在减法时停止mysql MEDIUMINT最大值为16777214

时间:2021-07-23 23:07:41

I have the following question:


UPDATE users SET posts = posts - 1 WHERE user_id = 5214

However, I think when posts = 0 this query sets posts to 16777214. How can I get it to stay @ 0 (it's unsigned) if I try to -1?

但是,我认为当posts = 0时,这个查询将帖子设置为16777214.如果我尝试-1,我怎么能让它保持@ 0(它是无符号的)?

1 个解决方案



simply add condition the filters all records which are greater than zero.


UPDATE users 
SET    posts = posts - 1 
WHERE  user_id = 5214 AND 
       posts > 0



simply add condition the filters all records which are greater than zero.


UPDATE users 
SET    posts = posts - 1 
WHERE  user_id = 5214 AND 
       posts > 0