
时间:2022-05-11 22:55:45

I believe the problem is near the ( next to quoted price as I get a syntax error of Incorrect syntax near '('. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Using Microsoft SQL-Server Management Studio.

我相信问题就在附近(在报价旁边,因为我在'('附近的语法错误中找到了错误的语法。对此有任何帮助将非常感激。使用Microsoft SQL-Server Management Studio。

create view order_total as

select order_num

sum (quoted_price * num_ordered) as total_amount

from order_line;

1 个解决方案



In your query, you haven't separated the columns you want to return by commas. The general syntax for the SELECT statement requires them:

在您的查询中,您没有用逗号分隔要返回的列。 SELECT语句的一般语法要求它们:

create view order_total as

SELECT   order_num,
         sum (quoted_price * num_ordered) AS total_amount
FROM     order_line
GROUP BY order_num;

(A good way to stop forgetting comma's is by placing them at the start of the line, not at the end of them, as follows:


SELECT column1
FROM   table

Makes it also very simple to quickly comment a column out by putting -- in front of the line without your query breaking.)




In your query, you haven't separated the columns you want to return by commas. The general syntax for the SELECT statement requires them:

在您的查询中,您没有用逗号分隔要返回的列。 SELECT语句的一般语法要求它们:

create view order_total as

SELECT   order_num,
         sum (quoted_price * num_ordered) AS total_amount
FROM     order_line
GROUP BY order_num;

(A good way to stop forgetting comma's is by placing them at the start of the line, not at the end of them, as follows:


SELECT column1
FROM   table

Makes it also very simple to quickly comment a column out by putting -- in front of the line without your query breaking.)

