"' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools> -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'node_release_urlbase' is not defined while evaluating condition 'node_release_urlbase!=""' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools> -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'debug_http2' is not defined while evaluating condition 'debug_http2==1' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools> -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'v8_enable_i18n_support' is not defined while evaluating condition 'v8_enable_i18n_support==1' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\node.gyp


下面是修改的部分(红色粗体字,变量值是我自己的缺少设置,可以改), 文件在主目录下

'variables': {
'asan%': 0,
'werror': '', # Turn off -Werror in V8 build.
'visibility%': 'hidden', # V8's visibility setting
'target_arch%': 'ia32', # set v8's target architecture
'host_arch%': 'ia32', # set v8's host architecture
'want_separate_host_toolset%': 0, # V8 should not build target and host
'library%': 'static_library', # allow override to 'shared_library' for DLL/.so builds
'component%': 'static_library', # NB. these names match with what V8 expects
'msvs_multi_core_compile': '0', # we do enable multicore compiles, but not using the V8 way
'python%': 'python', 'node_shared': 'false',
'node_enable_d8': 'false',
'v8_enable_inspector': 1,
'v8_enable_i18n_support': 'true',
'debug_http2': 1,
'debug_nghttp2': 1,
'node_use_openssl': 'false',
'node_shared_openssl': 'true',
'openssl_fips': '',
'node_release_urlbase': '', 'node_shared%': 'false',
'force_dynamic_crt%': 0,
'node_use_v8_platform%': 'true',
'node_use_bundled_v8%': 'true',
'node_module_version%': '',

4.修改 deps\v8\src\v8.gyp

貌似调用 deps\v8\src\v8.gyp 的时候, 有个参数没有传进去,target_arch的值我用的 是 'x64':

E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\tools>  -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs
gyp: name 'debug_nghttp2' is not defined while evaluating condition 'debug_nghttp2 == 1' in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\deps\nghttp2\nghttp2.gyp
gyp: Undefined variable target_arch in E:\Projects\C++\node-git\trunk\deps\v8\src\v8.gyp


'variables': {
'target_arch': 'x64', 'v8_code': 1,

5. 生成 解决方案

一般来说,使用 gyp 生成 VS 的解决方案的, 都是 使用类似的 命令行:

"  -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs"    XXXX 就是工程/解决方案名,例如 V8的 就是 gyp_V8.gyp; Node的就是gyp_node.gyp
tools>  -Dtarget_arch=x64 -f msvs


6.如果 用 vcbuild.bat 生成, 就不会有这些错误

以上是直接 运行  会产生 缺少 变量,  但是 如果 用 vcbuild.bat, 就不会.  >>git上有issue说明<< ^_^