
时间:2021-08-16 23:07:24

I want to migrate a table from Amazon RedShift to MySQL, but using "unload" will generate multiple data files which are hard to imported into MySQL directly.

我想将一个表从Amazon RedShift迁移到MySQL,但是使用“卸载”会生成多个很难直接导入到MySQL的数据文件。

Is there any approach to unload the table to a single CSV file so that I can import it to MySQL directly?

有没有办法把表卸载到一个CSV文件中,这样我就可以直接导入到MySQL ?

5 个解决方案



In order to send to a single file use parallel off


unload ('select * from venue')
to 's3://mybucket/tickit/unload/venue_' credentials 
parallel off;

Also I recommend using Gzip, to make that file even smaller for download.


unload ('select * from venue')
to 's3://mybucket/tickit/unload/venue_' credentials 
parallel off



This is an old question at this point, but I feel like all the existing answers are slightly misleading. If your question is, "Can I absolutely 100% guarantee that Redshift will ALWAYS unload to a SINGLE file in S3?", the answer is simply NO.


That being said, for most cases, you can generally limit your query in such a way that you'll end up with a single file. Per the documentation (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_UNLOAD.html), the main factor in limiting the number of files you generate is the actual raw size in bytes of your export (NOT the number of rows). The limit on the size of an output file generated by the Redshift UNLOAD command is 6.2GB.


So if you want to try to guarantee that you get a single output file from UNLOAD, here's what you should try:


  • Specify PARALLEL OFF. Parallel is "ON" by default and will generally write to multiple files unless you have a tiny cluster (The number of output files with "PARALLEL ON" set is proportional to the number of slices in your cluster). PARALLEL OFF will write files serially to S3 instead of in parallel and will only spill over to using multiple files if you exceed the size limit.
  • 默认情况下,PARALLEL是“ON”,并且通常会写入多个文件,除非您有一个很小的集群(设置为“PARALLEL ON”的输出文件的数量与集群中的片数成正比)。PARALLEL OFF将把文件串行地写入到S3中,而不是并行地写入,如果超过了大小限制,就会溢出到使用多个文件。
  • Limit the size of your output. The raw size of the data must be less than 6.2GB if you want a single file. So you need to make your query have a more restrictive WHERE clause or use a LIMIT clause to keep the number of records down. Unfortunately neither of these techniques are perfect since rows can be of variable size. It's also not clear to me if the GZIP option affects the output file size spillover limit or not (it's unclear if 6.2GB is the pre-GZIP size limit or the post-GZIP size limit).
  • 限制输出的大小。如果您想要一个文件,那么数据的原始大小必须小于6.2GB。因此,您需要使查询具有更严格的WHERE子句或使用LIMIT子句来保持记录的数量。不幸的是,这两种技术都不完美,因为行可以是可变大小的。我也不清楚GZIP选项是否影响输出文件大小溢出限制(不清楚6.2GB是前GZIP大小限制还是后GZIP大小限制)。

For me, the UNLOAD command that ending up generating a single CSV file in most cases was:


('SELECT <fields> FROM <table> WHERE <restrict_query>')
TO 's3://<bucket_name>/<filename_prefix>'
CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=<access_key>;aws_secret_access_key=<secret_key>'

The other nice side effect of PARALLEL OFF is that it will respect your ORDER BY clause if you have one and generate the files in an order that keeps all the records ordered, even across multiple output files.

PARALLEL OFF的另一个好处是,如果你有一个ORDER BY子句,它就会尊重你的ORDER,并以保持所有记录都是有序的顺序生成文件,甚至可以跨多个输出文件。

Addendum: There seems to be some folkloric knowledge around using LIMIT 2147483647 to force the leader node to do all the processing and generate a single output file, but this doesn't seem to be actually documented anywhere in the Redshift documentation and as such, relying on it seems like a bad idea since it could change at any time.




It is a bit of a workaround, but you need to make your query a subquery and include a limit. It will then output to one file. E.g.


select * from (select * from bizdata LIMIT 2147483647);

So basically you are selecting all from a limited set. That is the only way it works. 2147483647 is your max limit, as a limit clause takes an unsigned integer argument.


So the following will unload to one file:


unload(' select * from (
select bizid, data
from biztable
limit 2147483647);
 ') to 's3://.......' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=<<aws_access_key_id>>;aws_secret_access_key=<<aws_secret_access_key>>' csv ; 



Nope. { You can use a manifest and tell Redshift to direct all output to a single file. } Previous answer was wrong, I had used manifests for loading but not unloading.


There appears to be 2 possible ways to get a single file:


  1. Easier: Wrap a SELECT … LIMIT query around your actual output query, as per this SO answer but this is limited to ~2 billion rows.
  2. 更简单:围绕实际的输出查询包装一个SELECT…LIMIT查询,就像这个SO answer一样,但这仅限于20亿行。
  3. Harder: Use the Unix cat utility to join the files together cat File1.txt File2.txt > union.txt. This will require you to download the files from S3 first.
  4. 更难的:使用Unix cat实用程序将文件连接到cat文件1。txt File2。txt > union.txt。这需要您首先从S3下载文件。



There is no way to force Redshift to generate only a single output file, for sure.


Under a standard UNLOAD you will have output files created equivalent to the number of system slices, i.e. a system with 8 slices will create 8 files for a single unload command(This is the fastest method to unload.)


If you add a clause PARALLEL OFF in to he Unload Command, your output will be created as a single file, upto the time where the data extract soze does not go beyond 6.25GB, after which Redshift will automatically break the file into a new chunk.

如果在he Unload命令中添加一个并行的子句,那么输出将被创建为单个文件,直到数据提取soze没有超过6.25GB,之后Redshift将自动将文件分割为一个新的块。

The same thing holds true, if you produce compressed output files as well(There of course you will have greater chances to produce a single output file, considering that your file can accommodate more number of records in it.).




In order to send to a single file use parallel off


unload ('select * from venue')
to 's3://mybucket/tickit/unload/venue_' credentials 
parallel off;

Also I recommend using Gzip, to make that file even smaller for download.


unload ('select * from venue')
to 's3://mybucket/tickit/unload/venue_' credentials 
parallel off



This is an old question at this point, but I feel like all the existing answers are slightly misleading. If your question is, "Can I absolutely 100% guarantee that Redshift will ALWAYS unload to a SINGLE file in S3?", the answer is simply NO.


That being said, for most cases, you can generally limit your query in such a way that you'll end up with a single file. Per the documentation (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_UNLOAD.html), the main factor in limiting the number of files you generate is the actual raw size in bytes of your export (NOT the number of rows). The limit on the size of an output file generated by the Redshift UNLOAD command is 6.2GB.


So if you want to try to guarantee that you get a single output file from UNLOAD, here's what you should try:


  • Specify PARALLEL OFF. Parallel is "ON" by default and will generally write to multiple files unless you have a tiny cluster (The number of output files with "PARALLEL ON" set is proportional to the number of slices in your cluster). PARALLEL OFF will write files serially to S3 instead of in parallel and will only spill over to using multiple files if you exceed the size limit.
  • 默认情况下,PARALLEL是“ON”,并且通常会写入多个文件,除非您有一个很小的集群(设置为“PARALLEL ON”的输出文件的数量与集群中的片数成正比)。PARALLEL OFF将把文件串行地写入到S3中,而不是并行地写入,如果超过了大小限制,就会溢出到使用多个文件。
  • Limit the size of your output. The raw size of the data must be less than 6.2GB if you want a single file. So you need to make your query have a more restrictive WHERE clause or use a LIMIT clause to keep the number of records down. Unfortunately neither of these techniques are perfect since rows can be of variable size. It's also not clear to me if the GZIP option affects the output file size spillover limit or not (it's unclear if 6.2GB is the pre-GZIP size limit or the post-GZIP size limit).
  • 限制输出的大小。如果您想要一个文件,那么数据的原始大小必须小于6.2GB。因此,您需要使查询具有更严格的WHERE子句或使用LIMIT子句来保持记录的数量。不幸的是,这两种技术都不完美,因为行可以是可变大小的。我也不清楚GZIP选项是否影响输出文件大小溢出限制(不清楚6.2GB是前GZIP大小限制还是后GZIP大小限制)。

For me, the UNLOAD command that ending up generating a single CSV file in most cases was:


('SELECT <fields> FROM <table> WHERE <restrict_query>')
TO 's3://<bucket_name>/<filename_prefix>'
CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=<access_key>;aws_secret_access_key=<secret_key>'

The other nice side effect of PARALLEL OFF is that it will respect your ORDER BY clause if you have one and generate the files in an order that keeps all the records ordered, even across multiple output files.

PARALLEL OFF的另一个好处是,如果你有一个ORDER BY子句,它就会尊重你的ORDER,并以保持所有记录都是有序的顺序生成文件,甚至可以跨多个输出文件。

Addendum: There seems to be some folkloric knowledge around using LIMIT 2147483647 to force the leader node to do all the processing and generate a single output file, but this doesn't seem to be actually documented anywhere in the Redshift documentation and as such, relying on it seems like a bad idea since it could change at any time.




It is a bit of a workaround, but you need to make your query a subquery and include a limit. It will then output to one file. E.g.


select * from (select * from bizdata LIMIT 2147483647);

So basically you are selecting all from a limited set. That is the only way it works. 2147483647 is your max limit, as a limit clause takes an unsigned integer argument.


So the following will unload to one file:


unload(' select * from (
select bizid, data
from biztable
limit 2147483647);
 ') to 's3://.......' CREDENTIALS 'aws_access_key_id=<<aws_access_key_id>>;aws_secret_access_key=<<aws_secret_access_key>>' csv ; 



Nope. { You can use a manifest and tell Redshift to direct all output to a single file. } Previous answer was wrong, I had used manifests for loading but not unloading.


There appears to be 2 possible ways to get a single file:


  1. Easier: Wrap a SELECT … LIMIT query around your actual output query, as per this SO answer but this is limited to ~2 billion rows.
  2. 更简单:围绕实际的输出查询包装一个SELECT…LIMIT查询,就像这个SO answer一样,但这仅限于20亿行。
  3. Harder: Use the Unix cat utility to join the files together cat File1.txt File2.txt > union.txt. This will require you to download the files from S3 first.
  4. 更难的:使用Unix cat实用程序将文件连接到cat文件1。txt File2。txt > union.txt。这需要您首先从S3下载文件。



There is no way to force Redshift to generate only a single output file, for sure.


Under a standard UNLOAD you will have output files created equivalent to the number of system slices, i.e. a system with 8 slices will create 8 files for a single unload command(This is the fastest method to unload.)


If you add a clause PARALLEL OFF in to he Unload Command, your output will be created as a single file, upto the time where the data extract soze does not go beyond 6.25GB, after which Redshift will automatically break the file into a new chunk.

如果在he Unload命令中添加一个并行的子句,那么输出将被创建为单个文件,直到数据提取soze没有超过6.25GB,之后Redshift将自动将文件分割为一个新的块。

The same thing holds true, if you produce compressed output files as well(There of course you will have greater chances to produce a single output file, considering that your file can accommodate more number of records in it.).
