
时间:2021-07-02 23:02:59

I have this query:


INSERT INTO emailevents (shopid, userid, emailid, campaignid, variationid, type, createdon) 
VALUES ($1,                 
(SELECT id FROM users WHERE mongoid=$2), 
(SELECT id FROM emails WHERE mongoid=$3), 
(SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4) AS cid, 
(SELECT id FROM campaignvariations WHERE templateid=(SELECT id FROM templates WHERE mongoid=$5) AND campaignid=cid), 

and I'm getting this error:Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near "AS"


I've tried putting cid inside the bracket, without success.


How should I use the alias?


3 个解决方案



Try to change to select instead of values as below


INSERT INTO emailevents (shopid, userid, emailid, campaignid, variationid, type, createdon)      
select $1,                 
       (SELECT id FROM users WHERE mongoid=$2), 
       (SELECT id FROM emails WHERE mongoid=$3), 
       (SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4) AS cid, 
       (SELECT id FROM campaignvariations WHERE templateid=(SELECT id FROM templates WHERE mongoid=$5) AND campaignid=(SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4)), 

I think you should replace cit with (SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4) for variationid column

我认为您应该用变量id列替换cit(从mongoid= 4美元的活动中选择id)



One fix is to change the values to a select:


INSERT INTO emailevents (shopid, userid, emailid, campaignid, variationid, type, createdon) 
    select $1,                 
           (SELECT id FROM users WHERE mongoid=$2), 
           (SELECT id FROM emails WHERE mongoid=$3), 
           (SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4) AS cid, 
           (SELECT id FROM campaignvariations WHERE templateid=(SELECT id FROM templates WHERE mongoid=$5) AND campaignid=cid), 

I prefer using insert . . . select rather than insert . . . values in general.


You might be able to just remove the as cid if Postgres supports subqueries in the values statement.

如果Postgres支持values语句中的子查询,那么您可以删除as cid。



The above fixes the as problem, but not the overall problem. Let's use select and move most of the subqueries to the from clause:


INSERT INTO emailevents (shopid, userid, emailid, campaignid, variationid, type, createdon) 
    select const.shopid,  u.id, e.id, c.id                
           (SELECT id
            FROM campaignvariations
            WHERE templateid=(SELECT id FROM templates WHERE mongoid=$5) AND campaignid=c.id
    from (select $1 as shopid, $6 as type, to_timestamp($7) as createdon) const left outer join
         (SELECT id FROM users WHERE mongoid=$2) u cross join
         (SELECT id FROM emails WHERE mongoid=$3) e cross join
         (SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4) c;



If you really don't want to use variables and you want to use cid in the query, you can precalculate it with cte:


with cte_cid as (
    select (select id from campaigns where mongoid=$4) as cid -- need 2 selects in case you don't have record for mongoid=$4
insert into emailevents (shopid, userid, emailid, campaignid, variationid, type, createdon)      
select $1 as shopid,              
   (select t.id from users as t where t.mongoid=$2), 
   (select t.id from emails as t where t.mongoid=$3), 
   (select t.id from campaignvariations as t where t.templateid=(select tt.id from templates as tt where tt.mongoid=$5) and t.campaignid=c.cid), 
from cte_cid as c



Try to change to select instead of values as below


INSERT INTO emailevents (shopid, userid, emailid, campaignid, variationid, type, createdon)      
select $1,                 
       (SELECT id FROM users WHERE mongoid=$2), 
       (SELECT id FROM emails WHERE mongoid=$3), 
       (SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4) AS cid, 
       (SELECT id FROM campaignvariations WHERE templateid=(SELECT id FROM templates WHERE mongoid=$5) AND campaignid=(SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4)), 

I think you should replace cit with (SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4) for variationid column

我认为您应该用变量id列替换cit(从mongoid= 4美元的活动中选择id)



One fix is to change the values to a select:


INSERT INTO emailevents (shopid, userid, emailid, campaignid, variationid, type, createdon) 
    select $1,                 
           (SELECT id FROM users WHERE mongoid=$2), 
           (SELECT id FROM emails WHERE mongoid=$3), 
           (SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4) AS cid, 
           (SELECT id FROM campaignvariations WHERE templateid=(SELECT id FROM templates WHERE mongoid=$5) AND campaignid=cid), 

I prefer using insert . . . select rather than insert . . . values in general.


You might be able to just remove the as cid if Postgres supports subqueries in the values statement.

如果Postgres支持values语句中的子查询,那么您可以删除as cid。



The above fixes the as problem, but not the overall problem. Let's use select and move most of the subqueries to the from clause:


INSERT INTO emailevents (shopid, userid, emailid, campaignid, variationid, type, createdon) 
    select const.shopid,  u.id, e.id, c.id                
           (SELECT id
            FROM campaignvariations
            WHERE templateid=(SELECT id FROM templates WHERE mongoid=$5) AND campaignid=c.id
    from (select $1 as shopid, $6 as type, to_timestamp($7) as createdon) const left outer join
         (SELECT id FROM users WHERE mongoid=$2) u cross join
         (SELECT id FROM emails WHERE mongoid=$3) e cross join
         (SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE mongoid=$4) c;



If you really don't want to use variables and you want to use cid in the query, you can precalculate it with cte:


with cte_cid as (
    select (select id from campaigns where mongoid=$4) as cid -- need 2 selects in case you don't have record for mongoid=$4
insert into emailevents (shopid, userid, emailid, campaignid, variationid, type, createdon)      
select $1 as shopid,              
   (select t.id from users as t where t.mongoid=$2), 
   (select t.id from emails as t where t.mongoid=$3), 
   (select t.id from campaignvariations as t where t.templateid=(select tt.id from templates as tt where tt.mongoid=$5) and t.campaignid=c.cid), 
from cte_cid as c