DLE的一个特征是,它可以连接任何现有的设计而不感到任何限制。DLE同时支持多个模式。所有的模板是在文件夹/ tеmplates /。每个
Getting Started and Templates
One feature of the engine is that it is possible to connect any existing design without feeling any restrictions. The engine supports multiple patterns simultaneously. All templates are in the folder /tеmplates/. Each subfolder in this folder is a single site model. So if you download a new skin for the engine, just copy it to a folder and allow its use in the admin panel.
This is a WordPress plugin that displays a specified number of best sold products by the same vendor in the same category on the single/vendor page,and displays a specified number of best sold products in the same category on others page.
If there is more than one category that it falls under, it will list them all. It ignores the current product. It also hide itself if this is the only product in that subcategory.
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