
时间:2021-12-03 23:04:43

What exactly is an application pool? What is its purpose?


14 个解决方案



Application pools allow you to isolate your applications from one another, even if they are running on the same server. This way, if there is an error in one app, it won't take down other applications.


Additionally, applications pools allow you to separate different apps which require different levels of security.


Here's a good resource: IIS and ASP.NET: The Application Pool




Basically, an application pool is a way to create compartments in a web server through process boundaries, and route sets of URLs to each of these compartments. See more info here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc735247(WS.10).aspx




I second the top voted answer, but feel like adding little more details here if anyone finds it useful.


short version :


IIS runs any website you configure in a process named w3wp.exe. IIS Application pool is feature in IIS which allows each website or a part of it to run under a corresponding w3wp.exe process. So you can run 100 websites all in a single w3wp.exe or 100 different w3wp.exe. E.g. run 3 websites in same application pool(same w3wp.exe) to save memory usage. ,run 2 different websites in two different application pools so that each can run under separate user account(called application pool identity). run a website in one application pool and a subsite 'website/app' under a different application pool.


Longer version:


Every website or a part of the website,you can run under an application pool.You can control some basic settings of the website using an application pool.


  1. You would like the website to run under a different w3wp.exe process.Then create a new application pool and assign that to the website.
  2. 你希望网站运行在不同的w3wp下。exe进程。然后创建一个新的应用程序池并将其分配给网站。
  3. You would like to run the website and all it's code under a different user account(e.g under Admin privileges),you can run do that by changing Application Pool Identity.
  4. 你想要运行网站和所有的代码在一个不同的用户帐户(e。g在Admin特权下),您可以通过更改应用程序池标识来运行它。
  5. You would like to run a particular application under .net framework 4.0 or 2.0.
  6. 您希望在.net framework 4.0或2.0下运行特定的应用程序。
  7. You would like to make sure the website in 32 bit mode or have a scheduled recycle of the w3wp.exe process etc.All such things are controlled from iis application pool.
  8. 您想要确保网站在32位模式或有计划的回收w3wp。exe进程等所有这些都是由iis应用程序池控制的。

Hope it helps!




An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or set of worker processes. Any Web directory or virtual directory can be assigned to an application pool.


Every application within an application pool shares the same worker process.




Assume scenario where swimmers swim in swimming pool in the areas reserved for them.what happens if swimmers swim other than the areas reserved for them,the whole thing would become mess.similarly iis uses application pools to seperate one process from another.




IIS-Internet information Service is a web server used to host one or more web application . Lets take any example here say Microsoft is maintaining web server and we are running our website abc.com (news content based)on this IIS. Since, Microsoft is a big shot company it might take or also ready to host another website say xyz.com(ecommerce based).

is - internet信息服务是用于承载一个或多个web应用程序的web服务器。举个例子,微软在维护web服务器,我们在这个IIS上运行我们的网站abc.com(基于新闻内容)。由于微软是一家大公司,它可能会收购,也可能准备推出另一个网站,比如xyz.com(电子商务网站)。

Now web server is hosting i.e providing memory to run both websites on its single web server.Thus , here application pools come into picture . abc.com has its own rules, business logic , data etc and same applies to xyz.com.


IIS provides two application pools (path) to run two websites in their own world (data) smoothly in a single webserver without affecting each ones matter (security, scalability).This is application pool in IIS.


So you can have any number of application pool depending upon on servers capacity




An application pool is a group of urls served by worker processors or set of worker processors.


There can exist any number of application pools.


In IIS it is possible to create more than one application pool.


An application in different application pool runs in different worker processors.


Advantage: If an error occurred in one application pool will not effect the applications running in another application pool.




An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or set of worker processes. Application pools are used to separate sets of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration and application boundaries. Application pools are used to isolate our web application for better security, reliability, availability and performance, and they keep running without impacting each other.

应用程序池是由一个或多个url组成的一组,这些url由一个worker进程或一组worker进程提供服务。应用程序池用于分离共享相同配置和应用程序边界的IIS worker进程集。应用程序池用于隔离我们的web应用程序,以获得更好的安全性、可靠性、可用性和性能,它们在不影响彼此的情况下继续运行。



Application pools are used to separate set of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration. Application pools enable us to isolate our web application for better security, reliability, and availability

应用程序池用于分离共享相同配置的IIS worker进程集。应用程序池使我们能够隔离web应用程序以获得更好的安全性、可靠性和可用性



Application pools are used to separate sets of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration and application boundaries.

应用程序池用于分离共享相同配置和应用程序边界的IIS worker进程集。

Application pools used to isolate our web application for better security, reliability, and availability and performance and keep running without impacting each other . The worker process serves as the process boundary that separates each application pool so that when one worker process or application is having an issue or recycles, other applications or worker processes are not affected. One Application Pool can have multiple worker process Also.


Or we can simply say that, An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or set of worker processes. Any Web directory or virtual directory can be assigned to an application pool. So that one website cannot be affected by other, if u used separated application pool.


Source : Interviewwiz




An Application pool is a collection of applications which uses the same worker process of IIS (w3wp.exe). Primary concern of using Application pool is to isolate two different applications with different security concerns and also to avoid crashing of applications due to worker process death.

应用程序池是使用IIS (w3wp.exe)相同的辅助进程的应用程序集合。使用应用程序池的主要关注点是隔离两个具有不同安全性的不同应用程序,并避免由于worker进程死亡而导致应用程序崩溃。



The application Pools element contains configuration settings for all application pools running on your IIS. An application pool defines a group of one or more worker processes, configured with common settings that serve requests to one or more applications that are assigned to that application pool.

application Pools元素包含IIS上运行的所有应用程序池的配置设置。应用程序池定义了一个或多个工作进程的组,配置了公共设置,这些设置为分配给该应用程序池的一个或多个应用程序的请求提供服务。

Because application pools allow a set of Web applications to share one or more similarly configured worker processes, they provide a convenient way to isolate a set of Web applications from other Web applications on the server computer.


Process boundaries separate each worker process; therefore, application problems in one application pool do not affect Web sites or applications in other application pools. Application pools significantly increase both the reliability and manageability of your Web infrastructure.




An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or set of worker processes. Application pools are used to separate sets of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration and application boundaries.

应用程序池是由一个或多个url组成的一组,这些url由一个worker进程或一组worker进程提供服务。应用程序池用于分离共享相同配置和应用程序边界的IIS worker进程集。



an application pool is like a pound if i create 2 application pool, in first application pool 100 fish and another application pool have 200 fish here fish is like a application in application pool . they are manage by worker processes . best advantage is :: if pound number-1 have bad water and cases all fish are effected then there is security of fish in pound number-2 .like this if any application pool is effected by any problem but there is not any effect of this problem in application pool 2 so security in improve ,and another profit is that is you provide all necessary authentication and rights to all application in a single application pool




Application pools allow you to isolate your applications from one another, even if they are running on the same server. This way, if there is an error in one app, it won't take down other applications.


Additionally, applications pools allow you to separate different apps which require different levels of security.


Here's a good resource: IIS and ASP.NET: The Application Pool




Basically, an application pool is a way to create compartments in a web server through process boundaries, and route sets of URLs to each of these compartments. See more info here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc735247(WS.10).aspx




I second the top voted answer, but feel like adding little more details here if anyone finds it useful.


short version :


IIS runs any website you configure in a process named w3wp.exe. IIS Application pool is feature in IIS which allows each website or a part of it to run under a corresponding w3wp.exe process. So you can run 100 websites all in a single w3wp.exe or 100 different w3wp.exe. E.g. run 3 websites in same application pool(same w3wp.exe) to save memory usage. ,run 2 different websites in two different application pools so that each can run under separate user account(called application pool identity). run a website in one application pool and a subsite 'website/app' under a different application pool.


Longer version:


Every website or a part of the website,you can run under an application pool.You can control some basic settings of the website using an application pool.


  1. You would like the website to run under a different w3wp.exe process.Then create a new application pool and assign that to the website.
  2. 你希望网站运行在不同的w3wp下。exe进程。然后创建一个新的应用程序池并将其分配给网站。
  3. You would like to run the website and all it's code under a different user account(e.g under Admin privileges),you can run do that by changing Application Pool Identity.
  4. 你想要运行网站和所有的代码在一个不同的用户帐户(e。g在Admin特权下),您可以通过更改应用程序池标识来运行它。
  5. You would like to run a particular application under .net framework 4.0 or 2.0.
  6. 您希望在.net framework 4.0或2.0下运行特定的应用程序。
  7. You would like to make sure the website in 32 bit mode or have a scheduled recycle of the w3wp.exe process etc.All such things are controlled from iis application pool.
  8. 您想要确保网站在32位模式或有计划的回收w3wp。exe进程等所有这些都是由iis应用程序池控制的。

Hope it helps!




An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or set of worker processes. Any Web directory or virtual directory can be assigned to an application pool.


Every application within an application pool shares the same worker process.




Assume scenario where swimmers swim in swimming pool in the areas reserved for them.what happens if swimmers swim other than the areas reserved for them,the whole thing would become mess.similarly iis uses application pools to seperate one process from another.




IIS-Internet information Service is a web server used to host one or more web application . Lets take any example here say Microsoft is maintaining web server and we are running our website abc.com (news content based)on this IIS. Since, Microsoft is a big shot company it might take or also ready to host another website say xyz.com(ecommerce based).

is - internet信息服务是用于承载一个或多个web应用程序的web服务器。举个例子,微软在维护web服务器,我们在这个IIS上运行我们的网站abc.com(基于新闻内容)。由于微软是一家大公司,它可能会收购,也可能准备推出另一个网站,比如xyz.com(电子商务网站)。

Now web server is hosting i.e providing memory to run both websites on its single web server.Thus , here application pools come into picture . abc.com has its own rules, business logic , data etc and same applies to xyz.com.


IIS provides two application pools (path) to run two websites in their own world (data) smoothly in a single webserver without affecting each ones matter (security, scalability).This is application pool in IIS.


So you can have any number of application pool depending upon on servers capacity




An application pool is a group of urls served by worker processors or set of worker processors.


There can exist any number of application pools.


In IIS it is possible to create more than one application pool.


An application in different application pool runs in different worker processors.


Advantage: If an error occurred in one application pool will not effect the applications running in another application pool.




An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or set of worker processes. Application pools are used to separate sets of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration and application boundaries. Application pools are used to isolate our web application for better security, reliability, availability and performance, and they keep running without impacting each other.

应用程序池是由一个或多个url组成的一组,这些url由一个worker进程或一组worker进程提供服务。应用程序池用于分离共享相同配置和应用程序边界的IIS worker进程集。应用程序池用于隔离我们的web应用程序,以获得更好的安全性、可靠性、可用性和性能,它们在不影响彼此的情况下继续运行。



Application pools are used to separate set of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration. Application pools enable us to isolate our web application for better security, reliability, and availability

应用程序池用于分离共享相同配置的IIS worker进程集。应用程序池使我们能够隔离web应用程序以获得更好的安全性、可靠性和可用性



Application pools are used to separate sets of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration and application boundaries.

应用程序池用于分离共享相同配置和应用程序边界的IIS worker进程集。

Application pools used to isolate our web application for better security, reliability, and availability and performance and keep running without impacting each other . The worker process serves as the process boundary that separates each application pool so that when one worker process or application is having an issue or recycles, other applications or worker processes are not affected. One Application Pool can have multiple worker process Also.


Or we can simply say that, An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or set of worker processes. Any Web directory or virtual directory can be assigned to an application pool. So that one website cannot be affected by other, if u used separated application pool.


Source : Interviewwiz




An Application pool is a collection of applications which uses the same worker process of IIS (w3wp.exe). Primary concern of using Application pool is to isolate two different applications with different security concerns and also to avoid crashing of applications due to worker process death.

应用程序池是使用IIS (w3wp.exe)相同的辅助进程的应用程序集合。使用应用程序池的主要关注点是隔离两个具有不同安全性的不同应用程序,并避免由于worker进程死亡而导致应用程序崩溃。



The application Pools element contains configuration settings for all application pools running on your IIS. An application pool defines a group of one or more worker processes, configured with common settings that serve requests to one or more applications that are assigned to that application pool.

application Pools元素包含IIS上运行的所有应用程序池的配置设置。应用程序池定义了一个或多个工作进程的组,配置了公共设置,这些设置为分配给该应用程序池的一个或多个应用程序的请求提供服务。

Because application pools allow a set of Web applications to share one or more similarly configured worker processes, they provide a convenient way to isolate a set of Web applications from other Web applications on the server computer.


Process boundaries separate each worker process; therefore, application problems in one application pool do not affect Web sites or applications in other application pools. Application pools significantly increase both the reliability and manageability of your Web infrastructure.




An application pool is a group of one or more URLs that are served by a worker process or set of worker processes. Application pools are used to separate sets of IIS worker processes that share the same configuration and application boundaries.

应用程序池是由一个或多个url组成的一组,这些url由一个worker进程或一组worker进程提供服务。应用程序池用于分离共享相同配置和应用程序边界的IIS worker进程集。



an application pool is like a pound if i create 2 application pool, in first application pool 100 fish and another application pool have 200 fish here fish is like a application in application pool . they are manage by worker processes . best advantage is :: if pound number-1 have bad water and cases all fish are effected then there is security of fish in pound number-2 .like this if any application pool is effected by any problem but there is not any effect of this problem in application pool 2 so security in improve ,and another profit is that is you provide all necessary authentication and rights to all application in a single application pool
