I have a cassandra table defined like below:
create table if not exists test(
id int,
readDate timestamp,
totalreadings text,
readings text,
PRIMARY KEY(meter_id, date)
The reading contains the map of all snapshots of data collected at regular intervals (30 minutes) along with aggregated data for full day.
The data would like below :
id=8, readDate=Tue Dec 20 2016, totalreadings=220.0, readings={0=9.0, 1=0.0, 2=9.0, 3=5.0, 4=2.0, 5=7.0, 6=1.0, 7=3.0, 8=9.0, 9=2.0, 10=5.0, 11=1.0, 12=1.0, 13=2.0, 14=4.0, 15=4.0, 16=7.0, 17=7.0, 18=5.0, 19=4.0, 20=9.0, 21=6.0, 22=8.0, 23=4.0, 24=6.0, 25=3.0, 26=5.0, 27=7.0, 28=2.0, 29=0.0, 30=8.0, 31=9.0, 32=1.0, 33=8.0, 34=9.0, 35=2.0, 36=4.0, 37=5.0, 38=4.0, 39=7.0, 40=3.0, 41=2.0, 42=1.0, 43=2.0, 44=4.0, 45=5.0, 46=3.0, 47=1.0}]]
id=8, readDate=Tue Dec 21 2016, totalreadings=221.0, readings={0=9.0, 1=0.0, 2=9.0, 3=5.0, 4=2.0, 5=7.0, 6=1.0, 7=3.0, 8=9.0, 9=2.0, 10=5.0, 11=1.0, 12=1.0, 13=2.0, 14=4.0, 15=4.0, 16=7.0, 17=7.0, 18=5.0, 19=4.0, 20=9.0, 21=6.0, 22=8.0, 23=4.0, 24=6.0, 25=3.0, 26=5.0, 27=7.0, 28=2.0, 29=0.0, 30=8.0, 31=9.0, 32=1.0, 33=8.0, 34=9.0, 35=2.0, 36=4.0, 37=5.0, 38=4.0, 39=7.0, 40=3.0, 41=2.0, 42=1.0, 43=2.0, 44=4.0, 45=5.0, 46=3.0, 47=1.0}]]
id=8, readDate=Tue Dec 22 2016, totalreadings=219.0, readings={0=9.0, 1=0.0, 2=9.0, 3=5.0, 4=2.0, 5=7.0, 6=1.0, 7=3.0, 8=9.0, 9=2.0, 10=5.0, 11=1.0, 12=1.0, 13=2.0, 14=4.0, 15=4.0, 16=7.0, 17=7.0, 18=5.0, 19=4.0, 20=9.0, 21=6.0, 22=8.0, 23=4.0, 24=6.0, 25=3.0, 26=5.0, 27=7.0, 28=2.0, 29=0.0, 30=8.0, 31=9.0, 32=1.0, 33=8.0, 34=9.0, 35=2.0, 36=4.0, 37=5.0, 38=4.0, 39=7.0, 40=3.0, 41=2.0, 42=1.0, 43=2.0, 44=4.0, 45=5.0, 46=3.0, 47=1.0}]]
id=8, readDate=Tue Dec 23 2016, totalreadings=224.0, readings={0=9.0, 1=0.0, 2=9.0, 3=5.0, 4=2.0, 5=7.0, 6=1.0, 7=3.0, 8=9.0, 9=2.0, 10=5.0, 11=1.0, 12=1.0, 13=2.0, 14=4.0, 15=4.0, 16=7.0, 17=7.0, 18=5.0, 19=4.0, 20=9.0, 21=6.0, 22=8.0, 23=4.0, 24=6.0, 25=3.0, 26=5.0, 27=7.0, 28=2.0, 29=0.0, 30=8.0, 31=9.0, 32=1.0, 33=8.0, 34=9.0, 35=2.0, 36=4.0, 37=5.0, 38=4.0, 39=7.0, 40=3.0, 41=2.0, 42=1.0, 43=2.0, 44=4.0, 45=5.0, 46=3.0, 47=1.0}]]
The java pojo classes look like below:
java pojo类如下所示:
public class Test{
private int id;
private Date readDate;
private String totalreadings;
private Map<Integer, Double> readings;
I am trying to find last 4 days aggregated average of all reading per snapshot. So logically, i have 4 list for last 4 days Test object and each of them has a map containing reading across the intervals.
Is there a simple way to find aggregate of a similar snapshot entries across 4 days . For example , i want to aggregate specific data snapshots (1,2,3,4,5,6,etc) only not the total aggregate.
1 个解决方案
After changing you table-structure a little bit the problem can be solved completely in Cassandra. - Mainly I have put your readings into a map.
在改变你的表结构后,问题可以在Cassandra中完全解决。 - 主要是我把你的读数放到地图上。
create table test(
id int,
readDate timestamp,
totalreadings float,
readings map<int,float>,
PRIMARY KEY(id, readDate)
Now I entered a bit of your data using CQL:
insert into test (id,readDate,totalReadings, readings ) values (8 '2016-12-20', 220.0, {0:9.0, 1:0.0, 2:9.0, 3:5.0, 4:2.0, 5:7.0, 6:1.0, 7:3.0, 8:9.0, 9:2.0, 10:5.0, 11:1.0, 12:1.0, 13:2.0, 14:4.0, 15:4.0, 16:7.0, 17:7.0, 18:5.0, 19:4.0, 20:9.0, 21:6.0, 22:8.0, 23:4.0, 24:6.0, 25:3.0, 26:5.0, 27:7.0, 28:2.0, 29:0.0, 30:8.0, 31:9.0, 32:1.0, 33:8.0, 34:9.0, 35:2.0, 36:4.0, 37:5.0, 38:4.0, 39:7.0, 40:3.0, 41:2.0, 42:1.0, 43:2.0, 44:4.0, 45:5.0, 46:3.0, 47:1.0});
insert into test (id,readDate,totalReadings, readings ) values (8, '2016-12-21', 221.0,{0:9.0, 1:0.0, 2:9.0, 3:5.0, 4:2.0, 5:7.0, 6:1.0, 7:3.0, 8:9.0, 9:2.0, 10:5.0, 11:1.0, 12:1.0, 13:2.0, 14:4.0, 15:4.0, 16:7.0, 17:7.0, 18:5.0, 19:4.0, 20:9.0, 21:6.0, 22:8.0, 23:4.0, 24:6.0, 25:3.0, 26:5.0, 27:7.0, 28:2.0, 29:0.0, 30:8.0, 31:9.0, 32:1.0, 33:8.0, 34:9.0, 35:2.0, 36:4.0, 37:5.0, 38:4.0, 39:7.0, 40:3.0, 41:2.0, 42:1.0, 43:2.0, 44:4.0, 45:5.0, 46:3.0, 47:1.0});
To extract single values out of the map I created a User defined function (UDF). This UDF picks the right value aut of your map containing the readings. See Cassandra docs on UDF for more on UDFs. Note that UDFs are disabled in cassandra by default so you need to modify cassandra.yaml to include enable_user_defined_functions: true
create function map_item(readings map<int,float>, idx int) called on null input returns float language java as ' return readings.get(idx);';
After creating the function you can calculate your average as
select avg(map_item(readings, 7)) from test where readDate > '2016-12-20' allow filtering;
which gives me: system.avg(betterconnect.map_item(readings, 7)) ------------------------------------------------- 3
它给了我:system.avg(betterconnect.map_item(readings,7))--------------------------------- ---------------- 3
You may want to supply the date fort your where-clause and the index (7 in my example) as parameters from your application.
After changing you table-structure a little bit the problem can be solved completely in Cassandra. - Mainly I have put your readings into a map.
在改变你的表结构后,问题可以在Cassandra中完全解决。 - 主要是我把你的读数放到地图上。
create table test(
id int,
readDate timestamp,
totalreadings float,
readings map<int,float>,
PRIMARY KEY(id, readDate)
Now I entered a bit of your data using CQL:
insert into test (id,readDate,totalReadings, readings ) values (8 '2016-12-20', 220.0, {0:9.0, 1:0.0, 2:9.0, 3:5.0, 4:2.0, 5:7.0, 6:1.0, 7:3.0, 8:9.0, 9:2.0, 10:5.0, 11:1.0, 12:1.0, 13:2.0, 14:4.0, 15:4.0, 16:7.0, 17:7.0, 18:5.0, 19:4.0, 20:9.0, 21:6.0, 22:8.0, 23:4.0, 24:6.0, 25:3.0, 26:5.0, 27:7.0, 28:2.0, 29:0.0, 30:8.0, 31:9.0, 32:1.0, 33:8.0, 34:9.0, 35:2.0, 36:4.0, 37:5.0, 38:4.0, 39:7.0, 40:3.0, 41:2.0, 42:1.0, 43:2.0, 44:4.0, 45:5.0, 46:3.0, 47:1.0});
insert into test (id,readDate,totalReadings, readings ) values (8, '2016-12-21', 221.0,{0:9.0, 1:0.0, 2:9.0, 3:5.0, 4:2.0, 5:7.0, 6:1.0, 7:3.0, 8:9.0, 9:2.0, 10:5.0, 11:1.0, 12:1.0, 13:2.0, 14:4.0, 15:4.0, 16:7.0, 17:7.0, 18:5.0, 19:4.0, 20:9.0, 21:6.0, 22:8.0, 23:4.0, 24:6.0, 25:3.0, 26:5.0, 27:7.0, 28:2.0, 29:0.0, 30:8.0, 31:9.0, 32:1.0, 33:8.0, 34:9.0, 35:2.0, 36:4.0, 37:5.0, 38:4.0, 39:7.0, 40:3.0, 41:2.0, 42:1.0, 43:2.0, 44:4.0, 45:5.0, 46:3.0, 47:1.0});
To extract single values out of the map I created a User defined function (UDF). This UDF picks the right value aut of your map containing the readings. See Cassandra docs on UDF for more on UDFs. Note that UDFs are disabled in cassandra by default so you need to modify cassandra.yaml to include enable_user_defined_functions: true
create function map_item(readings map<int,float>, idx int) called on null input returns float language java as ' return readings.get(idx);';
After creating the function you can calculate your average as
select avg(map_item(readings, 7)) from test where readDate > '2016-12-20' allow filtering;
which gives me: system.avg(betterconnect.map_item(readings, 7)) ------------------------------------------------- 3
它给了我:system.avg(betterconnect.map_item(readings,7))--------------------------------- ---------------- 3
You may want to supply the date fort your where-clause and the index (7 in my example) as parameters from your application.