I need to log some events on a Clojure Client-Server scenario, but it seems to me that Clojure does not provide a date/time function. Can any one confirm this or I am missing something here?! If I am correct then I need to use java interop, right?
我需要在Clojure Client-Server方案中记录一些事件,但在我看来,Clojure不提供日期/时间功能。任何人都可以证实这一点,或者我在这里遗漏了什么?!如果我是正确的那么我需要使用java互操作,对吧?
5 个解决方案
If all you need is to get the current time and date for your logger, then this function is OK:
(defn now [] (new java.util.Date))
Now that you mentioned this, it would be useful to have support for immutable Date objects.
There is a Clojure-wrapper library for Joda-Time. Or you'll have to use java interop with the standard Java API.
Joda-Time有一个Clojure包装库。或者您必须使用Java interop与标准Java API。
Java 1.8 added the java.time package to the core JDK to clean up many of the frustrations with the state of date & time in Java. Since java.time is now a widely available part of core Java with a much improved API, I would encourage you to give it the first look when writing new date & time code.
Java 1.8将java.time包添加到核心JDK中,以清除Java中日期和时间状态的许多挫折。由于java.time现在是核心Java的一个广泛可用的部分,具有大大改进的API,我建议您在编写新的日期和时间代码时首先考虑它。
With clj-time, the Clojure library that wraps the Java Joda Time library, you could use code like the following:
使用clj-time,包装Java Joda Time库的Clojure库,您可以使用如下代码:
(require '[clj-time.core :as time])
(require '[clj-time.format :as time-format])
(time/now) => #<DateTime 2013-03-31T03:23:47.328Z>
(def time-formatter (time-format/formatters :basic-date-time)) ;; ISO 8601 UTC format
(time-format/unparse custom-formatter (date-time 2010 10 3)) => "20101003T000000.000Z"
One benefit of Joda Time (and hence clj-time) is that new releases support new changes to time zones.
Joda Time(以及clj-time)的一个好处是新版本支持对时区的新更改。
If you dont need nothing more advanced, just use Java classes.
(.format (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "MM/dd/yyyy") (new java.util.Date))
(.format(java.text.SimpleDateFormat。“MM / dd / yyyy”)(new java.util.Date))
If all you need is to get the current time and date for your logger, then this function is OK:
(defn now [] (new java.util.Date))
Now that you mentioned this, it would be useful to have support for immutable Date objects.
There is a Clojure-wrapper library for Joda-Time. Or you'll have to use java interop with the standard Java API.
Joda-Time有一个Clojure包装库。或者您必须使用Java interop与标准Java API。
Java 1.8 added the java.time package to the core JDK to clean up many of the frustrations with the state of date & time in Java. Since java.time is now a widely available part of core Java with a much improved API, I would encourage you to give it the first look when writing new date & time code.
Java 1.8将java.time包添加到核心JDK中,以清除Java中日期和时间状态的许多挫折。由于java.time现在是核心Java的一个广泛可用的部分,具有大大改进的API,我建议您在编写新的日期和时间代码时首先考虑它。
With clj-time, the Clojure library that wraps the Java Joda Time library, you could use code like the following:
使用clj-time,包装Java Joda Time库的Clojure库,您可以使用如下代码:
(require '[clj-time.core :as time])
(require '[clj-time.format :as time-format])
(time/now) => #<DateTime 2013-03-31T03:23:47.328Z>
(def time-formatter (time-format/formatters :basic-date-time)) ;; ISO 8601 UTC format
(time-format/unparse custom-formatter (date-time 2010 10 3)) => "20101003T000000.000Z"
One benefit of Joda Time (and hence clj-time) is that new releases support new changes to time zones.
Joda Time(以及clj-time)的一个好处是新版本支持对时区的新更改。
If you dont need nothing more advanced, just use Java classes.
(.format (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "MM/dd/yyyy") (new java.util.Date))
(.format(java.text.SimpleDateFormat。“MM / dd / yyyy”)(new java.util.Date))