<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>日期插件</title> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/dol-datepicker.css"> <style type="text/css"> *{margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;} body{background-color:#E3E3E3; font-size:14px; color:#333; font-family:'微软雅黑'} .main{width: 1000px;margin: 0 auto;background: #fff;padding:50px} #date1,.time{display: inline-block;width: 200px;height: 30px;border: 1px solid #ccc;vertical-align: middle;margin:20px 5px;line-height: 30px} </style> </head> <body> <div class="main"> <h1>示例1</h1> <input type="text" id="date1"/> (限制四天之前不可选) <h1>示例2</h1> <div class="box"> <span>开始时间</span> <div class="time" id="date2"></div> <span>~</span> <span>结束时间</span> <div class="time" id="date3"></div> <span>(限制从开始时间的后两天开始)</span> </div> </div> </body> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/dol-datepicker.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // demo1 var picker1 = new Datepicker({ elemName: 'date1', format: 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss', min: -4, callBack: function(a, b){ console.log(a, b) } }); // demo2 var picker2 = new Datepicker({ elemName: 'date2', format: 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm', callBack: function(a, b){ picker3.setMinScope(b, 2); } }); var picker3 = new Datepicker({ elemName: 'date3', format: 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm', callBack: function(a, b){ picker2.setMaxScope(a); } }); </script> </html>
var Datepicker = (function(){ // -- 核心工具方法 -- // var Utils = {}; Utils.on = function(elem, even, target, fn){ //--事件监听器 if(typeof target === 'string'){ elem.addEventListener(even, function(e){ if(e.target.tagName === target.toLocaleUpperCase()){ fn.call(e.target, e); e.stopPropagation() } }, false); }else{ fn = target; elem.addEventListener(even, function(e){ fn.call(this, e); e.stopPropagation() }, false); } return Utils; }; Utils.extend = function(options, newoptions, deep){ // 扩展覆盖属性 for (var key in newoptions){ if(deep && (isPlainObject(newoptions[key]) || Array.isArray(newoptions[key]))){ if(isPlainObject(newoptions[key]) && !isPlainObject(options[key])) options[key] = {} if(Array.isArray(newoptions[key]) && !Array.isArray(options[key])) options[key] = [] Utils.extend(options[key], source[key], deep) } else if (newoptions[key] !== undefined) options[key] = newoptions[key] } function isPlainObject(obj){ try{ if(obj.constructor && !hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype,"isPrototypeOf"))return false; } catch(e){ return false; } return true; } } Utils.isShow = function(dom, bln){ // 显示隐藏 dom.style.display = bln ? 'block' : 'none'; } Utils.format = function(time, format){ // 时间戳转换指定format格式 var oDate = new Date(time) return format.replace(/YYYY|MM|DD|hh|mm|ss/g, function(str, index){ var val = 0; if (str === 'YYYY') { val = oDate.getFullYear(); } else if (str === 'MM') { val = oDate.getMonth()+1; } else if (str === 'DD') { val = oDate.getDate(); } else if (str === 'hh') { val = oDate.getHours(); } else if (str === 'mm') { val = oDate.getMinutes(); } else if (str === 'ss') { val = oDate.getSeconds(); } return Utils.repair(val); }); } Utils.parse = function(type, ops){ if (type === 1){ // 字符串转ymd var ymd = ops.value.match(/\d+/g); var aYmd = []; for(var i=0; i<ops.aYmdIndex.length; i++){ aYmd.push(ymd[ops.aYmdIndex[i]]); } return aYmd; } else if(type === 2){ // 当前时间转ymd ops.value = Utils.format(ops.time, ops.format); return Utils.parse(1, ops); } else if(type === 3){ // ymd转时间 // var _t = +new Date(ops.aYmd[0]?ops.aYmd[0]:1970, ops.aYmd[1]?ops.aYmd[1]:0, ops.aYmd[2]?ops.aYmd[2]:0, ops.aYmd[3]?ops.aYmd[3]:0, ops.aYmd[4]?ops.aYmd[4]:0, ops.aYmd[5]?ops.aYmd[5]:0); // return {'value':Utils.format(_t, ops.format), 'time':_t} } }; Utils.repair = function(num){ // 补0 return (num < 10 ? '0' : '') + num; } Utils.each = function(list, fn){ var i=0,len=list.length; for (; i<len; i++) { if(fn(i, list[i]) === false)break; }; } Utils.check = function(_ymd, _minArr, _maxArr){ return maketime(_ymd, _minArr) < maketime(_minArr) || maketime(_ymd, _maxArr) > maketime(_maxArr) function maketime(arr, _arr){ if(!_arr) _arr = [1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]; return +new Date(n(arr[0], _arr[0]), n(arr[1], _arr[1])-1, n(arr[2], _arr[2]), n(arr[3], _arr[3]), n(arr[4], _arr[4]), n(arr[5], _arr[5])); } function n(a, b){ return a === undefined ? (b === undefined ? 0 : b) : a; } } Utils.scroll = function(isLeft){ var type = isLeft ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'; return document.body[type] | document.documentElement[type]; }; // -- 组件对象 -- // var dpdate = function(options){ var that = this; this.config = { format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', // 日期格式 min: '1970-01-01 00:00:00', // 最小日期 max: '2099-12-12 23:59:59', // 最大日期 eventtype : '', elemName: '', hasTime: true, // 显示使用时间组件 hasClear: true, // 显示清空按钮 hasToday: true, // 显示今天按钮 hasConfirm: true, // 显示确认按钮 fixed: false, // 是否fixed浮动 callBack: null // 选时间回调 }; Utils.extend(this.config, options); this.config.min = this.parse(this.config.min, 'YYYY-MM-DD') + ' 00:00:00' this.config.max = this.parse(this.config.max, 'YYYY-MM-DD') + ' 23:59:59' this.elem = document.getElementById(this.config.elemName) if(!this.elem){ throw new Error('ID选择器找不到元素'); } var valueType = /textarea|input/.test(this.elem.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase()) ? 'value' : 'innerHTML'; this.getExg(); // 获取value合法性正则 this.check(this.elem[valueType]); // 检查当前输入框的值 重置ymd Utils.on(this.elem, this.eventtype || 'click', function(e){ that.check(that.elem[valueType]); DateView.redraw(that, valueType); }) }; dpdate.prototype.setMinScope = function(str, tar){ this.config.min = str; if(tar && typeof str === 'number'){ this.config.min = Utils.format(str + tar*86400000, this.config.format) } } dpdate.prototype.setMaxScope = function(str, tar){ this.config.max = str; if(tar && typeof str === 'number'){ this.config.max = Utils.format(str + tar*86400000, this.config.format) } } dpdate.prototype.getExg = function(){ // 制作验证正则 对应年月日位置 this.aYmdIndex = new Array(6); var that = this; var i = 0; var reg = this.config.format.replace(/YYYY|MM|DD|hh|mm|ss/g, function(str, index){ var exg = ''; if (str === 'YYYY') { exg += '((19|20)\\\d{2})'; that.aYmdIndex[0] = i; } else if (str === 'MM') { exg += '(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])' that.aYmdIndex[1] = i; } else if (str === 'DD') { exg += '(0?[1-9]|[1-3][0-9])' that.aYmdIndex[2] = i; } else if (str === 'hh') { exg += '\\\d{2}' that.aYmdIndex[3] = i; } else if (str === 'mm') { exg += '\\\d{2}' that.aYmdIndex[4] = i; } else if (str === 'ss') { exg += '\\\d{2}' that.aYmdIndex[5] = i; } i++; return exg; }); this.reg = new RegExp('^'+reg+'$') } dpdate.prototype.check = function(_value){ // 检查value合法性,转化时间ymd this.aYmd = this.reg.test(_value) ? Utils.parse(1, {aYmdIndex: this.aYmdIndex, value: _value}) : Utils.parse(2, {aYmdIndex: this.aYmdIndex, value: _value, format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', time: +new Date}) } dpdate.prototype.parse = function(time, format){ if(typeof time === 'string') return time; return Utils.format(time < 86400000 ? +new Date + time*86400000 : time, format || 'YYYY-MM-DD') } // -- 日历视图对象 -- // var DateView = { dom: null, firstRedraw: false, _init: function(){ // 骨架 this.dom = document.createElement('div'); this.dom.className = 'datepicker-sh'; this.dom.innerHTML = '<div class="dp_top">'+ '<div class="dp_box box1" id="box1">'+ '<a href="javascript:;" class="dp_prevX"></a>'+ '<div class="dp_year">'+ '<span class="dp_year_val"><span class="val">2015</span>年</span>'+ '<span class="dp_down dp_year_next"></span>'+ '<div class="dp_year_listBox">'+ '<a href="javascript:;" class="dp_prevY"></a>'+ '<ul class="dp_year_list"></ul>'+ '<a href="javascript:;" class="dp_nextY"></a>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>'+ '<a href="javascript:;" class="dp_nextX"></a>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="dp_box box2" id="box2">'+ '<a href="javascript:;" class="dp_prevX"></a>'+ '<div class="dp_month">'+ '<span class="dp_month_val"><span class="val">1</span>月</span>'+ '<span class="dp_down dp_month_next"></span>'+ '<div class="dp_month_listBox"><ul class="dp_month_list"></ul></div>'+ '</div>'+ '<a href="javascript:;" class="dp_nextX"></a>'+ '</div>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="db_body">'+ '<ul class="db_li db_week"><li>日</li><li>一</li><li>二</li><li>三</li><li>四</li><li>五</li><li>六</li></ul>'+ '<ul class="db_li db_day"></ul>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="dp_bottom">'+ '<div class="dp_time">'+ '<span class="dp_timefont">时间</span>'+ '<ul class="dp_time_box"><li><input type="text" value="00" class="hh">:</li><li><input type="text" value="00" class="mm">:</li><li><input type="text" value="00" class="ss"></li></ul>'+ '</div>'+ '<div class="dp_btns"><a href="javascript:;" class="dp_btn clear">清空</a><a href="javascript:;" class="dp_btn dp_cl_r today">今天</a><a href="javascript:;" class="dp_btn dp_cl_r ok">确认</a></div>'+ '<div class="dp_timebox dp_60"><div class="dp_head"><span class="db_title">秒</span><i class="db_close">×</i></div><ul class="db_time_list"></ul></div>'+ '</div>'; this._findDom(); // 找元素 this._events(); // 事件委托 }, _findDom: function(){ var dom = this.dom; var box1 = getDomByCls(dom, 'box1'); var box2 = getDomByCls(dom, 'box2'); this.doms = { yearBtn: getDomByCls(box1, 'dp_year'), //年按钮 yearLeft: getDomByCls(box1, 'dp_prevX'), //上一年 yearRight: getDomByCls(box1, 'dp_nextX'), //下一年 yearInput: getDomByCls(box1, 'val'), //年input yearListBox: getDomByCls(box1, 'dp_year_listBox'), //年列表盒子 yearTop: getDomByCls(box1, 'dp_prevY'), //年上一页列表 yearBottom: getDomByCls(box1, 'dp_nextY'), //年下一页列表 yearList: getDomByCls(box1, 'dp_year_list'), //年列表 monthBtn: getDomByCls(box2, 'dp_month'), //月按钮 monthLeft: getDomByCls(box2, 'dp_prevX'), //上一月 monthRight: getDomByCls(box2, 'dp_nextX'), //下一月 monthInput: getDomByCls(box2, 'val'), //月input monthListBox: getDomByCls(box2, 'dp_month_listBox'), //月列表盒子 monthList: getDomByCls(box2, 'dp_month_list'), //月列表 dayList: getDomByCls(dom, 'db_day'), //日列表 timeBox: getDomByCls(dom, 'dp_time'), //时间组件 inputH: getDomByCls(dom, 'hh'), //时input inputM: getDomByCls(dom, 'mm'), //分input inputS: getDomByCls(dom, 'ss'), //秒input btnBox: getDomByCls(dom, 'dp_btns'), //按钮组件 clearBtn: getDomByCls(dom, 'clear'), //清空按钮 todayBtn: getDomByCls(dom, 'today'), //今天按钮 okBtn: getDomByCls(dom, 'ok'), //确认按钮 timeListBox: getDomByCls(dom, 'dp_timebox'), //时间列表盒 timeListTitle: getDomByCls(dom, 'db_title'), //时间列表标题 timeListClose: getDomByCls(dom, 'db_close'), //时间列表关闭 timeList: getDomByCls(dom, 'db_time_list') //时间列表 } function getDomByCls(dom, name){ return dom.getElementsByClassName(name)[0]; } }, redraw: function(_obj, _valueType){ // 更新骨架内容 this.dateObj = _obj; var _aYmd = _obj.aYmd, _config = _obj.config, _elem = _obj.elem; if(!this.firstRedraw){ this.firstRedraw = true; document.body.appendChild(this.dom) } // 引用更新对象 this.aYmd = _aYmd; this.config = _config; this.elem = _elem; this.valueType = _valueType; this.maxArr = _config.max.match(/\d+/g); this.minArr = _config.min.match(/\d+/g); // 记录当前选择时间 this.Y = _aYmd[0] ? parseInt(_aYmd[0]) : 1970; this.M = _aYmd[1] ? parseInt(_aYmd[1]) : 1; this.D = _aYmd[2] ? parseInt(_aYmd[2]) : 1; this.h = _aYmd[3] ? parseInt(_aYmd[3]) : 0; this.m = _aYmd[4] ? parseInt(_aYmd[4]) : 0; this.s = _aYmd[5] ? parseInt(_aYmd[5]) : 0; this.doms.yearInput.innerHTML = _aYmd[0]; this.doms.monthInput.innerHTML = _aYmd[1]; this._drawDate(this.Y, this.M, this.D); Utils.isShow(this.doms.timeBox, _config.hasTime); this.doms.inputH.value = _aYmd[3] ? _aYmd[3] : '00'; this.doms.inputM.value = _aYmd[4] ? _aYmd[4] : '00'; this.doms.inputS.value = _aYmd[5] ? _aYmd[5] : '00'; // 显示组件 Utils.isShow(this.doms.clearBtn, _config.hasClear); Utils.isShow(this.doms.todayBtn, _config.hasToday); Utils.isShow(this.doms.okBtn, _config.hasConfirm); this._close(true) // 定位组件 this._position(_elem, _config.fixed) }, _checkDate: function(_ymd){ return Utils.check(_ymd, this.minArr, this.maxArr) }, _checkOk: function(){ // 根据范围控制确认按钮可点 if(this._checkDate([this.Y, this.M, this.D, this.h, this.m, this.s])){ this.doms.okBtn.setAttribute('dis', 'yes'); this.doms.okBtn.className = 'dp_btn dp_cl_r dis' }else{ this.doms.okBtn.setAttribute('dis', ''); this.doms.okBtn.className = 'dp_btn dp_cl_r ok' } }, _events: function(){//绑定事件找元素 var _this = this,yearPage = 0,hmsType=''; // vm自动 (NO IE8) // var year = this.Y; // Object.defineProperty(this, "Y", { // get: function(){return year; }, // set: function(val){year = val; _this.doms.yearInput.innerHTML=val } // }) // 绑定选年事件(左右 显示列表及点击 更新日历) Utils.on(this.doms.yearLeft, 'click', function(e){ if(_this._checkDate([_this.Y - 1])) return false _this.doms.yearInput.innerHTML = --_this.Y; _this._closelayer()._drawDate()._checkOk(); }); Utils.on(this.doms.yearRight, 'click', function(e){ if(_this._checkDate([_this.Y + 1])) return false _this.doms.yearInput.innerHTML = ++_this.Y; _this._closelayer()._drawDate()._checkOk(); }); Utils.on(this.doms.yearBtn, 'click', function(e){ yearPage = 0; _this._closelayer()._drawYearList(yearPage); Utils.isShow(_this.doms.yearListBox, true); }); Utils.on(this.doms.yearTop, 'click', function(e){ _this._drawYearList(--yearPage); }); Utils.on(this.doms.yearBottom, 'click', function(e){ _this._drawYearList(++yearPage); }); Utils.on(this.doms.yearList, 'click', 'li', function(e){ if(this.getAttribute('dis')){ e.stopPropagation() return false } _this.doms.yearInput.innerHTML = _this.Y = parseInt(this.innerHTML); _this._closelayer()._drawDate()._checkOk(); }); // 绑定选月事件(左右 显示列表及点击 更新日历) Utils.on(this.doms.monthLeft, 'click', function(e){ if(_this._checkDate([_this.Y, _this.M - 1])) return false if(--_this.M < 1) { _this.M = 12; _this.doms.yearInput.innerHTML = --_this.Y; } _this.doms.monthInput.innerHTML = _this.M; _this._closelayer()._drawDate()._checkOk(); }); Utils.on(this.doms.monthRight, 'click', function(e){ if(_this._checkDate([_this.Y, _this.M + 1])) return false if(++_this.M > 12) { _this.M = 1; _this.doms.yearInput.innerHTML = ++_this.Y; } _this.doms.monthInput.innerHTML = _this.M; _this._closelayer()._drawDate()._checkOk(); }); Utils.on(this.doms.monthBtn, 'click', function(e){ _this._closelayer()._drawMonthList(); Utils.isShow(_this.doms.monthListBox, true); }); Utils.on(this.doms.monthList, 'click', 'li', function(e){ if(this.getAttribute('dis')){ e.stopPropagation() return false } _this.doms.monthInput.innerHTML = _this.M = parseInt(this.innerHTML); _this._closelayer()._drawDate()._checkOk(); }); // 选天 Utils.on(this.doms.dayList, 'click', 'li', function(e){ if(this.getAttribute('dis')){ e.stopPropagation() return false } _this.M = this.getAttribute('m'); _this.D = parseInt(this.innerHTML); _this.selectDate()._checkOk(); DateView._close(); }); // 绑定时分秒(显示列表及点击) Utils.on(this.doms.timeListBox, 'click', function(e){}); Utils.on(this.doms.inputH, 'click', function(e){ hmsType = 'H'; _this._drawTimeList(hmsType) }); Utils.on(this.doms.inputM, 'click', function(e){ hmsType = 'M'; _this._drawTimeList(hmsType) }); Utils.on(this.doms.inputS, 'click', function(e){ hmsType = 'S'; _this._drawTimeList(hmsType) }); Utils.on(this.doms.timeListClose, 'click', function(e){ _this._closelayer() }); Utils.on(this.doms.timeList, 'click', 'li', function(e){ if(this.getAttribute('dis')){ e.stopPropagation() return false } var it = parseInt(this.innerHTML); _this[hmsType.toLocaleLowerCase()] = it; _this.doms['input'+hmsType].value = Utils.repair(it); _this._closelayer()._drawDate()._checkOk() }); // 绑定tools按钮 Utils.on(this.doms.clearBtn, 'click', function(e){ _this._close().elem[_this.valueType] = ''; }); Utils.on(this.doms.todayBtn, 'click', function(e){ var _de = new Date(); _this.Y = _de.getFullYear(); _this.M = _de.getMonth()+1; _this.D = _de.getDate(); _this.selectDate() }); Utils.on(this.doms.okBtn, 'click', function(e){ if(this.getAttribute('dis')){ e.stopPropagation() return false } _this.selectDate() }); //点击body关闭组件 Utils.on(document, 'click', function(e){ _this._closelayer() DateView._close(); }); Utils.on(this.dom, 'click', function(e){ _this._closelayer() }); }, _drawYearList: function(p){ var _html='',yearRow = 12,that=this; var _start = yearRow/2-1; Utils.each(new Array(yearRow), function(i){ var y = that.Y-_start+i+p*yearRow; _html += that._checkDate([y]) ? '<li dis="yes">'+y+'</li>' : '<li class="normal">'+y+'</li>'; }) this.doms.yearList.innerHTML = _html; return this; }, _drawMonthList: function(){ var _html='',that=this; Utils.each(new Array(12), function(i){ _html += that._checkDate([that.Y, i+1]) ? '<li dis="yes">'+Utils.repair(i+1)+'</li>' :'<li class="normal">'+Utils.repair(i+1)+'</li>' }) this.doms.monthList.innerHTML = _html; return this; }, _drawDate: function(){ var date1,date2,date3,date,dateP,dateT,dayP,_date,_html='',j=0,_time=0,_timeMin,_timeMax; date = new Date(); date1 = new Date(this.Y, this.M-1, 0); date2 = new Date(this.Y, this.M, 0); date3 = new Date(this.Y, this.M-1, 1); dateP = date1.getDate(); // 上个月多少天 dateT = date2.getDate(); // 这个月多少天 dayP = date3.getDay(); // 1号星期几 _date = Math.min(dateT, this.D) for (var i = 1; i <= 42; i++) { if(i <= dayP){ _html += this._checkDate([this.Y, this.M-1, dateP-dayP+i, this.h, this.m, this.s]) ? '<li dis="yes" m="'+(this.M-1)+'">'+(dateP-dayP+i)+'</li>' : '<li class="other" m="'+(this.M-1)+'">'+(dateP-dayP+i)+'</li>'; }else if(i <= dayP + dateT){ var _de = i-dayP; var _cls = _de === _date ? 'on' : 'normal'; _html += this._checkDate([this.Y, this.M, _de, this.h, this.m, this.s]) ? '<li dis="yes" m="'+this.M+'">'+(_de)+'</li>' : '<li class="'+_cls+'" m="'+this.M+'">'+(_de)+'</li>'; }else{ _html += this._checkDate([this.Y, this.M+1, j+1, this.h, this.m, this.s]) ? '<li dis="yes" m="'+(this.M+1)+'">'+(++j)+'</li>' : '<li class="other" m="'+(this.M+1)+'">'+(++j)+'</li>'; } }; this.doms.dayList.innerHTML = _html; return this; }, _drawTimeList: function(type){ var kv = {'H': {n:'时', c: 24, e:'h', i: 3}, 'M': {n:'分', c: 60, e:'m', i: 4}, 'S': {n:'秒', c: 60, e:'s', i: 5}},_html='',that=this; var arr = [that.Y, that.M, that.D, that.h, that.m, that.s]; Utils.each(new Array(kv[type].c), function(i){ var _cls = that[kv[type].e.toLocaleLowerCase()] === i ? 'on' : 'normal'; arr[kv[type].i] = i; _html += that._checkDate(arr) ? '<li dis="yes">'+i+'</li>' : '<li class="'+_cls+'">'+i+'</li>'; }); this.doms.timeListBox.className = 'dp_timebox dp_'+kv[type].c; this.doms.timeListTitle.innerHTML = kv[type].n; this.doms.timeList.innerHTML = _html; Utils.isShow(this.doms.timeListBox, true); }, _closelayer: function(){ Utils.isShow(this.doms.yearListBox, false); Utils.isShow(this.doms.monthListBox, false); Utils.isShow(this.doms.timeListBox, false); return this; }, _position: function(elem, isFixed){ this.dom.style.position = isFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); this.dom.style.left = rect.left + (isFixed ? Utils.scroll(true) : 0) + 'px' if(rect.bottom + this.dom.offsetHeight < document.documentElement.clientHeight){ this.dom.style.top = rect.bottom + (isFixed ? Utils.scroll() : 0) + 'px' }else{ this.dom.style.top = Math.max(rect.top - document.documentElement.clientHeight + (isFixed ? Utils.scroll() : 0), 0) + 'px'; } }, selectDate: function(){ this.aYmd[0] = Utils.repair(this.Y); this.aYmd[1] = Utils.repair(this.M); this.aYmd[2] = Utils.repair(this.D); this.aYmd[3] = Utils.repair(this.h); this.aYmd[4] = Utils.repair(this.m); this.aYmd[5] = Utils.repair(this.s); var time = +new Date(this.Y, this.M-1, this.D, this.h, this.m, this.s); this.elem[this.valueType] = Utils.format(time, this.config.format) this.config.callBack(this.elem[this.valueType], time); this.dateObj.time = time; this.dateObj.value = this.elem[this.valueType]; this._close(); return this; }, _close: function(noclose){ this.dom.style.display = noclose ? 'block' : 'none'; return this; } } DateView._init(); return dpdate })();
/* dol-datepicker 0.1.0 <https://github.com/dolphin0618/dol-datepicker> shanghang 2017-12-12 */ .datepicker-sh { width: 15pc; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; font-size: 9pt; display: none; z-index: 999 } .datepicker-sh .dp_top { height: 26px; padding: 5px; background: #12a5f8 } .datepicker-sh .dp_box { float: left } .datepicker-sh .box1 { width: 90pt } .datepicker-sh .box2 { width: 75pt; margin-left: 10px } .datepicker-sh .dp_nextX, .datepicker-sh .dp_prevX { width: 20px; height: 26px; float: left; position: relative } .datepicker-sh .dp_nextX:hover, .datepicker-sh .dp_prevX:hover { background-color: #12b5f8 } .datepicker-sh .dp_nextX:after, .datepicker-sh .dp_prevX:after { content: ''; display: block; border: 5px solid transparent; position: absolute; top: 8px; left: 5px } .datepicker-sh .dp_prevX:after { border-right-color: #fff } .datepicker-sh .dp_nextX:after { border-left-color: #fff } .datepicker-sh .dp_month, .datepicker-sh .dp_year { width: 5pc; height: 26px; float: left; position: relative; cursor: pointer } .datepicker-sh .dp_year_val { position: absolute; left: 4px; top: 4px; color: #fff; font-size: 14px } .datepicker-sh .dp_down { border: 5px solid transparent; border-top-color: #fff; position: absolute; right: 8px; top: 9pt } .datepicker-sh .dp_month_listBox, .datepicker-sh .dp_year_listBox { width: 90pt; position: absolute; top: 30px; overflow: hidden; background: #12a5f8; display: none; z-index: 1 } .datepicker-sh .dp_year_listBox { left: -25px } .datepicker-sh .dp_nextY, .datepicker-sh .dp_prevY { display: block; height: 15px; overflow: hidden } .datepicker-sh .dp_nextY:hover, .datepicker-sh .dp_prevY:hover { background: #12b5f8 } .datepicker-sh .dp_prevY:after { content: ''; display: block; width: 0; border: 5px solid transparent; border-bottom-color: #fff; margin: 0 auto } .datepicker-sh .dp_nextY:after { content: ''; display: block; width: 0; border: 5px solid transparent; border-top-color: #fff; margin: 5px auto } .datepicker-sh .dp_year_list { overflow: hidden } .datepicker-sh .dp_year_list li { width: 60px; 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color: #fff; cursor: pointer } .datepicker-sh .db_day li.on { background: #12a5f8; color: #fff } .datepicker-sh .dp_bottom { height: 22px; padding: 5px; position: relative } .datepicker-sh .dp_time { border: 1px solid #ccc; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; float: left } .datepicker-sh .dp_timefont { float: left; padding: 0 5px } .datepicker-sh .dp_cl_r, .datepicker-sh .dp_time_box { float: left; border-left: 1px solid #ccc } .datepicker-sh .dp_time_box li { float: left } .datepicker-sh .dp_time_box input { width: 20px; text-align: center; border: none; outline: 0; cursor: pointer } .datepicker-sh .dp_btns { border: 1px solid #ccc; float: right; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; text-align: center } .datepicker-sh .dp_btn { width: 25px; display: block; float: left; color: #666; text-decoration: none; padding: 0 5px } .datepicker-sh .dp_btn.dis { color: #ccc } .datepicker-sh .dp_btn:hover { background: #eee } .datepicker-sh .dp_timebox { width: 75pt; height: 75pt; background: #fff; position: absolute; bottom: 25px; border: 1px solid #ccc; display: none; z-index: 1 } .datepicker-sh .dp_timebox.dp_60 { width: 200px; height: 140px } .datepicker-sh .dp_timebox.dp_24 { width: 125px; height: 105px } .datepicker-sh .dp_head { line-height: 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; position: relative; text-align: center; color: #12a5f8 } .datepicker-sh .db_close { position: absolute; right: 5px; font-style: normal; cursor: pointer } .datepicker-sh .dp_timebox ul li { float: left; width: 20px; text-align: center; line-height: 20px; color: #eee } .datepicker-sh .dp_timebox ul li.on { background: #12a5f8; color: #fff; cursor: pointer } .datepicker-sh .dp_timebox ul li.normal { color: #12a5f8; cursor: pointer } .datepicker-sh .dp_timebox ul li.normal:hover { background: #12b5f8; color: #fff }