使用Flask开发web碰到 MySQL Connection not available

时间:2022-05-05 22:56:20


in Execute_SQL cursor = conn.cursor() ,in cursor raise errors.OperationlError (MySQL Connection not available.)

使用Flask开发web碰到 MySQL Connection not available


If you open an unbuffered cursor and you do not read the WHOLE result set before closing the cursor, the next query will fail with

File "/usr/lib/python3.2/site-packages/mysql/connector/connection.py", line 1075, in cursor
raise errors.OperationalError("MySQL Connection not available.")
mysql.connector.errors.OperationalError: MySQL Connection not available.

and all subsequent database calls will fail too.



def Execute_SQL ( command , var = None , search = True ) :
cursor = conn.cursor ( )
if var is None :
cursor.execute ( command )
else :
cursor.execute ( command , var )
if search :
values = cursor.fetchall ( )
else :
values = cursor.rowcount
conn.commit ( )
cursor.close ( )
return values


def Execute_SQL ( command , var = None , search = True ) :
cursor = conn.cursor ( )
if var is None :
cursor.execute ( command )
else :
cursor.execute ( command , var )
if search :
values = cursor.fetchall ( )
else :
# values = cursor.rowcount
values = cursor.fetchone();
while values:
print (values);
values = cursor.fetchone();
conn.commit ( )
cursor.close ( )
return values