在Redshift SQL中从数组中提取值

时间:2022-09-30 23:05:52

I have some arrays stored in Redshift table "transactions" in the following format:


id, total, breakdown
1, 100, [50,50]
2, 200, [150,50]
3, 125, [15, 110]
n, 10000, [100,900]

Since this format is useless to me, I need to do some processing on this to get the values out. I've tried using regex to extract it.


SELECT regexp_substr(breakdown, '\[([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]')
FROM transactions

but I get an error returned that says


Unmatched ( or \(
error:  Unmatched ( or \(
code:      8002
context:   T_regexp_init
query:     8946413
location:  funcs_expr.cpp:130
process:   query3_40 [pid=17533]

Ideally I would like to get x and y as their own columns so I can do the appropriate math. I know I can do this fairly easy in python or PHP or the like, but I'm interested in a pure SQL solution - partially because I'm using an online SQL editor (Mode Analytics) to plot it easily as a dashboard.

理想情况下,我想将x和y作为自己的列,以便我可以进行适当的数学运算。我知道我可以在python或PHP等中相当容易地做到这一点,但我对纯SQL解决方案感兴趣 - 部分是因为我使用在线SQL编辑器(Mode Analytics)将其轻松地绘制为仪表板。

Thanks for your help!


3 个解决方案



If breakdown really is an array you can do this:


select id, total, breakdown[1] as x, breakdown[2] as y
from transactions;

If breakdown is not an array but e.g. a varchar column, you can cast it into an array if you replace the square brackets with curly braces:


select id, total, 
       (translate(breakdown, '[]', '{}')::integer[])[1] as x,
       (translate(breakdown, '[]', '{}')::integer[])[2] as y
from transactions;



You can try this :


SELECT REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',1),'[','') as x,REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',2),']','') as y FROM transactions;

I tried this with redshift db and this worked for me.

我尝试使用redshift db,这对我有用。

Detailed Explanation:

  • SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',1) will give you [50.
  • SPLIT_PART(细分,',',1)会给你[50。

  • SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',2) will give you 50].
  • SPLIT_PART(细分,',',2)会给你50]。

  • REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',1),'[','') will replace the [ and will give just 50.
  • REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(细分,',',1),'[','')将取代[并且只会给50。

  • REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',2),']','') will replace the ] and will give just 50.
  • REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(细分,',',2),']','')将替换]并且仅提供50。



Know its an old post.But if someone needs a much easier way


select json_extract_array_element_text('[100,101,102]', 2);

output : 102




If breakdown really is an array you can do this:


select id, total, breakdown[1] as x, breakdown[2] as y
from transactions;

If breakdown is not an array but e.g. a varchar column, you can cast it into an array if you replace the square brackets with curly braces:


select id, total, 
       (translate(breakdown, '[]', '{}')::integer[])[1] as x,
       (translate(breakdown, '[]', '{}')::integer[])[2] as y
from transactions;



You can try this :


SELECT REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',1),'[','') as x,REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',2),']','') as y FROM transactions;

I tried this with redshift db and this worked for me.

我尝试使用redshift db,这对我有用。

Detailed Explanation:

  • SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',1) will give you [50.
  • SPLIT_PART(细分,',',1)会给你[50。

  • SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',2) will give you 50].
  • SPLIT_PART(细分,',',2)会给你50]。

  • REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',1),'[','') will replace the [ and will give just 50.
  • REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(细分,',',1),'[','')将取代[并且只会给50。

  • REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(breakdown,',',2),']','') will replace the ] and will give just 50.
  • REPLACE(SPLIT_PART(细分,',',2),']','')将替换]并且仅提供50。



Know its an old post.But if someone needs a much easier way


select json_extract_array_element_text('[100,101,102]', 2);

output : 102
