
时间:2022-11-18 22:47:48

I have a vector of vectors that I'm using to represent a deck of cards:


[["A" "D"] ["K" "H"] ["K" "C"] ["K" "S"] ["K" "D"] ["Q" "H"] ["Q" "C"] ["Q" "S"]
 ["Q" "D"] ["J" "H"] ["J" "C"] ["J" "S"] ["J" "D"] ["T" "H"] ["T" "C"] ["T" "S"]
 ["T" "D"] ["9" "H"] ["9" "C"] ["9" "S"] ["9" "D"] ["8" "H"] ["8" "C"] ["8" "S"]
 ["8" "D"] ["7" "H"] ["7" "C"] ["7" "S"] ["7" "D"] ["6" "H"] ["6" "C"] ["6" "S"]
 ["6" "D"] ["5" "H"] ["5" "C"] ["5" "S"] ["5" "D"] ["4" "H"] ["4" "C"] ["4" "S"]
 ["4" "D"] ["3" "H"] ["3" "C"] ["3" "S"] ["3" "D"] ["2" "H"] ["2" "C"] ["2" "S"]
 ["2" "D"]]

At some point, I would like to "deal" some cards and have those cards removed from the deck.


It's also fine if you'd like to tell me to use a seq and actually my original was a seq of vectors, so it doesn't matter either way to me.


I do know that I would probably like to create an atom of "remaining-deck" and delete the items from this seq or vector.


I'm planning to open-source this, and this is the pertinent part of the code:


(def suits ["H" "C" "S" "D"])
(def ranks ["A" "K" "Q" "J" "T" "9" "8" "7" "6" "5" "4" "3" "2"])

(def deck (for [x ranks
                y suits]
            [x y]))

;; alternative deck that creates vector:

(def deck2 (vec (for [x ranks
                y suits]
            [x y])))

;;Another way to do it: While it's fine if I have a sequence of string pairs, I'd rather use vectors of vectors because I think destructuring will work better plus I think it'll be consistent across the program. 

(def deck3 (for [x ranks
                y suits]
            (str x y)))

(def hand [(rand-nth deck) (rand-nth deck)])

(def full-hand (concat board hand))

It looks like I could concatenate subvecs via using some .indexOf functions and tossing it into an atom, but I can't help but think that this is hacky and a Lisp should be able to do better than this. I seriously can't find any good information on this anywhere. I am aware of remove and filter, but those don't appear to be doing anything but throwing errors.

看起来,我可以通过使用一些. indexof函数将子向量连接到一个atom中,但我不得不认为这是hacky,而Lisp应该能够做得更好。我真的无法在任何地方找到任何好的信息。我知道删除和过滤,但是那些看起来不是做任何事情,而是抛出错误。

EDIT: Why the downvote? I'm simply trying to update the deck after dealing the cards.


Thus if I was representing a smaller deck:


[["A" "D"] ["K" "H"] ["K" "C"] ["K" "S"] ["K" "D"] ["Q" "H"] ["Q" "C"] ["Q" "S"]]

Then after an update from (ex: player is deal ["Q" "S"] ["Q" "C"], the remaining deck should look like:

然后在更新后(ex: player是deal ["Q"] " [Q" "C"],剩下的甲板应该是:

[["A" "D"] ["K" "H"] ["K" "C"] ["K" "S"] ["K" "D"] ["Q" "H"]]

So that there are no shared hands or duplicate cards during the rest of the deal.


2 个解决方案



I am not sure if I understood your question properly, but whatever I have gathered I would represent the deck as a set wrapped in a atom and on each hand play update the atom.


(def suits ["H" "C" "S" "D"])
(def ranks ["A" "K" "Q" "J" "T" "9" "8" "7" "6" "5" "4" "3" "2"])

(def deck (atom  (->> (for [x ranks
                            y suits]
                        [x y])
                      (into #{}))))

(defn hand []
  (-> (rand-int (count @deck))
      (drop @deck)

(defn play-hand []
  (swap! deck clojure.set/difference #{(hand)}))




I know this had an answer accepted already, but are you convinced you want to introduce state here? I would consider passing through deck as a parameter to hand and the like. What happens when you want to deal your hands in parallel?




I am not sure if I understood your question properly, but whatever I have gathered I would represent the deck as a set wrapped in a atom and on each hand play update the atom.


(def suits ["H" "C" "S" "D"])
(def ranks ["A" "K" "Q" "J" "T" "9" "8" "7" "6" "5" "4" "3" "2"])

(def deck (atom  (->> (for [x ranks
                            y suits]
                        [x y])
                      (into #{}))))

(defn hand []
  (-> (rand-int (count @deck))
      (drop @deck)

(defn play-hand []
  (swap! deck clojure.set/difference #{(hand)}))




I know this had an answer accepted already, but are you convinced you want to introduce state here? I would consider passing through deck as a parameter to hand and the like. What happens when you want to deal your hands in parallel?
