Oracle是否允许在IN子句中使用ORDER BY?

时间:2022-12-11 22:48:54

Oracle is giving me an error (ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis) when I run this query:


select * 
from reason_for_appointment 
where reason_for_appointment_id in 
    select reason_for_appointment_id 
    from appointment_reason 
    where appointment_id = 11 
    order by appointment_reason_id

However, when I run just the subquery, there's no error.


Can anyone explain what the problem is?


5 个解决方案



The problem is that ORDER BY is not permiited inside a subquery like this one. Why did you want to have one?

问题是ORDER BY没有像这样的子查询中的内容。你为什么想要一个?



The inner query results will never be displayed, so theres no point in doing the order by in the nested select. Apply it to the outer query instead.




It looks like you're wanting to display the results from one table using an ordering defined in another table. An inner join should suffice.


select reason_for_appointment.*
from reason_for_appointment rfa, appointment_reason ar
where rfa.reason_for_appointment_id = ar.reason_for_appointment_id
and ar.appointment_id = 11
order by ar.appointment_reason_id;



select * from reason_for_appointment where reason_for_appointment_id in (select reason_for_appointment_id from appointment_reason where appointment_id = 11 order by appointment_reason_id)

select * from reason_for_appointment其中reason_for_appointment_id in(从appointment_reason中选择reason_for_appointment_id,其中appointment_id = 11 by appointment_reason_id)

try something like: with auxiliar as (select reason_for_appointment_id from appointment_reason where appointment_id = 11 order by appointment_reason_id) select reason_for_appointment_id from appointment_reason where reason_for_appointment_id in (select reason_for_appointment_id from auxiliar)

尝试类似:使用辅助as(从appointment_reason中选择reason_for_appointment_id,其中appointment_id =由ordered_reason_id命令11)从appointment_reason中选择reason_for_appointment_id,其中reason_for_appointment_id in(从辅助中选择reason_for_appointment_id)



If your goal is to have the output ordered, you simply want to move the ORDER BY outside of the subquery:

如果您的目标是订购输出,您只需要在子查询之外移动ORDER BY:

select * from reason_for_appointment where reason_for_appointment_id in
 (select reason_for_appointment_id from appointment_reason where appointment_id = 11)
 order by reason_for_appointment_id

( I'm assuming that where you wrote "appointment_reason_id" you meant "reason_for_appointment_id". If there really are two different columns with these names ... ouch.)




The problem is that ORDER BY is not permiited inside a subquery like this one. Why did you want to have one?

问题是ORDER BY没有像这样的子查询中的内容。你为什么想要一个?



The inner query results will never be displayed, so theres no point in doing the order by in the nested select. Apply it to the outer query instead.




It looks like you're wanting to display the results from one table using an ordering defined in another table. An inner join should suffice.


select reason_for_appointment.*
from reason_for_appointment rfa, appointment_reason ar
where rfa.reason_for_appointment_id = ar.reason_for_appointment_id
and ar.appointment_id = 11
order by ar.appointment_reason_id;



select * from reason_for_appointment where reason_for_appointment_id in (select reason_for_appointment_id from appointment_reason where appointment_id = 11 order by appointment_reason_id)

select * from reason_for_appointment其中reason_for_appointment_id in(从appointment_reason中选择reason_for_appointment_id,其中appointment_id = 11 by appointment_reason_id)

try something like: with auxiliar as (select reason_for_appointment_id from appointment_reason where appointment_id = 11 order by appointment_reason_id) select reason_for_appointment_id from appointment_reason where reason_for_appointment_id in (select reason_for_appointment_id from auxiliar)

尝试类似:使用辅助as(从appointment_reason中选择reason_for_appointment_id,其中appointment_id =由ordered_reason_id命令11)从appointment_reason中选择reason_for_appointment_id,其中reason_for_appointment_id in(从辅助中选择reason_for_appointment_id)



If your goal is to have the output ordered, you simply want to move the ORDER BY outside of the subquery:

如果您的目标是订购输出,您只需要在子查询之外移动ORDER BY:

select * from reason_for_appointment where reason_for_appointment_id in
 (select reason_for_appointment_id from appointment_reason where appointment_id = 11)
 order by reason_for_appointment_id

( I'm assuming that where you wrote "appointment_reason_id" you meant "reason_for_appointment_id". If there really are two different columns with these names ... ouch.)
