There is a debate going in our department to virtualize Visual Studio into App-V, Microsofts Application Virtualization. In the back of my mind, I think doing this will cause problems when trying to debug or run other tasks in Visual Studio but I can't put my finger on any one thing to support my argument.
我们的部门正在进行一场讨论,将Visual Studio虚拟化到App-V, Microsofts应用程序虚拟化。在我的脑海中,我认为这样做会在尝试调试或者在Visual Studio中运行其他任务时产生问题,但是我不能用任何一件事情来支持我的观点。
Has anyone had any experience with Visual Studio 2010 running inside App-V?
有没有人有过Visual Studio 2010在App-V里面运行的经验?
I am open to the idea if there are no issues but I am afraid that if this is put in place, we will have issues.
What do you think?
2 个解决方案
Based on the description of App-V here I'd be shocked if the performance was good enough for Visual Studio to be usable. VS is a very processor and IO intensive application. Virtualizing its entire operation over the wire is likely drag performance down to unacceptable levels.
根据这里对App-V的描述,如果性能足够好,Visual Studio可以使用,我会感到震惊。VS是一个非常处理器和IO密集型的应用程序。对其整个操作进行虚拟化可能会将性能降低到不可接受的水平。
I have seen VS perform acceptably on local VMs running VirtualBox, that might be another option for you if platform standardization is your goal.
I know this is an ancient question, but I found it in a Google search. Just wanted to mention that we've been running Visual Studio 2010 this way for a couple of years, and it's fine. We use it in both a classroom setting and on developer desktops.
我知道这是一个古老的问题,但我是在谷歌搜索中发现的。只是想说,我们已经用这种方式运行了Visual Studio 2010,这已经有几年了,很好。我们在教室设置和开发人员桌面都使用它。
Based on the description of App-V here I'd be shocked if the performance was good enough for Visual Studio to be usable. VS is a very processor and IO intensive application. Virtualizing its entire operation over the wire is likely drag performance down to unacceptable levels.
根据这里对App-V的描述,如果性能足够好,Visual Studio可以使用,我会感到震惊。VS是一个非常处理器和IO密集型的应用程序。对其整个操作进行虚拟化可能会将性能降低到不可接受的水平。
I have seen VS perform acceptably on local VMs running VirtualBox, that might be another option for you if platform standardization is your goal.
I know this is an ancient question, but I found it in a Google search. Just wanted to mention that we've been running Visual Studio 2010 this way for a couple of years, and it's fine. We use it in both a classroom setting and on developer desktops.
我知道这是一个古老的问题,但我是在谷歌搜索中发现的。只是想说,我们已经用这种方式运行了Visual Studio 2010,这已经有几年了,很好。我们在教室设置和开发人员桌面都使用它。