PDO :: prepare和PDO :: quote完全安全吗? [重复]

时间:2022-09-28 23:05:45

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i am using PDO package to manage my application database. i use PDO::prepare , PDOStatement::execute and somtimes PDO::quote , PDO::query / PDO::exec to excute my queries

我正在使用PDO包来管理我的应用程序数据库。我使用PDO :: prepare,PDOStatement :: execute和somtimes PDO :: quote,PDO :: query / PDO :: exec来执行我的查询

are PDO::prepare and PDO::quote completely secure? or shoud i make more work to properly validate my inputs.not only for databaase but for php code either Thank you

PDO :: prepare和PDO :: quote完全安全吗?或者shoud我做了更多的工作来正确验证我的输入。不仅仅是数据库,但PHP代码或者谢谢你

1 个解决方案



There's nothing magic about using prepare(). You can interpolate unsafe variables into a string and then prepare that string. Boom—SQL injection. Preparing a statement doesn't make it safe.

使用prepare()并没有什么神奇之处。您可以将不安全的变量插入到字符串中,然后准备该字符串。 Boom-SQL注入。准备一份声明并不能确保安全。

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}"); // UNSAFE!

What makes it safe is using parameters.


$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE id = ?");
$stmt->execute([$_POST['id']]); // SAFE!

Naturally, people say "use prepared statements" because you must use prepared statements to use parameters. But just saying "use prepared statements" kind of misses the point, and some developers get the wrong understanding.


The PDO quote() method is also safe, but I find it simpler and easier to use parameters.

PDO quote()方法也是安全的,但我发现使用参数更简单,更容易。

$idQuoted = $pdo->quote($_POST['id']);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE id = $idQuoted");



There's nothing magic about using prepare(). You can interpolate unsafe variables into a string and then prepare that string. Boom—SQL injection. Preparing a statement doesn't make it safe.

使用prepare()并没有什么神奇之处。您可以将不安全的变量插入到字符串中,然后准备该字符串。 Boom-SQL注入。准备一份声明并不能确保安全。

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE id = {$_POST['id']}"); // UNSAFE!

What makes it safe is using parameters.


$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE id = ?");
$stmt->execute([$_POST['id']]); // SAFE!

Naturally, people say "use prepared statements" because you must use prepared statements to use parameters. But just saying "use prepared statements" kind of misses the point, and some developers get the wrong understanding.


The PDO quote() method is also safe, but I find it simpler and easier to use parameters.

PDO quote()方法也是安全的,但我发现使用参数更简单,更容易。

$idQuoted = $pdo->quote($_POST['id']);
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE id = $idQuoted");