
时间:2020-12-10 22:48:16

Is there a working real world project using Clojure that take advantage of multi-core system that I can take a look?


I want to if Clojure is still in a toy-language phrase or it's really "happening soon".


4 个解决方案


You should look at the many examples posted up in the Google discussion group. They are interesting and a couple of them non-trivial in another language. I think those examples are more than enough proof about whether Clojure is a "toy" language or not.


The designer, Rich Hickey, uses the language himself for his work so I wouldn't be surprised if you find it very production ready. The API at this point isn't changing much since things are headed toward a 1.0 release, so you don't really have to worry too much about hte rug being pulled out under your feet. Probably the least stable part right now, if you're going to do your Lisping in Emacs, is SLIME and swank-clojure. It's pretty imperative that you use latest versions of both directly from their repositories (I use the GitHub mirrors).

设计师Rich Hickey将自己的语言用于他的工作,所以如果你发现它已经准备就绪,我不会感到惊讶。此时的API并没有太大变化,因为事情正朝着1.0发布的方向发展,所以你真的不必过于担心在你的脚下拉出地毯。现在可能是最不稳定的部分,如果你要在Emacs中做你的Lisping,那就是SLIME和swank-clojure。您必须直接从其存储库使用最新版本(我使用GitHub镜像)。

Get it while it's hot.



On the Clojure group today there's a thread about a fellow doing just that. It looks like a lot of middleware glue for a vet hospital, but unfortunately there's no data up on it (it says this will change in the next few months).



Consider taking a look at the source code for enclojure--a Netbeans IDE for Clojure. You can browse it here or download via svn here. You'll find a healthy mix of Java and Clojure for the implementation. It seems to be under active development as you can see here.

考虑一下enclojure的源代码 - 一个用于Clojure的Netbeans IDE。你可以在这里浏览或通过svn在这里下载。您将找到适合实现的Java和Clojure的健康组合。正如你在这里看到的那样,它似乎正在积极发展中。

It appears an Eclipse nature is being developed here but from the looks of the code, it's almost entirely in Java.


Perhaps more illuminating would be looking at the source code to Clojure itself. Aside from the core implementation, the bulk of the code is written in itself.



I wrote Mire to be an example for just that kind of purpose. It's a simple app, but it involves concurrent processing and shared state. It's built in a series of small steps, each one building on the last, and each step is stored as a separate git branch, so you can follow along with the development incrementally.




You should look at the many examples posted up in the Google discussion group. They are interesting and a couple of them non-trivial in another language. I think those examples are more than enough proof about whether Clojure is a "toy" language or not.


The designer, Rich Hickey, uses the language himself for his work so I wouldn't be surprised if you find it very production ready. The API at this point isn't changing much since things are headed toward a 1.0 release, so you don't really have to worry too much about hte rug being pulled out under your feet. Probably the least stable part right now, if you're going to do your Lisping in Emacs, is SLIME and swank-clojure. It's pretty imperative that you use latest versions of both directly from their repositories (I use the GitHub mirrors).

设计师Rich Hickey将自己的语言用于他的工作,所以如果你发现它已经准备就绪,我不会感到惊讶。此时的API并没有太大变化,因为事情正朝着1.0发布的方向发展,所以你真的不必过于担心在你的脚下拉出地毯。现在可能是最不稳定的部分,如果你要在Emacs中做你的Lisping,那就是SLIME和swank-clojure。您必须直接从其存储库使用最新版本(我使用GitHub镜像)。

Get it while it's hot.



On the Clojure group today there's a thread about a fellow doing just that. It looks like a lot of middleware glue for a vet hospital, but unfortunately there's no data up on it (it says this will change in the next few months).



Consider taking a look at the source code for enclojure--a Netbeans IDE for Clojure. You can browse it here or download via svn here. You'll find a healthy mix of Java and Clojure for the implementation. It seems to be under active development as you can see here.

考虑一下enclojure的源代码 - 一个用于Clojure的Netbeans IDE。你可以在这里浏览或通过svn在这里下载。您将找到适合实现的Java和Clojure的健康组合。正如你在这里看到的那样,它似乎正在积极发展中。

It appears an Eclipse nature is being developed here but from the looks of the code, it's almost entirely in Java.


Perhaps more illuminating would be looking at the source code to Clojure itself. Aside from the core implementation, the bulk of the code is written in itself.



I wrote Mire to be an example for just that kind of purpose. It's a simple app, but it involves concurrent processing and shared state. It's built in a series of small steps, each one building on the last, and each step is stored as a separate git branch, so you can follow along with the development incrementally.

