
时间:2021-05-03 23:02:04

In my use case I am using single ec2 instance [not a cluster]. I want to create a database and an user with all privileges programmatically? Is there a config file which I can edit and copy to the right location after influxdb is installed.


Could someone help me with this?


2 个解决方案



There isn't any config option that you can use to do that with InfluxDB itself. After starting up an instance you can use the InfluxDB HTTP to create the users. The curl command to do so would be the following:

没有任何配置选项可以用于使用影响数据库本身。在启动实例之后,您可以使用influence xdb HTTP来创建用户。curl命令如下:

curl "http://localhost:8086/query" --data-urlencode "q=CREATE USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'mypass' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES"

Just run this command for each of the users you'd like to create. After that, you'll need to enabled the auth value of the [http] section of the config.




you can use ansible to setup influxb with your own recipe.


here's the ansible module documentation that you can use http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/influxdb_database_module.html

下面是可以使用的模块文档,您可以使用http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/influence xdb_database_module.html

or, any config/deploy manager that you prefer. i'd do this anyday instead of some ssh script or who knows what. https://forge.puppet.com/tags/influxdb


chef. https://github.com/bdangit/chef-influxdb


and also, you can use any of the above config managers to provision/manipulate your ec2 instance(s).




There isn't any config option that you can use to do that with InfluxDB itself. After starting up an instance you can use the InfluxDB HTTP to create the users. The curl command to do so would be the following:

没有任何配置选项可以用于使用影响数据库本身。在启动实例之后,您可以使用influence xdb HTTP来创建用户。curl命令如下:

curl "http://localhost:8086/query" --data-urlencode "q=CREATE USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'mypass' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES"

Just run this command for each of the users you'd like to create. After that, you'll need to enabled the auth value of the [http] section of the config.




you can use ansible to setup influxb with your own recipe.


here's the ansible module documentation that you can use http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/influxdb_database_module.html

下面是可以使用的模块文档,您可以使用http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/influence xdb_database_module.html

or, any config/deploy manager that you prefer. i'd do this anyday instead of some ssh script or who knows what. https://forge.puppet.com/tags/influxdb


chef. https://github.com/bdangit/chef-influxdb


and also, you can use any of the above config managers to provision/manipulate your ec2 instance(s).
