
时间:2022-12-30 22:54:59

I am struggling to get my head around this since too many hours and I need some help.:) I have a website build on Kohana and want to dynamically change the content of some text when the user click one button or and another. Not sure if I am doing it the right way but this what I did so far (ho by the way I am new to this framework).




class Controller_Homepage extends Controller_General {

class Controller_Homepage extends Controller_General {

   public $template = "template/widepage";

   public $textbuyer = array (
        'text1' => "homepage.buyer.bigtext1", //transfering language variable.
        'text2' => "homepage.buyer.bigtext2",
        //with more ...

   public $textseller = array (
        'text1' => "homepage.seller.bigtext1",
        'text2' => "homepage.seller.bigtext2",
        'text3' => "homepage.seller.bigtext3",
        //with more ...
    public $thetext = array ("textbuyer"); //the defaul array is textbuyer

public function action_index() {

public function action_index(){

        $this->content = View::factory("homepage") 
            ->bind('pagetext', $thetext );

        if ($this->request->method() === Request::POST) {
            $post= $this->request->post();
            if (isset($post['buyer'])){
                $thetext = $textbuyer;//gives rrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined variable: textbuyer
            //    arr::overwrite($thetext, $textbuyer);
            }else if(isset($post['seller'])){
                $thetext = $textseller;


Section of my view to show how I use the variable in the view:


        <div class="container_content">
                <p id='sline'><?php echo $pagetext['text1']; ?></p>

Can't get the content of my array to the view and when I click on one of the two buttons this code gives me the following error: ErrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined variable: textbuyer. What I am doing wrong ? Why I get the error I mentionned ? Thank you!

无法将我的数组的内容添加到视图中,当我单击其中一个按钮时,此代码会给出以下错误:ErrorException [Notice]:未定义的变量:textbuyer。我做错了什么?为什么我收到我提到的错误?谢谢!

1 个解决方案



When you define the variables like this


public $textbuyer = ...
public $textseller = ...
public $thetext = ...

They are attributes of your class. And since they are, you need to call them via



Just as you call methods inside the same class with $this->methodName() instead of methodName().

正如您使用$ this-> methodName()而不是methodName()调用同一类中的方法一样。

class Foo {
    public $bar = "hello ";
    public function foo() {
        $bar = "world";
        print $this->bar.$bar; // hello world

This would work just fine and you get the error because you never define $textbuyer (because you want to call $this->textbuyer).

这可以正常工作,你得到错误,因为你从来没有定义$ textbuyer(因为你想调用$ this-> textbuyer)。



When you define the variables like this


public $textbuyer = ...
public $textseller = ...
public $thetext = ...

They are attributes of your class. And since they are, you need to call them via



Just as you call methods inside the same class with $this->methodName() instead of methodName().

正如您使用$ this-> methodName()而不是methodName()调用同一类中的方法一样。

class Foo {
    public $bar = "hello ";
    public function foo() {
        $bar = "world";
        print $this->bar.$bar; // hello world

This would work just fine and you get the error because you never define $textbuyer (because you want to call $this->textbuyer).

这可以正常工作,你得到错误,因为你从来没有定义$ textbuyer(因为你想调用$ this-> textbuyer)。