
时间:2021-07-24 23:10:35

I'd like to encode Array[Byte] fields of my case classes as Base64 strings. For some reason Circe doesn't pick up my codec using default one instead that converts byte array into json array of ints.


What should I do to fix it ? Here is my minimized code


import io.circe.generic.JsonCodec

sealed trait DocumentAttribute

sealed case class DAAudio(title: Option[String], performer: Option[String], waveform: Option[Array[Byte]], duration: Int) extends DocumentAttribute

sealed case class DAFilename(fileName: String) extends DocumentAttribute

object CirceEncodersDecoders {
  import io.circe._
  import io.circe.generic.extras._
  import io.circe.generic.extras.semiauto._

  implicit val arrayByteEncoder: Encoder[Array[Byte]] = Encoder.encodeString.contramap[Array[Byte]] { bytes ⇒

  val printer: Printer = Printer.noSpaces.copy(dropNullValues = true, reuseWriters = true)
  implicit val config: Configuration = Configuration.default.withDiscriminator("kind").withSnakeCaseConstructorNames.withSnakeCaseMemberNames

  implicit val DocumentAttributeEncoder: Encoder[DocumentAttribute] = deriveEncoder
  implicit val DocumentAttributeDecoder: Decoder[DocumentAttribute] = deriveDecoder

object main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    import CirceEncodersDecoders._

    import io.circe.parser._
    import io.circe.syntax._

    val attributes: List[DocumentAttribute] = List(
      DAAudio(Some("title"), Some("perform"), Some(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).map(_.toByte).toArray), 15),
    val j2 = attributes.asJson
    val decoded2 = decode[List[DocumentAttribute]](j2.noSpaces)

1 个解决方案



When you do this:


implicit val DocumentAttributeEncoder: Encoder[DocumentAttribute] = deriveEncoder

circe tries to get suitable Encoder for DAFilename and DAAudio. However, since those already exist (by means of @JsonCodec on individual classes), it does not re-derive them from scratch using generics and your Encoder[Array[Byte]] at scope - which you want.


So you can either get rid of @JsonCodec (so it auto-derives codecs for DAFilename and DAAudio together with DocumentAttribute) or trigger re-derivation manually:


implicit val AudioDecoder: Encoder[DAAudio] = deriveEncoder // takes priority over existing one
implicit val DocumentAttributeEncoder: Encoder[DocumentAttribute] = deriveEncoder // AudioDecoder will be used here

You also need to build a Decoder for Array[Byte] and repeat the process above for Decoders, otherwise it will try to parse Base64 string as a list of ints, resulting in a failure.




When you do this:


implicit val DocumentAttributeEncoder: Encoder[DocumentAttribute] = deriveEncoder

circe tries to get suitable Encoder for DAFilename and DAAudio. However, since those already exist (by means of @JsonCodec on individual classes), it does not re-derive them from scratch using generics and your Encoder[Array[Byte]] at scope - which you want.


So you can either get rid of @JsonCodec (so it auto-derives codecs for DAFilename and DAAudio together with DocumentAttribute) or trigger re-derivation manually:


implicit val AudioDecoder: Encoder[DAAudio] = deriveEncoder // takes priority over existing one
implicit val DocumentAttributeEncoder: Encoder[DocumentAttribute] = deriveEncoder // AudioDecoder will be used here

You also need to build a Decoder for Array[Byte] and repeat the process above for Decoders, otherwise it will try to parse Base64 string as a list of ints, resulting in a failure.
