I would like to execute a dynamic SQL query stored in a string field on Amazon Redshift.
我想在Amazon Redshift上执行存储在字符串字段中的动态SQL查询。
My background is mostly T-SQL relational databases. I used to build SQL statements dynamically, store them into variables and them execute them. I know Redshift can prepare and execute statements, but I wonder if it is possible to execute a query stored in a string field.
I have a piece of code that dynamically builds the code below with stats on several tables using pg_* system tables. Every column/table name is dynamically calculated. Here's an example of the query output:
我有一段代码使用pg_ *系统表在几个表上使用stats动态构建下面的代码。每个列/表名都是动态计算的。以下是查询输出的示例:
SELECT h_article_id AS key, 'transport_parameters_weight_in_grams' AS col_name, COUNT(DISTINCT transport_parameters_weight_in_grams) AS count_value FROM dv.s_products GROUP BY h_article_id UNION ALL
SELECT h_article_id AS key, 'transport_parameters_width_in_mm' AS col_name, COUNT(DISTINCT transport_parameters_width_in_mm) AS count_value FROM dv.s_products GROUP BY h_article_id UNION ALL
SELECT h_article_id AS key, 'label_owner_info_communication_address' AS col_name, COUNT(DISTINCT label_owner_info_communication_address) AS count_value FROM dv.s_products GROUP BY h_article_id
I would like to input this dynamic piece of code within another query, so I can make some statistics, like so:
SELECT col_name, AVG(count_value*1.00) AS avg_count
) A
GROUP BY col_name;
This would ouput something like:
col_name avg_count
transport_parameters_weight_in_grams 1.00
transport_parameters_width_in_mm 1.00
label_owner_info_communication_address 0.60
The natural way for me to do this would be to store everything as a string in a variable and execute it. But I'm afraid Redshift does not support this.
Is there an alternative way to really build dynamic SQL code?
1 个解决方案
No. There is not a straightforward way to run dynamic built SQL code in Redshift.
You can't define SQL variables, or create stored procedures, as you would have in MS SQL Server.
您无法像在MS SQL Server中那样定义SQL变量或创建存储过程。
You can create Python Functions in Redshift, but you would be coding in Python vs. SQL.
You can use the "PREPARE" and "EXECUTE" statements to run "pre-defined" SQL queries, but you would have to create the statements outside of the database, before passing them to the execute command. By creating the statement outside of the database, in a way defeats the purpose.... You can create any statement in your "favorite" programming language.
As I said, this SQL based, in-database dynamic SQL does not exist.
Basically, you need to run this logic in your application or using something such as AWS Data Pipeline.
基本上,您需要在应用程序中运行此逻辑或使用AWS Data Pipeline之类的东西。
No. There is not a straightforward way to run dynamic built SQL code in Redshift.
You can't define SQL variables, or create stored procedures, as you would have in MS SQL Server.
您无法像在MS SQL Server中那样定义SQL变量或创建存储过程。
You can create Python Functions in Redshift, but you would be coding in Python vs. SQL.
You can use the "PREPARE" and "EXECUTE" statements to run "pre-defined" SQL queries, but you would have to create the statements outside of the database, before passing them to the execute command. By creating the statement outside of the database, in a way defeats the purpose.... You can create any statement in your "favorite" programming language.
As I said, this SQL based, in-database dynamic SQL does not exist.
Basically, you need to run this logic in your application or using something such as AWS Data Pipeline.
基本上,您需要在应用程序中运行此逻辑或使用AWS Data Pipeline之类的东西。