I have created reusable directive something like dropdown but dropdown open in modal which is working good.
my directive looks like this
<p-select items="deptStations" header-text="Select " text="Select departure..." text-icon="ion-chatbubble-working" text-field="City_Name_EN" text-field2="City_Code" value-field="City_Code" ng-model="deptStation.value">
<p-select items="arrStations" header-text="Select " text="Select arrival..." text-icon="ion-chatbubble-working" text-field="D.City_Name_EN" text-field2="D.City_Code" value-field="D.City_Code" ng-model="arrStation.value">
My directive html is
<div class="list">
<label ng-repeat="item in items | filter:search" class="item item-text-wrap" ng-click='validateSingle(item)'>
{{item[textField]}} {{textField2 !== '' ? " (" + item[textField2] + ")" : ""}}
Now my issue is when JSON is 1 level it will work as below
[{City_Name_EN:'Abu Dhabi', City_Code:'AUH' },
{City_Name_EN:'Alexandria',City_Code:'HBE' }]
But if I have 2 level JSON than it will not work
So how can make this part dynamic {{item[textField]}}
My plunkr http://plnkr.co/edit/GxM78QRwSjTrsX1SCxF7?p=preview
我的plunkr http://plnkr.co/edit/GxM78QRwSjTrsX1SCxF7?p=preview
1 个解决方案
With this kind of dynamic expression of yours, it is always better to have directive consider only a specific contract provided as view model. If the directive consumer has a different data format it should be upto that component to provide the contract that directive needs, it can just map the data to the view model that directive expects. This way you can keep things clean, that would be my opinion.
Now to work around your issue you would need to do a trick to evaluate the multilevel property against an object. You can use $scope.$eval
to evaluate any dynamic expression against the scope object. example you can evaluate a dynamic property evaluation of prop1.prop2.prop3
on a scope property item
by doing $scope.$eval("prop1.prop2.prop3", item)
or $scope.$eval("item." + "prop1.prop2.prop3")
现在,要解决您的问题,您需要使用一种技巧来针对对象评估多级属性。你可以使用美元范围。$eval对作用域对象的任何动态表达式求值。例如,您可以评估prop1.prop2的动态属性评估。通过执行$scope对范围属性项的prop3 .$eval(“prop1.prop2”)。prop3”项)或范围。美元eval(“项目”。+“prop1.prop2.prop3”)
So in your directive:
Added a scope function to get the item text and value:
$scope.getItemName = function(field, item){
//here "this" represents the current child scope of ng-repeat
return $scope.$eval(field, item);
//return this.$eval("item." + field);
$scope.validateSingle = function(item) {
$scope.text = $scope.$eval($scope.textField, item) + ($scope.textField2 !== '' ? " (" + $scope.$eval($scope.textField2, item) + ")" : "");
$scope.value = $scope.$eval($scope.valueField, item);
Update your template to get respective text:
<label ng-repeat="item in items | filter:search" class="item item-text-wrap" ng-click='validateSingle(item)'>
{{getItemName(textField, item)}} {{textField2 !== '' ? " (" + getItemName(textField2, item) + ")" : ""}}
With this kind of dynamic expression of yours, it is always better to have directive consider only a specific contract provided as view model. If the directive consumer has a different data format it should be upto that component to provide the contract that directive needs, it can just map the data to the view model that directive expects. This way you can keep things clean, that would be my opinion.
Now to work around your issue you would need to do a trick to evaluate the multilevel property against an object. You can use $scope.$eval
to evaluate any dynamic expression against the scope object. example you can evaluate a dynamic property evaluation of prop1.prop2.prop3
on a scope property item
by doing $scope.$eval("prop1.prop2.prop3", item)
or $scope.$eval("item." + "prop1.prop2.prop3")
现在,要解决您的问题,您需要使用一种技巧来针对对象评估多级属性。你可以使用美元范围。$eval对作用域对象的任何动态表达式求值。例如,您可以评估prop1.prop2的动态属性评估。通过执行$scope对范围属性项的prop3 .$eval(“prop1.prop2”)。prop3”项)或范围。美元eval(“项目”。+“prop1.prop2.prop3”)
So in your directive:
Added a scope function to get the item text and value:
$scope.getItemName = function(field, item){
//here "this" represents the current child scope of ng-repeat
return $scope.$eval(field, item);
//return this.$eval("item." + field);
$scope.validateSingle = function(item) {
$scope.text = $scope.$eval($scope.textField, item) + ($scope.textField2 !== '' ? " (" + $scope.$eval($scope.textField2, item) + ")" : "");
$scope.value = $scope.$eval($scope.valueField, item);
Update your template to get respective text:
<label ng-repeat="item in items | filter:search" class="item item-text-wrap" ng-click='validateSingle(item)'>
{{getItemName(textField, item)}} {{textField2 !== '' ? " (" + getItemName(textField2, item) + ")" : ""}}