Order by - but also Order by another?

时间:2022-01-11 22:48:32

K, I have one issue about PHP. I'm trying to make a highscore for my game that has levels and XP.


My issue is pretty simple, I want to order it by total level, so that the people with the highest total level come up as first, second, third, etc. But I also want it to be ordered by xp, so that if they have the same total level, than the person with the highest xp will be shown first, instead of it being just random.


This is what I have so far for ordering by level, but I don't know how to make it check for the xp.


$count = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM skillsoverall"),0) or     die(mysql_error());

        $from = (isset($_GET["from"]) && is_numeric($_GET["from"]) && $_GET["from"] < $count) ? $_GET["from"] : 0;

        $query = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM skillsoverall ORDER BY lvl DESC limit $from, $ppls_page") or die(mysql_error());

        $i = $from;
        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
        if($i < $top_hiscore) {
if($i & 1) {
        echo '<tr class="row row1">
<td class="rankCol"><span>'.$i.'</span></td>
<td class="nameCol"><span><a href="'.$website.'/'.$pers.'?name='.$row["playerName"].'"     target="_self">'.BBCode($row["playerName"]).'</a></span></td>
<td class="lvlCol">'.dots($row["lvl"]).'</td>
<td class="xpCol">'.dots($row["xp"]).'</td>
} else {
        echo '<tr class="row row2">
<td class="rankCol"><span>'.$i.'</span></td>
<td class="nameCol"><span><a href="'.$website.'/'.$pers.'?name='.$row["playerName"].'"     target="_self">'.BBCode($row["playerName"]).'</a></span></td>
<td class="lvlCol">'.dots($row["lvl"]).'</td>
<td class="xpCol">'.dots($row["xp"]).'</td>

I'm not sure where to go from here, any help?


1 个解决方案



Just do it in your query right off the bat:


SELECT * FROM skillsoverall ORDER BY lvl DESC, xp desc

SQL will allow multiple columns in the order by clause. In this case, it will now return data sorted by highest to lowest level and where there is more than one row with the same level, it sorts the data from highest to lowest XP. It will also work consistently using the limit clause.

SQL将允许order by子句中的多个列。在这种情况下,它将返回按最高到最低级别排序的数据,并且在同一级别上有多个行,从最高到最低的XP中对数据进行排序。它还将持续使用limit子句。



Just do it in your query right off the bat:


SELECT * FROM skillsoverall ORDER BY lvl DESC, xp desc

SQL will allow multiple columns in the order by clause. In this case, it will now return data sorted by highest to lowest level and where there is more than one row with the same level, it sorts the data from highest to lowest XP. It will also work consistently using the limit clause.

SQL将允许order by子句中的多个列。在这种情况下,它将返回按最高到最低级别排序的数据,并且在同一级别上有多个行,从最高到最低的XP中对数据进行排序。它还将持续使用limit子句。