节点aws-sdk s3文件上传大小

时间:2022-04-20 23:06:07

When using the aws-sdk npm plugin for nods.js, I can upload a pdf on 50kb with the following code (to AWS s3):

当为nods.js使用aws-sdk npm插件时,我可以使用以下代码(到AWS s3)上传50kb的pdf:

var params = {
            Bucket: BUCKET, 
            Key: pdf_key, 
            Body: file,
            ContentType: 'application/pdf'
        var s3 = new AWS.S3();

        s3.putObject(params, function(error, data) {
            if (error) {
                callback(error, null);
            } else {
                callback(null, pdf_key);

But when uploading a 11mb pdf, even with specifying the ContentLength, the upload just continues forever, even with a timeout of 2 minutes.

但是当上传一个11mb pdf时,即使指定了ContentLength,上传也会一直持续,即使超时为2分钟。

The question is how do I make aws s3 accept the large pdf file?

问题是如何让aws s3接受大型pdf文件?


I have still not found any documentation or anwers for the question.



I will accept answers which show's this or another framework that can do this. I will need that framework to be able to also allow auth-read of the object.


UPDATE 3 I got it working for now but I haven't found a reason it shouldn't work.


Thanks in advance!


1 个解决方案



Connecting to S3 isn't fast and then depending on the network fluctuations you can get timeouts and other weird behaviors.


The code you provided is fine, but you could take advantage of multipart uploads that could solve problems especially with >5MB files.

您提供的代码很好,但您可以利用可以解决问题的分段上传,尤其是> 5MB文件。

I made a rough implementation of a multipart upload and also made it to retry the upload of any failing part up to 3 times, this will also work for smaller files than 5MB.




Connecting to S3 isn't fast and then depending on the network fluctuations you can get timeouts and other weird behaviors.


The code you provided is fine, but you could take advantage of multipart uploads that could solve problems especially with >5MB files.

您提供的代码很好,但您可以利用可以解决问题的分段上传,尤其是> 5MB文件。

I made a rough implementation of a multipart upload and also made it to retry the upload of any failing part up to 3 times, this will also work for smaller files than 5MB.
