
时间:2021-03-05 22:52:57

I have a crazy idea, which involves putting some clojure code into CouchDB and writing views that query it. I don't want to store the clojure code as plain text, because then I would have to worry about parsing it in the views. Formatting and comments don't need to be preserved, but the code should be able to go in and out of the database without changing in structure. Keywords, symbols, and strings should all stay in their native type. Additionally, I want the code to look elegant and be efficient.


I'm thinking of representing things as follows:


  • Symbols as strings that start with '
  • 符号为以''开头的字符串
  • Keywords as strings that start with :
  • 作为字符串开头的关键字:
  • Strings unmodified, except when they start with ' or :, in which case they're escaped with a backslash.
  • 字符串未经修改,除非它们以'或:开头,在这种情况下,它们使用反斜杠进行转义。
  • (parens) as an array
  • (parens)作为一个数组
  • [brackets] as an array with "_[]" as the first element
  • [括号]为数组,以“_ []”作为第一个元素
  • maps ({}) as an object
  • maps({})作为对象
  • sets (#{}) as an object with the values set to 1 and "_#{}" included.
  • 将(#{})设置为包含值设置为1和“_#{}”的对象。

Critiques, experiences, and ideas are appreciated.


Edit: Here's what happens if I try reading and writing JSON code using json functions from clojure.contrib:


user> code
((ns bz.json.app (:use (ring.middleware file))) (defn hello [req] {:status 200, :headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}, :body "Hello World!"}) (def app (wrap-file hello "public")))
user> (read-json (json-str code))
[["ns" "bz.json.app" ["use" ["ring.middleware" "file"]]] ["defn" "hello" ["req"] {"body" "Hello World!", "headers" {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}, "status" 200}] ["def" "app" ["wrap-file" "hello" "public"]]]

There's a fair bit that needs to be done for line 4 of the above to be exactly like line 2. It appears that it's a library project, unless there's a function somewhere that does it that I don't know about.


With such a library, here's what calling it might look like:


user> (= (json-to-code (read-json (json-str (code-to-json code)))) code)

6 个解决方案



I think your idea is sound, but I'd simplify the handling of collections by using tagged arrays (["list", …], ["vector", …]) instead. Apart from that, I wouldn't change the implementation strategy.


I like your idea and to code in Clojure, so I took a stab at implementing your code-to-json (with the above suggestion incorporated) at https://gist.github.com/3219854.


This is the output it generates:


(code-to-json example-code)
; => ["list" ["list" "'ns" "'bz.json.app" ["list" ":use" ["list" "'ring.middleware" "'file"]]] ["list" "'defn" "'hello" ["vector" "'req"] {":status" 200, ":headers" {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}, ":body" "Hello World!"}] ["list" "'def" "'app" ["list" "'wrap-file" "'hello" "public"]]]

json-to-code is left as an exercise for the reader. ;)

json-to-code留给读者练习。 ;)



As mikera suggested, clojure.contrib.json/write-json will convert not only primitive types, but Clojure's ISeqs and Java's Maps, Collections and Arrays, too. This should cover most of your code (seen as data), but in the event you want to write anything fancier, it's easy to extend the JSON writer, by mimicking out Stuart Sierra's source code (see here):

正如迈克拉所建议的那样,clojure.contrib.json / write-json不仅会转换原始类型,还会转换Clojure的ISeqs和Java的地图,集合和数组。这应该涵盖你的大多数代码(被视为数据),但是如果你想写任何更好的东西,通过模仿Stuart Sierra的源代码(参见这里),可以很容易地扩展JSON编写器:

(defn- write-json-fancy-type [x #^PrintWriter out]
    (write-json-string (str x) out)) ;; or something useful here!

(extend your-namespace.FancyType clojure.contrib.json/Write-JSON
    {:write-json write-json-fancy-type})

This is assuming you don't need to store computed bytecode, or captured closures. This would be an entirely different game, significantly harder. But since most Clojure code (like most Lisp's) can be seen as a tree/forest of S-Expressions, you should be OK.


Parsing out JSON back to the data can be done with clojure.contrib.json/read-json (take a short time to look at the options on its definition, you may want to use them). After that, eval may be your best friend.

可以使用clojure.contrib.json / read-json将JSON解析回数据(花一点时间查看其定义中的选项,您可能想要使用它们)。之后,eval可能是你最好的朋友。



If you want to use JSON as a representation, I'd strongly suggest using clojure.contrib.json, which already does the job of converting Clojure data structures to JSON pretty seamlessly.


No point reinventing the wheel :-)


I've used it pretty successfully in my current Clojure project. If it doesn't do everything you want, then you can always contribute a patch to improve it!




clojure.contrib.json has been superseded by clojure.data.json:


(require '[clojure.data.json :as json])

(json/write-str {:a 1 :b 2})
;;=> "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}"

(json/read-str "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}")
;;=> {"a" 1, "b" 2}

You might also like to use cheshire which has a nice API and support for various extensions such as custom encoding and SMILE (binary JSON):


(:require [cheshire.core :as json])

(json/encode {:a 1 :b 2})
;;=> "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}"

(json/decode "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}")
;;=> {"a" 1, "b" 2}



For completeness sake there is also clj-json which uses Jackson underneath to parse the JSON.




With version 0.1.2 of clojure.data.json the whole thing could look like this I guess:


(require ['clojure.data.json :as 'json])

(defn- json-write-date [s ^java.io.PrintWriter out escape-unicode?]
  (.write out (str "\""
    (.format (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyyMMddHHmmssZ") s)  "\"")))

(extend java.util.Date clojure.data.json/Write-JSON {:write-json json-write-date})

(json/json-str { :example (java.util.Date.)})



I think your idea is sound, but I'd simplify the handling of collections by using tagged arrays (["list", …], ["vector", …]) instead. Apart from that, I wouldn't change the implementation strategy.


I like your idea and to code in Clojure, so I took a stab at implementing your code-to-json (with the above suggestion incorporated) at https://gist.github.com/3219854.


This is the output it generates:


(code-to-json example-code)
; => ["list" ["list" "'ns" "'bz.json.app" ["list" ":use" ["list" "'ring.middleware" "'file"]]] ["list" "'defn" "'hello" ["vector" "'req"] {":status" 200, ":headers" {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}, ":body" "Hello World!"}] ["list" "'def" "'app" ["list" "'wrap-file" "'hello" "public"]]]

json-to-code is left as an exercise for the reader. ;)

json-to-code留给读者练习。 ;)



As mikera suggested, clojure.contrib.json/write-json will convert not only primitive types, but Clojure's ISeqs and Java's Maps, Collections and Arrays, too. This should cover most of your code (seen as data), but in the event you want to write anything fancier, it's easy to extend the JSON writer, by mimicking out Stuart Sierra's source code (see here):

正如迈克拉所建议的那样,clojure.contrib.json / write-json不仅会转换原始类型,还会转换Clojure的ISeqs和Java的地图,集合和数组。这应该涵盖你的大多数代码(被视为数据),但是如果你想写任何更好的东西,通过模仿Stuart Sierra的源代码(参见这里),可以很容易地扩展JSON编写器:

(defn- write-json-fancy-type [x #^PrintWriter out]
    (write-json-string (str x) out)) ;; or something useful here!

(extend your-namespace.FancyType clojure.contrib.json/Write-JSON
    {:write-json write-json-fancy-type})

This is assuming you don't need to store computed bytecode, or captured closures. This would be an entirely different game, significantly harder. But since most Clojure code (like most Lisp's) can be seen as a tree/forest of S-Expressions, you should be OK.


Parsing out JSON back to the data can be done with clojure.contrib.json/read-json (take a short time to look at the options on its definition, you may want to use them). After that, eval may be your best friend.

可以使用clojure.contrib.json / read-json将JSON解析回数据(花一点时间查看其定义中的选项,您可能想要使用它们)。之后,eval可能是你最好的朋友。



If you want to use JSON as a representation, I'd strongly suggest using clojure.contrib.json, which already does the job of converting Clojure data structures to JSON pretty seamlessly.


No point reinventing the wheel :-)


I've used it pretty successfully in my current Clojure project. If it doesn't do everything you want, then you can always contribute a patch to improve it!




clojure.contrib.json has been superseded by clojure.data.json:


(require '[clojure.data.json :as json])

(json/write-str {:a 1 :b 2})
;;=> "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}"

(json/read-str "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}")
;;=> {"a" 1, "b" 2}

You might also like to use cheshire which has a nice API and support for various extensions such as custom encoding and SMILE (binary JSON):


(:require [cheshire.core :as json])

(json/encode {:a 1 :b 2})
;;=> "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}"

(json/decode "{\"a\":1,\"b\":2}")
;;=> {"a" 1, "b" 2}



For completeness sake there is also clj-json which uses Jackson underneath to parse the JSON.




With version 0.1.2 of clojure.data.json the whole thing could look like this I guess:


(require ['clojure.data.json :as 'json])

(defn- json-write-date [s ^java.io.PrintWriter out escape-unicode?]
  (.write out (str "\""
    (.format (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyyMMddHHmmssZ") s)  "\"")))

(extend java.util.Date clojure.data.json/Write-JSON {:write-json json-write-date})

(json/json-str { :example (java.util.Date.)})