将多个图像blob从离子1上传到firebase 3

时间:2022-04-06 22:58:30

I can upload a single image converted to a blob to firebase 3 successfully. However, when I try to upload multiple images to firebase 3 from my ionic 1 app, it fails.

我可以成功地将转换为blob的单个图像上传到firebase 3。但是,当我尝试从我的离子1应用程序上传多个图像到firebase 3时,它失败了。

The console logs that the data was successfully uploaded. I cannot see it in the firebase storage UI. I only see the first image I selected.


This is the code that gets the images:


  $scope.getImages = function () {
  var options = {
    maximumImagesCount: 10,
    width: 1000,
    height: 1000,
    quality: 100

    .then(function (results) {
      for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
        var fileName = results[i].replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');

        // the image storage path is different on android
        var path = '';
        if ($ionicPlatform.is("android")) {
          path = cordova.file.cacheDirectory;
        else {
          path = cordova.file.tempDirectory;
        } // end of android image rectification 

        $cordovaFile.readAsArrayBuffer(path, fileName)
          .then(function (realImage) {
            var imageBlob = new Blob([realImage], { type: "image/jpeg" });

            imgUpload(imageBlob, fileName)


    }, function (error) {
      // error getting photos

Below is the code for firebase service


function imgUpload(_imgBlob, _filename) {

  var uploadsMetadata = {
    cacheControl: "max-age=" + (60 * 60 * 24 * 365) // One year of seconds

  //create the storage reference and use it to access
  var storeRef = firebase.storage().ref();

  var uploadTask = storeRef.child('images/' + _filename).put(_imgBlob, uploadsMetadata);

  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    uploadTask.on('state_changed', function (snap) {
      console.log('Progress: ', snap.bytesTransferred, '/', snap.totalBytes, ' bytes');
    }, function (err) {
      console.log('upload error', err);
    }, function () {
      var metadata = uploadTask.snapshot.metadata;
      var key = metadata.md5Hash.replace(/\//g, ':');
      var fileRecord = {
        downloadURL: uploadTask.snapshot.downloadURL,
        key: key,
        metadata: {
          fullPath: metadata.fullPath,
          md5Hash: metadata.md5Hash,
          name: metadata.name

      // uploadsRef.child(key).set(fileRecord).then(resolve, reject);
  }); // end of Promise

  // return snapshot;
}  // end of function imgUpload

1 个解决方案



[Edited 2/15/2017]

Padrian, without knowing what your specific error(s) were in the code above I can only assume that your issue(s) are the same as what was dealing with, namely that the metadata.md5Hash was failing since the metadata wasn't defined. My code and your code are nearly identical barring the UI framework differences.


My first refactoring to remove the error was to removed the listening on events and went with just having a callback on the .put() like so:



I further refactored my code and just as mysteriously as there was an issue, there was no longer an issue. Below is my full code for processing the upload file. I placed the code inside an async.queue so I could limit the file uploads to 4 files at a time.


const q = async.queue(function (file, callback) {
  let reader = new window.FileReader()

  reader.onload = function (e) {
    const tags = ExifReader.load(e.target.result)
    if (tags['Orientation'].description === 'left-bottom') {
      file.rotation = 'rotate(-90deg)'

  reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file.file.slice(0, 128 * 1024))

  let uploadTask = storageRef.child(file.file.name).put(file.file, uploadsMetadata)
  file.uploadSuccess = false
  file.uploadError = false
  file.active = 'active'

    function (snap) {
      file.progress = snap.bytesTransferred / snap.totalBytes * 100
    function (err) {
      file.uploadError = true
      file.errorMessage = err
    function () {
      let metadata = uploadTask.snapshot.metadata
      let key = metadata.md5Hash.replace(/\//g, ':')
      let pendingInventoryRecord = {
        downloadURL: uploadTask.snapshot.downloadURL,
        key: key,
        metadata: {
          fullPath: metadata.fullPath,
          md5Hash: metadata.md5Hash,
          name: metadata.name
        style: file.invStyle,
        size: file.invSize,
        count: file.invCount,
        rotate: file.rotation || ''
      .then(function () {
        pendingInventoryCountRef.child('counter').transaction(function (currentVal) {
          return (currentVal || 0) + 1

        callback(null, file)
      .catch(function (err) { console.log(err) })
}, 4)



[Edited 2/15/2017]

Padrian, without knowing what your specific error(s) were in the code above I can only assume that your issue(s) are the same as what was dealing with, namely that the metadata.md5Hash was failing since the metadata wasn't defined. My code and your code are nearly identical barring the UI framework differences.


My first refactoring to remove the error was to removed the listening on events and went with just having a callback on the .put() like so:



I further refactored my code and just as mysteriously as there was an issue, there was no longer an issue. Below is my full code for processing the upload file. I placed the code inside an async.queue so I could limit the file uploads to 4 files at a time.


const q = async.queue(function (file, callback) {
  let reader = new window.FileReader()

  reader.onload = function (e) {
    const tags = ExifReader.load(e.target.result)
    if (tags['Orientation'].description === 'left-bottom') {
      file.rotation = 'rotate(-90deg)'

  reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file.file.slice(0, 128 * 1024))

  let uploadTask = storageRef.child(file.file.name).put(file.file, uploadsMetadata)
  file.uploadSuccess = false
  file.uploadError = false
  file.active = 'active'

    function (snap) {
      file.progress = snap.bytesTransferred / snap.totalBytes * 100
    function (err) {
      file.uploadError = true
      file.errorMessage = err
    function () {
      let metadata = uploadTask.snapshot.metadata
      let key = metadata.md5Hash.replace(/\//g, ':')
      let pendingInventoryRecord = {
        downloadURL: uploadTask.snapshot.downloadURL,
        key: key,
        metadata: {
          fullPath: metadata.fullPath,
          md5Hash: metadata.md5Hash,
          name: metadata.name
        style: file.invStyle,
        size: file.invSize,
        count: file.invCount,
        rotate: file.rotation || ''
      .then(function () {
        pendingInventoryCountRef.child('counter').transaction(function (currentVal) {
          return (currentVal || 0) + 1

        callback(null, file)
      .catch(function (err) { console.log(err) })
}, 4)