I'm developing a Facebook application that uses SimpleDB to store its data, but I've realized Amazon does not provide a way to backup that data (at least that I know of)
And SimpleDB is slow. You can get about 4 lists per second, each list of 100 records. Not a good way to backup tons of records.
I found some services in the web that offer to do the backup for you, but I'm not comfortable about giving them my AWS Credentials.
So I though about using threads. Problem is that if you do a select for all the keys in the domain, you need to wait for the next_token value of the first page in order to process the second page and so on.
A solution I was thinking for this was to have a new attribute based on the last 2 digits of the Facebook id. So I'd start a thread with a select for "00", another for "01", and so on, potentially having the possibility of running 100 threads and doing backups much faster (at least in theory). A related solution would be to split that domain into 100 domains (so I can backup each one individually), but that would break some of the selects I need to do. Another solution, probably more PHP friendly, would be to use a cron job to backup lets say 10,000 records and save "next_token", then the next job starts at next_token, etc.
我想到的一个解决方案是根据Facebook id的最后2位数设置一个新属性。所以我开始一个选择为“00”的线程,另一个选择为“01”,依此类推,可能会运行100个线程并更快地进行备份(至少在理论上)。一个相关的解决方案是将该域分成100个域(因此我可以单独备份每个域),但这会破坏我需要做的一些选择。另一个可能更友好的PHP解决方案是使用cron作业备份让我们说10,000条记录并保存“next_token”,然后下一个作业从next_token开始,等等。
Does anyone have a better solution for this? If its a PHP solution it'd be great, but if it involves something else its welcome anyway.
PS: before you mention it, as far as I know, PHP is still not thread safe. And I'm aware that unless I stop the writes during the backup, there will be some consistency problems, but I'm not too worried about it in this particular case.
2 个解决方案
The approach of creating a proxy shard attribute certainly works, from experience where I am.
Alternatively, what we have done in the past is to break down the backup into a 2 step process, in order to get as much potential for multi-processing as possible (though this is in java and for the write to the backup file we can rely on synchronization to ensure write-safety - not sure what the deal is on php side).
或者,我们过去所做的是将备份分解为两个步骤,以便尽可能多地进行多处理(尽管这是在java中,对于写入备份文件,我们可以依靠同步来确保写安全性 - 不确定php方面的交易是什么。
Basically we have one thread which does a select across the data within a domain, but rather than "SELECT * FROM ...", it is just "SELECT itemName FROM ..." to get the keys to the entries needing backing up. These are then dropped into a queue of item keys which a pool of threads read with the getItem API and write in a thread safe manner to the backup file.
基本上我们有一个线程在域内对数据进行选择,而不是“SELECT * FROM ...”,它只是“SELECT itemName FROM ...”来获取需要备份的条目的键。然后将这些项放入项密钥队列中,其中一个线程池使用getItem API读取,并以线程安全的方式写入备份文件。
This gave us better throughput on a single domain than spinning on a single thread.
Ultimately though, with numerous domains in our nightly backup we ended up reverting back to doing each domain backup in the single thread and "SELECT * FROM domain" type model, mainly because we already had a shedload of threads going on and the thread overburden started to become an issue on the backup processor, but also because the backup program was starting to get dangerously complex.
但最终,在我们的夜间备份中有多个域,我们最终还原为在单线程和“SELECT * FROM域”类型模型中执行每个域备份,主要是因为我们已经有一堆线程正在进行并且线程负担已经开始成为备份处理器的问题,但也因为备份程序开始变得危险复杂。
I've researched this problem as of October 2012. Three major issues seem to govern choice:
- There is no 'native' way to ensure a consistent export or import with SimpleDB. It is your responsibility to understand and manage the implications of this w.r.t. your application code.
- No managed backup solution is available from Amazon, but a variety of third-party companies offer something in this space (typically with "backup to S3" as an option).
- At some volume of data, you'll need to consider a multi-threaded approach which, again, has important implications re: consistency.
If all you need is to dump data from a single domain and your data volumes are low enough such that single-threaded export makes sense, then here is some Python code I wrote which works great for me. No warranty is expressed or implied, only use this if you understand it:
import boto
import simplejson as json
def fetch_items(boto_dom, dom_name, offset=None, limit=300):
offset_predicate = ""
if offset:
offset_predicate = " and itemName() > '" + offset + "'"
query = "select * from " \
+ "`" + dom_name + "`" \
+ " where itemName() is not null" \
+ offset_predicate \
+ " order by itemName() asc limit " + str(limit)
rs = boto_dom.select(query)
# by default, boto does not include the simpledb 'key' or 'name' in the
# dict, it is a separate property. so we add it:
result = []
for r in rs:
r['_itemName'] = r.name
return result
def _main():
con = boto.connect_sdb(aws_access_key_id=AWS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET)
dom = con.get_domain(DOMAIN)
all_items = []
offset = None
while True:
items = fetch_items(dom, DOMAIN, offset=offset)
if not items:
all_items += items
offset = all_items[-1].name
print json.dumps(all_items, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
if __name__ == "__main__":
The approach of creating a proxy shard attribute certainly works, from experience where I am.
Alternatively, what we have done in the past is to break down the backup into a 2 step process, in order to get as much potential for multi-processing as possible (though this is in java and for the write to the backup file we can rely on synchronization to ensure write-safety - not sure what the deal is on php side).
或者,我们过去所做的是将备份分解为两个步骤,以便尽可能多地进行多处理(尽管这是在java中,对于写入备份文件,我们可以依靠同步来确保写安全性 - 不确定php方面的交易是什么。
Basically we have one thread which does a select across the data within a domain, but rather than "SELECT * FROM ...", it is just "SELECT itemName FROM ..." to get the keys to the entries needing backing up. These are then dropped into a queue of item keys which a pool of threads read with the getItem API and write in a thread safe manner to the backup file.
基本上我们有一个线程在域内对数据进行选择,而不是“SELECT * FROM ...”,它只是“SELECT itemName FROM ...”来获取需要备份的条目的键。然后将这些项放入项密钥队列中,其中一个线程池使用getItem API读取,并以线程安全的方式写入备份文件。
This gave us better throughput on a single domain than spinning on a single thread.
Ultimately though, with numerous domains in our nightly backup we ended up reverting back to doing each domain backup in the single thread and "SELECT * FROM domain" type model, mainly because we already had a shedload of threads going on and the thread overburden started to become an issue on the backup processor, but also because the backup program was starting to get dangerously complex.
但最终,在我们的夜间备份中有多个域,我们最终还原为在单线程和“SELECT * FROM域”类型模型中执行每个域备份,主要是因为我们已经有一堆线程正在进行并且线程负担已经开始成为备份处理器的问题,但也因为备份程序开始变得危险复杂。
I've researched this problem as of October 2012. Three major issues seem to govern choice:
- There is no 'native' way to ensure a consistent export or import with SimpleDB. It is your responsibility to understand and manage the implications of this w.r.t. your application code.
- No managed backup solution is available from Amazon, but a variety of third-party companies offer something in this space (typically with "backup to S3" as an option).
- At some volume of data, you'll need to consider a multi-threaded approach which, again, has important implications re: consistency.
If all you need is to dump data from a single domain and your data volumes are low enough such that single-threaded export makes sense, then here is some Python code I wrote which works great for me. No warranty is expressed or implied, only use this if you understand it:
import boto
import simplejson as json
def fetch_items(boto_dom, dom_name, offset=None, limit=300):
offset_predicate = ""
if offset:
offset_predicate = " and itemName() > '" + offset + "'"
query = "select * from " \
+ "`" + dom_name + "`" \
+ " where itemName() is not null" \
+ offset_predicate \
+ " order by itemName() asc limit " + str(limit)
rs = boto_dom.select(query)
# by default, boto does not include the simpledb 'key' or 'name' in the
# dict, it is a separate property. so we add it:
result = []
for r in rs:
r['_itemName'] = r.name
return result
def _main():
con = boto.connect_sdb(aws_access_key_id=AWS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=AWS_SECRET)
dom = con.get_domain(DOMAIN)
all_items = []
offset = None
while True:
items = fetch_items(dom, DOMAIN, offset=offset)
if not items:
all_items += items
offset = all_items[-1].name
print json.dumps(all_items, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
if __name__ == "__main__":