
时间:2022-05-23 23:01:01

Having the following dataset. I need some help with a sql statement that would give me the latest row based on PING_DATE with unique PING_DESTINATION and PING_SOURCE with added column with the AVG of PING_AVG for all rows within the last 10 minutes.

拥有以下数据集。我需要一些sql语句的帮助,它会给我一个基于PING_DATE的最新行,其中包含唯一的PING_DESTINATION和PING_SOURCE,并且在过去10分钟内为所有行添加了带有PING_AVG AVG的列。

 5/5/2015 12:58:18 PM |   0          |  68      |  68      |  72      |  site1      |  orange15
 5/5/2015 12:58:43 PM |   0          |  68      |  71      |  76      |  site1      |  orange15
 5/5/2015 12:59:11 PM |   0          |  68      |  68      |  72      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015  1:09:47 PM |   0          |  68      |  70      |  76      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015  1:43:59 PM |   0          |  68      |  69      |  72      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015  1:45:41 PM |   0          |  68      |  69      |  72      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015  2:03:43 PM |   0          |  68      |  68      |  72      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015  3:01:53 PM |   0          |  68      |  68      |  72      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015  3:02:05 PM |   0          |  68      |  69      |  72      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015  3:00:59 PM |  20          |  68      |  68      |  68      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015  3:01:07 PM |   0          |  68      |  68      |  72      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015  3:01:14 PM |   0          |  68      |  70      |  72      |  site1      |  pear11
 5/5/2015 12:46:55 PM |   3          |   3      |   3      |   3      |  site1      |  lemon1

Query Result:

 5/5/2015 12:58:43 PM |   0          |  68      |  71      |  76      |  site1      |  orange15        |  71
 5/5/2015  3:01:14 PM |   0          |  68      |  70      |  72      |  site1      |    pear11        |  65
 5/5/2015 12:46:55 PM |   3          |  3       |   3      |   3      |  site1      |    lemon1        |   3

3 个解决方案


For "last 10 minutes average" being "last 10 minutes in each group" this is the query you are looking for:


with xyz as (
    select X.*,
        row_number() over (
            partition by ping_destination, ping_source
            order by ping_date desc
        ) as latest_row#,
        avg(ping_avg) over (
            partition by ping_destination, ping_source
            order by ping_date asc
                range between
                interval '10' minute preceding
                and current row
        ) as the_10_min_avg
    from ping_table X
select *
from xyz
where latest_row# = 1

For "last 10 minutes average" being "from 10 minutes ago until now" this is the query you are looking for:


with xyz as (
    select X.*,
        row_number() over (
            partition by ping_destination, ping_source
            order by ping_date desc
        ) as latest_row#,
        avg(ping_avg) over (
            partition by ping_destination, ping_source
        ) as the_10_min_avg
    from ping_table X
    where X.ping_date >= systimestamp - interval '10' minute
select *
from xyz
where latest_row# = 1


Something like this:


SELECT DISTINCT ping_source, 
   first_value(ping_date) over (partition by ping_source order by ping_date desc),
  first_value(packet_loss) over (partition by ping_source order by ping_date desc)
 -- ... 
FROM data
select avg(ping_avg) from data
where (sysdate - ping_date) * 24 * 60 < 10;


Here is a straight forward query based on the question.


Edited based on the sample output. For last 10 minutes from now, use systemtimestamp instead of i.latest_ping in the snippet "(i.latest_ping - interval '10' minute)". Use i.latest_ping for last 10 minutes from max_ping_time for that source-dest pair.

根据样本输出进行编辑。从现在开始的最后10分钟,在片段“(i.latest_ping - interval'10'分钟)”中使用systemtimestamp而不是i.latest_ping。对于该source-dest对,使用i.latest_ping从max_ping_time开始最后10分钟。

    (select avg(ping_avg) from ping_info a 
        where a.ping_source = i.ping_source
        and a.ping_dest = i.ping_dest
        and a.ping_date >= (systemtimestamp - interval '10' minute)
    ) last_10min_avg 
from ping_info o,
    (select ping_source, ping_dest, max(ping_date) latest_ping
    from ping_info
    group by ping_source, ping_dest) i
where o.ping_source = i.ping_source
and o.ping_dest = i.ping_dest
and o.ping_date = i.latest_ping;


For "last 10 minutes average" being "last 10 minutes in each group" this is the query you are looking for:


with xyz as (
    select X.*,
        row_number() over (
            partition by ping_destination, ping_source
            order by ping_date desc
        ) as latest_row#,
        avg(ping_avg) over (
            partition by ping_destination, ping_source
            order by ping_date asc
                range between
                interval '10' minute preceding
                and current row
        ) as the_10_min_avg
    from ping_table X
select *
from xyz
where latest_row# = 1

For "last 10 minutes average" being "from 10 minutes ago until now" this is the query you are looking for:


with xyz as (
    select X.*,
        row_number() over (
            partition by ping_destination, ping_source
            order by ping_date desc
        ) as latest_row#,
        avg(ping_avg) over (
            partition by ping_destination, ping_source
        ) as the_10_min_avg
    from ping_table X
    where X.ping_date >= systimestamp - interval '10' minute
select *
from xyz
where latest_row# = 1


Something like this:


SELECT DISTINCT ping_source, 
   first_value(ping_date) over (partition by ping_source order by ping_date desc),
  first_value(packet_loss) over (partition by ping_source order by ping_date desc)
 -- ... 
FROM data
select avg(ping_avg) from data
where (sysdate - ping_date) * 24 * 60 < 10;


Here is a straight forward query based on the question.


Edited based on the sample output. For last 10 minutes from now, use systemtimestamp instead of i.latest_ping in the snippet "(i.latest_ping - interval '10' minute)". Use i.latest_ping for last 10 minutes from max_ping_time for that source-dest pair.

根据样本输出进行编辑。从现在开始的最后10分钟,在片段“(i.latest_ping - interval'10'分钟)”中使用systemtimestamp而不是i.latest_ping。对于该source-dest对,使用i.latest_ping从max_ping_time开始最后10分钟。

    (select avg(ping_avg) from ping_info a 
        where a.ping_source = i.ping_source
        and a.ping_dest = i.ping_dest
        and a.ping_date >= (systemtimestamp - interval '10' minute)
    ) last_10min_avg 
from ping_info o,
    (select ping_source, ping_dest, max(ping_date) latest_ping
    from ping_info
    group by ping_source, ping_dest) i
where o.ping_source = i.ping_source
and o.ping_dest = i.ping_dest
and o.ping_date = i.latest_ping;