closure.xml / emit发生了什么?

时间:2022-11-18 22:47:36

Many blogs refer to the clojure.xml/emit (or clojure.contrib.lazy-xml/emit) function, but it seems to be absent from the 1.2 documentation.

许多博客都引用了clojure.xml / emit(或clojure.contrib.lazy-xml / emit)函数,但它似乎没有出现在1.2文档中。

Was it deprecated? What has replaced it?


Can it be used to write Clojure-encoded XML (e.g.: {:tag :address :content {:tag :street ...} })?

它可以用来编写Clojure编码的XML(例如:{:tag:address:content {:tag:street ...}})?

UPDATE: I looked at the source code for clojure.contrib.lazy-xml/emit (by Chris Houser) and, although it too is not "official", it looks like a more stable solution than clojure.xml/emit.

更新:我查看了clojure.contrib.lazy-xml / emit的源代码(由Chris Houser提供),虽然它也不是“官方”,但它看起来比clojure.xml / emit更稳定。

BTW, I have "discovered" the clojure and clojure-contrib source code as great examples of well-written, idiomatic Clojure (especially the parts written by the masters, Rich Hickey, the two Stuarts, Chris Houser, etc.) I'll need to spend some time studying that code.

顺便说一句,我已经“发现”了clojure和clojure-contrib源代码,这是一个写得很好,惯用语Clojure的好例子(特别是大师,Rich Hickey,两个Stuarts,Chris Houser等人写的部分)我会需要花一些时间来研究这些代码。

2 个解决方案



Strangely enough, clojure.xml/emit still exists when you (use 'clojure.xml) that namespace at the REPL in 1.2.0.

奇怪的是,当您(使用'clojure.xml)在1.2.0中的REPL处使用该命名空间时,clojure.xml / emit仍然存在。

To verify:

user=> (use 'clojure.xml)
user=> (emit (parse ""))

For full disclosure I discovered this using the useful (ns-map 'user) function


user=> (doc ns-map)
  Returns a map of all the mappings for the namespace.

Now please note that you are entirely correct about their disappearing from the documentation in 1.2 (clojure.xml and clojure.contrib.lazy-xml) for all but prxml which isn't really what you're looking for. I can't speak to why that is the case but the reason they no longer show up in the web interface becomes evident upon examining their docstring.


user=> (doc emit)

Now there is this thread over at the Google Group which indicates that use of the emit function is discouraged for 2 reasons.


  1. It is undocumented and thus subject to change without notice.
  2. 它没有记录,因此如有变更​​,恕不另行通知。

  3. It, in general, does not produce valid xml (although I suppose if you know your data is valid it would emit valid xml).
  4. 它通常不会产生有效的xml(虽然我想如果你知道你的数据是有效的,它会发出有效的xml)。

At the end of that thread, Stuart Halloway talks about a project to extend Clojure's XML support.

在该主题结束时,Stuart Halloway谈到了一个扩展Clojure XML支持的项目。

Of course there's always dipping into the Java pool and using any of the excellent XML tools on the Java end. It sounds like clojure's XML story is mostly told in parsing at this point.


Hope that helps.




If you are running clojure 1.2, there is clojure.contrib.prxml.

如果您正在运行clojure 1.2,则有clojure.contrib.prxml。

If you are running clojure 1.3, the replacement is supposed to be

如果您正在运行clojure 1.3,则替换应该是

However according to "Where did clojure.contrib go" document on, the new lib does not have a repository yet, it may be built and in a maven repo somewhere, but I wasn't able to find it. It is pretty easy to package yourself though.

然而根据dev.clojure.org上的“哪里有clojure.contrib去”文档,新的lib还没有存储库,它可能是在某个地方构建并在maven repo中,但我无法找到它。虽然打包自己很容易。

I had some legacy code that used prxml, so I ended up just fixing up prxml to work with Clojure 1.3, it's on

我有一些使用prxml的遗留代码,所以我最终修复了prxml以使用Clojure 1.3,它位于clojars.org上

It's been working fine for me, but your mileage may vary.




Strangely enough, clojure.xml/emit still exists when you (use 'clojure.xml) that namespace at the REPL in 1.2.0.

奇怪的是,当您(使用'clojure.xml)在1.2.0中的REPL处使用该命名空间时,clojure.xml / emit仍然存在。

To verify:

user=> (use 'clojure.xml)
user=> (emit (parse ""))

For full disclosure I discovered this using the useful (ns-map 'user) function


user=> (doc ns-map)
  Returns a map of all the mappings for the namespace.

Now please note that you are entirely correct about their disappearing from the documentation in 1.2 (clojure.xml and clojure.contrib.lazy-xml) for all but prxml which isn't really what you're looking for. I can't speak to why that is the case but the reason they no longer show up in the web interface becomes evident upon examining their docstring.


user=> (doc emit)

Now there is this thread over at the Google Group which indicates that use of the emit function is discouraged for 2 reasons.


  1. It is undocumented and thus subject to change without notice.
  2. 它没有记录,因此如有变更​​,恕不另行通知。

  3. It, in general, does not produce valid xml (although I suppose if you know your data is valid it would emit valid xml).
  4. 它通常不会产生有效的xml(虽然我想如果你知道你的数据是有效的,它会发出有效的xml)。

At the end of that thread, Stuart Halloway talks about a project to extend Clojure's XML support.

在该主题结束时,Stuart Halloway谈到了一个扩展Clojure XML支持的项目。

Of course there's always dipping into the Java pool and using any of the excellent XML tools on the Java end. It sounds like clojure's XML story is mostly told in parsing at this point.


Hope that helps.




If you are running clojure 1.2, there is clojure.contrib.prxml.

如果您正在运行clojure 1.2,则有clojure.contrib.prxml。

If you are running clojure 1.3, the replacement is supposed to be

如果您正在运行clojure 1.3,则替换应该是

However according to "Where did clojure.contrib go" document on, the new lib does not have a repository yet, it may be built and in a maven repo somewhere, but I wasn't able to find it. It is pretty easy to package yourself though.

然而根据dev.clojure.org上的“哪里有clojure.contrib去”文档,新的lib还没有存储库,它可能是在某个地方构建并在maven repo中,但我无法找到它。虽然打包自己很容易。

I had some legacy code that used prxml, so I ended up just fixing up prxml to work with Clojure 1.3, it's on

我有一些使用prxml的遗留代码,所以我最终修复了prxml以使用Clojure 1.3,它位于clojars.org上

It's been working fine for me, but your mileage may vary.
