
时间:2021-01-31 22:54:45

I want to use a query that calculates points that are a D distance away from a point (i.e. geolocation stuff), so the query is somewhat complex:


        DELIMITER //

    CREATE PROCEDURE geodist (IN m_lat double, IN m_lng double, IN dist int, IN lim int)
    DECLARE lon1 double; DECLARE lon2 double;
    DECLARE lat1 double; DECLARE lat2 double;

    -- calculate lon lat for the rectangle
    SET lon1 = m_lon-dist/abs(cos(radians(m_lat))*69);
    SET lon2 = m_lon+dist/abs(cos(radians(m_lat))*69);
    SET lat1 = m_lat-(dist/69); 
    SET lat2 = m_lat+(dist/69);

    -- run query;
    SELECT, 3956 * 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN((m_lat - post.geo_lat) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) +COS(m_lat * pi()/180) * COS(post.geo_lat * pi()/180) *POWER(SIN((m_lng - post.geo_lng) * pi()/180 / 2), 2) )) as distance 
    FROM post_post as post
    post.geo_lng BETWEEN lon1 AND lon2
    AND post.geo_lat BETWEEN lat1 AND lat2
    HAVING distance < dist ORDER BY Distance limit lim;

    END //

well above is what my stored procedure would be. Since I will be using this to go through thousands if not millions of rows of data I was wondering what the performance hit on using a django query over a stored procedure would be? I realize that django doesn't support stored procedures so that's why I was hoping to avoid using stored procedures. However, then the query won't be compiled in the db and the calculations would have to be done in python ... etc. What's the difference in performance between a django query and a store procedure called from django?


1 个解决方案



[Edited] There is a huge performance improvement if you use specialized database functions like the ones in Postgis or Mysql Spatial Extensions, compared to calculating everything in python.


Take a look at geodjango, the setup is somewhat painful but it has everything you may ever need for geolocation.


If geodjango is too much, you can always resort to raw SQL for this particular query.




[Edited] There is a huge performance improvement if you use specialized database functions like the ones in Postgis or Mysql Spatial Extensions, compared to calculating everything in python.


Take a look at geodjango, the setup is somewhat painful but it has everything you may ever need for geolocation.


If geodjango is too much, you can always resort to raw SQL for this particular query.
