I am an experienced programmer, but somewhat new to web programming. I am trying to learn Javascript, HTML5 and SVG using VS2010 by writing an HTML page that plays Tic-Tac-Toe with Javascript.
I am successfully creating each of the nine squares as SVG <rect...>
elements, however I am having trouble with the click event handlers for each square.
Here's the base SVG elements as they exist in the HTML file:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1"
id="svgTTT" width="150" height="150" viewBox="0 0 300 300" >
<rect width="3" height="300" x="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="3" height="300" x="199" fill="#000000" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="199" fill="#d2232c" />
These static <rect>
elements draw the for cross-hash lines of the TicTacToe board. The nine board squares are created in a javascript function called from the windows load event (below).
Here's the javascript (in-line in a <script>
element in the HTML body):
<script type="text/javascript">
function getEl(s) { return document.getElementById(s); }
var svg; // get the TTT svg
// execute after HTML has rendered
window.onload = function () {
svg = getEl("svgTTT");
alert("click-squares are setup.");
var cells = new Array(3);
// setup the click squares
function tttSetupSquares(brd) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cells[i] = new Array(3);
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
var x = 3 + (i * 100);
var y = 3 + (j * 100);
var newId = "svgTTTsqr" + i.toString() + j.toString();
// add in new rect with html
brd.innerHTML += "<rect id='"+newId+"' width='93' height='93' "
+ "fill='#00DD00' x='" + x.toString() + "' y ='" + y.toString() + "'"
+ " />";
//find it using the newId
var rect = document.getElementById(newId);
//make a cell object to contain all of this
var cell = {
col: i,
row: j,
pSvg: svg,
rect: rect,
handleClick: function (event) {
try {
// this line fails because `this` is the target, not the cell
var svgNS = this.pSvg.namespaceURI;
var line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'line');
catch (err) {
alert("handlClick err: " + err);
//add a click handler for the rect/cell
cell.rect.addEventListener("click", cell.handleClick, false);
//(only seems to work the last time it is executed)
//save the cell object for later use
cells[i][j] = cell;
(I can supply the full page source, but it's just the HTML elements that contain these.)
The problem is two-fold:
Only the last
seems to work. Clicking on all of the other squares does nothing. Clicking on the last square (svgTTTsqr22) does run thecell.handleClick
but leads to problem 2 (below). Chrome Developer Tools (F12) shows all of the<rect>
elements except the last as having no event listener.似乎只有最后一个addEventListener管用。点击所有其他方块什么都不做。单击最后一个正方形(svgTTTsqr22)会运行单元格。handleClick但是导致了问题2(以下)。Chrome Developer Tools (F12)显示所有
元素,但最后一个元素没有事件监听器。 -
When the
does run, it fails on the fist line (var svgNS = this.pSvg.namespaceURI;
) with an error like "undefined object does not have a property named "namespaceURI" Inspection in Devleoper Tools shows that it is failing becausethis
is not set to thecell
object but rather to the SVG<rect>
element that was clicked.当细胞。handleClick运行,不能在拳头行(var svgNS = this.pSvg.namespaceURI;)这样的一个错误“未定义的对象没有一个属性命名为“namespaceURI“Devleoper工具检查表明,它是失败的,因为这不是细胞对象而是SVG点击 <矩形> 元素。
So my questions are:
A. What am I doing wrong here, and
B. How can/should I be doing this?
3 个解决方案
1. Missing event handlers
Using innerHTML
to alter an element's internal structure will cause all of its children to be removed and the element's DOM sub-tree to be rebuilt by re-parsing the HTML content. By removing the child elements all previously registered event listener will get lost and will not automatically be restored when rebuilding the DOM from HTML. To circumvent this behaviour it's good practice to avoid innerHTML
, if possible, and use direct DOM manipulation instead. You could use something like this to insert your <rect>
// Use DOM manipulation instead of innerHTML
var rect = document.createElementNS(svg.namespaceURI, 'rect');
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "id", newId);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#00DD00");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "93");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "93");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "x", x);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "y", y);
2. this
context inside of event handlers
Whenever an event listener gets called this
will get bound to the element where the event got triggered by. In your code, however, you won't need this
because all information is available by the parameter brd
which gets passed in to function .tttSetupSquares()
无论何时调用事件监听器,它都会被绑定到事件触发的元素。但是,在您的代码中,您不需要这样做,因为所有的信息都是由参数brd提供的,而brd被传递到函数. tttsetupsquare()中。
handleClick: function (event) {
try {
var svgNS = brd.namespaceURI;
var line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'line');
catch (err) {
alert("handlClick err: " + err);
See the following snippet for a working example:
function getEl(s) { return document.getElementById(s); }
var svg; // get the TTT svg
var cells = new Array(3);
// execute after HTML has rendered
!(function () {
svg = getEl("svgTTT");
alert("click-squares are setup.");
// setup the click squares
function tttSetupSquares(brd) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cells[i] = new Array(3);
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
var x = 3 + (i * 100);
var y = 3 + (j * 100);
var newId = "svgTTTsqr" + i.toString() + j.toString();
// Use DOM manipulation instead of innerHTML
var rect = document.createElementNS(svg.namespaceURI, 'rect');
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "id", newId);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#00DD00");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "93");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "93");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "x", x);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "y", y);
//make a cell object to contain all of this
var cell = {
col: i,
row: j,
pSvg: brd,
rect: rect,
handleClick: function (event) {
try {
var svgNS = brd.namespaceURI;
var line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'line');
line.setAttributeNS(null, "x1", this.x.baseVal.value);
line.setAttributeNS(null, "y1", this.y.baseVal.value);
line.setAttributeNS(null, "x2", this.x.baseVal.value + this.width.baseVal.value);
line.setAttributeNS(null, "y2", this.y.baseVal.value + this.height.baseVal.value);
catch (err) {
alert("handlClick err: " + err);
//add a click handler for the rect/cell
cell.rect.addEventListener("click", cell.handleClick, false);
//save the cell object for later use
cells[i][j] = cell;
line {
stroke: red;
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1"
id="svgTTT" width="150" height="150" viewBox="0 0 300 300" >
<rect width="3" height="300" x="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="3" height="300" x="199" fill="#000000" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="199" fill="#d2232c" />
As explained above, the problem with "this" is that it gets bound to a context, which is not always the context you want. There are many solution for this type of problem. From the infamous self=this
trick to .bind()
. There are also many many answers to this, and in general it might by a duplicate. A good answer and some followup reading can be found here:
var self = this?
or here: How to change the context of a function in javascript
or here: http://ryanmorr.com/understanding-scope-and-context-in-javascript/
or here: https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this
如前所述,“this”的问题在于它被绑定到一个上下文,而这个上下文并不总是您想要的上下文。对于这种类型的问题,有许多解决方案。从臭名昭著的self=这个技巧到。bind()。这个问题也有很多答案,一般来说它可能是一个副本。一个好的答案和一些后续阅读可以在这里找到:var self = this?或者这里:如何更改javascript中的函数上下文,或者这里:http://ryanmorr.com/understand -scope-and-context-in javascript/或者这里:https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/web/cript/reference/operators/this
Though the real answer to your question is very specific. In the case of event handlers, there is a solution to the "this"-problem. You just have to implement an EventListener interface. This sounds more complicated than it is. In fact its quite easy. Your object just has to implement one function: .handleEvent
. When you pass an object to an addEventListener() function, it is this function that gets called automatically. The nice thing about this is, that using this method, the context of "this" will automatically be right. No need for hacks or workarounds. It sure is good to know the workarounds for the general case, but for this specific case, .handleEvent
is the solution.
虽然你的问题的真正答案是非常具体的。在事件处理程序的情况下,有一个解决“这个”问题的方法。您只需实现一个EventListener接口。这听起来比实际要复杂得多。事实上很容易。对象只需实现一个函数:. handleevent。当您将一个对象传递给addEventListener()函数时,自动调用的就是这个函数。这个方法的好处是,使用这个方法,“this”的上下文将自动正确。不需要黑客或变通方法。了解一般情况的解决方案当然很好,但是对于这个特定的情况,. handleevent是解决方案。
here is a complete working example:
function getEl(s) { return document.getElementById(s); }
var svg; // get the TTT svg
// execute after HTML has rendered
window.onload = function () {
svg = getEl("svgTTT");
//alert("click-squares are setup.");
var cells = new Array(3);
// setup the click squares
function tttSetupSquares(brd) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cells[i] = new Array(3);
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
var x = 3 + (i * 100);
var y = 3 + (j * 100);
var rect= document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","rect")
var cell = {
col: i,
row: j,
pSvg: svg,
rect: rect,
handleEvent: function (event) {
try {
// this line fails because `this` is the target, not the cell
var svgNS = this.pSvg.namespaceURI;
var line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'line');
document.getElementById("out").innerHTML="rect("+this.col+","+this.row+") was clicked"
catch (err) {
alert("handlClick err: " + err);
//add a click handler for the rect/cell
cell.rect.addEventListener("click", cell, false);
//(only seems to work the last time it is executed)
//save the cell object for later use
cells[i][j] = cell;
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1"
id="svgTTT" width="150" height="150" viewBox="0 0 300 300" >
<rect width="3" height="300" x="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="3" height="300" x="199" fill="#000000" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="199" fill="#d2232c" />
<div id="out"></div>
in the case of EventHandlers, this is the correct solution, everything else is a hack!
Some advice:
You could look into using event delegation. If you use a framework or library like jQuery or Angular or React, it will do event delegation for you automatically. Having many event handlers on separate DOM elements can hurt performance. What you could do instead is to have a "click" handler on the wrapping element, and use the event.target
property to see which element that was actually clicked.
svg.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
if (e.target.nodeName === "rect" && (/^svgTTTsqr/).test(e.target.id)) {
// Use a regexp on e.target.id to find your
// cell object in `cells`
A regexp might be a little dirty so perhaps you should use data attributes instead.
// Generating the HTML
brd.innerHTML += "<rect id='"+newId+"' data-i='" + i + "' data-j='" + j + "' "
// The event handler:
svg.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
if (e.target.nodeName === "rect" && (/^svgTTTsqr/).test(e.target.id)) {
var i = e.target.getAttribute("data-i");
var j = e.target.getAttribute("data-j");
var cell = cells[i][j];
If you do this you can also easily do another performance tweak which is to generate the entire HTML string first, and append it to the DOM in a single operation, since you no longer have to insert the HTML into the DOM and add the event listener while looping.
As for your questions,
1) Sorry, can't help you there :( Would need to set up an executable example and poke around, can't think of anything when reading the code. I'm going to post this answeranyway as hopefully the event delegation solution explained above would make the problem go away.
2) Raw functions called plainly have their 'this' bound to whatever scope they are called in. The caller can also explicitly set what 'this' is bound to. The solution is to create a new function that is wrapped so that 'this' is forced to be whatever you want it to be. Use the built-in function () {}.bind(cell)
which will return a new function that wraps the original and in the original this
will always be set to cell
regardless of the context the function returned by bind
is called in.
1. Missing event handlers
Using innerHTML
to alter an element's internal structure will cause all of its children to be removed and the element's DOM sub-tree to be rebuilt by re-parsing the HTML content. By removing the child elements all previously registered event listener will get lost and will not automatically be restored when rebuilding the DOM from HTML. To circumvent this behaviour it's good practice to avoid innerHTML
, if possible, and use direct DOM manipulation instead. You could use something like this to insert your <rect>
// Use DOM manipulation instead of innerHTML
var rect = document.createElementNS(svg.namespaceURI, 'rect');
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "id", newId);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#00DD00");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "93");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "93");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "x", x);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "y", y);
2. this
context inside of event handlers
Whenever an event listener gets called this
will get bound to the element where the event got triggered by. In your code, however, you won't need this
because all information is available by the parameter brd
which gets passed in to function .tttSetupSquares()
无论何时调用事件监听器,它都会被绑定到事件触发的元素。但是,在您的代码中,您不需要这样做,因为所有的信息都是由参数brd提供的,而brd被传递到函数. tttsetupsquare()中。
handleClick: function (event) {
try {
var svgNS = brd.namespaceURI;
var line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'line');
catch (err) {
alert("handlClick err: " + err);
See the following snippet for a working example:
function getEl(s) { return document.getElementById(s); }
var svg; // get the TTT svg
var cells = new Array(3);
// execute after HTML has rendered
!(function () {
svg = getEl("svgTTT");
alert("click-squares are setup.");
// setup the click squares
function tttSetupSquares(brd) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cells[i] = new Array(3);
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
var x = 3 + (i * 100);
var y = 3 + (j * 100);
var newId = "svgTTTsqr" + i.toString() + j.toString();
// Use DOM manipulation instead of innerHTML
var rect = document.createElementNS(svg.namespaceURI, 'rect');
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "id", newId);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#00DD00");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "93");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "93");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "x", x);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "y", y);
//make a cell object to contain all of this
var cell = {
col: i,
row: j,
pSvg: brd,
rect: rect,
handleClick: function (event) {
try {
var svgNS = brd.namespaceURI;
var line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'line');
line.setAttributeNS(null, "x1", this.x.baseVal.value);
line.setAttributeNS(null, "y1", this.y.baseVal.value);
line.setAttributeNS(null, "x2", this.x.baseVal.value + this.width.baseVal.value);
line.setAttributeNS(null, "y2", this.y.baseVal.value + this.height.baseVal.value);
catch (err) {
alert("handlClick err: " + err);
//add a click handler for the rect/cell
cell.rect.addEventListener("click", cell.handleClick, false);
//save the cell object for later use
cells[i][j] = cell;
line {
stroke: red;
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1"
id="svgTTT" width="150" height="150" viewBox="0 0 300 300" >
<rect width="3" height="300" x="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="3" height="300" x="199" fill="#000000" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="199" fill="#d2232c" />
As explained above, the problem with "this" is that it gets bound to a context, which is not always the context you want. There are many solution for this type of problem. From the infamous self=this
trick to .bind()
. There are also many many answers to this, and in general it might by a duplicate. A good answer and some followup reading can be found here:
var self = this?
or here: How to change the context of a function in javascript
or here: http://ryanmorr.com/understanding-scope-and-context-in-javascript/
or here: https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/this
如前所述,“this”的问题在于它被绑定到一个上下文,而这个上下文并不总是您想要的上下文。对于这种类型的问题,有许多解决方案。从臭名昭著的self=这个技巧到。bind()。这个问题也有很多答案,一般来说它可能是一个副本。一个好的答案和一些后续阅读可以在这里找到:var self = this?或者这里:如何更改javascript中的函数上下文,或者这里:http://ryanmorr.com/understand -scope-and-context-in javascript/或者这里:https://developer.mozilla.org/de/docs/web/cript/reference/operators/this
Though the real answer to your question is very specific. In the case of event handlers, there is a solution to the "this"-problem. You just have to implement an EventListener interface. This sounds more complicated than it is. In fact its quite easy. Your object just has to implement one function: .handleEvent
. When you pass an object to an addEventListener() function, it is this function that gets called automatically. The nice thing about this is, that using this method, the context of "this" will automatically be right. No need for hacks or workarounds. It sure is good to know the workarounds for the general case, but for this specific case, .handleEvent
is the solution.
虽然你的问题的真正答案是非常具体的。在事件处理程序的情况下,有一个解决“这个”问题的方法。您只需实现一个EventListener接口。这听起来比实际要复杂得多。事实上很容易。对象只需实现一个函数:. handleevent。当您将一个对象传递给addEventListener()函数时,自动调用的就是这个函数。这个方法的好处是,使用这个方法,“this”的上下文将自动正确。不需要黑客或变通方法。了解一般情况的解决方案当然很好,但是对于这个特定的情况,. handleevent是解决方案。
here is a complete working example:
function getEl(s) { return document.getElementById(s); }
var svg; // get the TTT svg
// execute after HTML has rendered
window.onload = function () {
svg = getEl("svgTTT");
//alert("click-squares are setup.");
var cells = new Array(3);
// setup the click squares
function tttSetupSquares(brd) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cells[i] = new Array(3);
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
var x = 3 + (i * 100);
var y = 3 + (j * 100);
var rect= document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","rect")
var cell = {
col: i,
row: j,
pSvg: svg,
rect: rect,
handleEvent: function (event) {
try {
// this line fails because `this` is the target, not the cell
var svgNS = this.pSvg.namespaceURI;
var line = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'line');
document.getElementById("out").innerHTML="rect("+this.col+","+this.row+") was clicked"
catch (err) {
alert("handlClick err: " + err);
//add a click handler for the rect/cell
cell.rect.addEventListener("click", cell, false);
//(only seems to work the last time it is executed)
//save the cell object for later use
cells[i][j] = cell;
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1"
id="svgTTT" width="150" height="150" viewBox="0 0 300 300" >
<rect width="3" height="300" x="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="3" height="300" x="199" fill="#000000" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="99" fill="#008d46" />
<rect width="300" height="3" y="199" fill="#d2232c" />
<div id="out"></div>
in the case of EventHandlers, this is the correct solution, everything else is a hack!
Some advice:
You could look into using event delegation. If you use a framework or library like jQuery or Angular or React, it will do event delegation for you automatically. Having many event handlers on separate DOM elements can hurt performance. What you could do instead is to have a "click" handler on the wrapping element, and use the event.target
property to see which element that was actually clicked.
svg.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
if (e.target.nodeName === "rect" && (/^svgTTTsqr/).test(e.target.id)) {
// Use a regexp on e.target.id to find your
// cell object in `cells`
A regexp might be a little dirty so perhaps you should use data attributes instead.
// Generating the HTML
brd.innerHTML += "<rect id='"+newId+"' data-i='" + i + "' data-j='" + j + "' "
// The event handler:
svg.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
if (e.target.nodeName === "rect" && (/^svgTTTsqr/).test(e.target.id)) {
var i = e.target.getAttribute("data-i");
var j = e.target.getAttribute("data-j");
var cell = cells[i][j];
If you do this you can also easily do another performance tweak which is to generate the entire HTML string first, and append it to the DOM in a single operation, since you no longer have to insert the HTML into the DOM and add the event listener while looping.
As for your questions,
1) Sorry, can't help you there :( Would need to set up an executable example and poke around, can't think of anything when reading the code. I'm going to post this answeranyway as hopefully the event delegation solution explained above would make the problem go away.
2) Raw functions called plainly have their 'this' bound to whatever scope they are called in. The caller can also explicitly set what 'this' is bound to. The solution is to create a new function that is wrapped so that 'this' is forced to be whatever you want it to be. Use the built-in function () {}.bind(cell)
which will return a new function that wraps the original and in the original this
will always be set to cell
regardless of the context the function returned by bind
is called in.